Minimal IRC server which integrates with mattermost and slack Tested on FreeBSD / Linux / Windows
- Matterircd works with slack, mastodon and mattermost 6.x, 7.x
Master branch of matterircd should always work against latest STABLE mattermost release.
- support direct messages / private channels / edited messages / deleted messages / reactions
- auto-join/leave to same channels as on mattermost
- reconnects with backoff on mattermost restarts
- support multiple users
- support channel/direct message backlog (messages when you're disconnected from IRC/mattermost)
- search messages (/msg mattermost search query)
- scrollback support (/msg mattermost scrollback #channel limit)
- away support
- restrict to specified mattermost instances
- set default team/server
- support TLS (ssl)
- support unix sockets
- support LDAP logins (mattermost enterprise) (use your ldap account/pass to login)
- &users channel that contains members of all teams (if mattermost is so configured) for easy messaging
- support for including/excluding channels from showing up in irc
- supports mattermost roles (shows admins with @ status for now)
- gitlab auth hack by using mmtoken cookie (see #29)
- mattermost personal token support
- support multiline pasting
- prefixcontext option for mattermost (see
- threading support
- reactions support
- ....
You can find the binaries here
Go 1.17+ is required
go install
You should now have matterircd binary in the bin directory:
$ ls ~/go/bin/
See matterircd.toml.example
Run with matterircd --conf matterircd.toml
Usage of ./matterircd:
--bind string interface:port to bind to, or a path to bind to a Unix socket. (default "")
--conf string config file (default "matterircd.toml")
--debug enable debug logging
--tlsbind string interface:port to bind to. (e.g
--tlsdir string directory to look for key.pem and cert.pem. (default ".")
--version show version
Matterircd will listen by default on localhost port 6667. Connect with your favorite irc-client to localhost:6667
For TLS support you'll need to generate certificates.
You can use this program generate_cert.go to generate key.pem and cert.pem
Login with user/pass
/msg mattermost login <server> <team> <username/email> <password>
Login with personal token
/msg mattermost login <server> <team> <username/email> token=<yourpersonaltoken>
Login with MFA token
/msg mattermost login <server> <team> <username/email> <password> MFAToken=<mfatoken>
/msg mattermost search query
/msg mattermost scrollback #<channel>|<user>|<post/thread ID> <limit>
e.g. /msg mattermost scrollback #bugs 100
shows the last 100 messages of #bugs
e.g. /msg mattermost scrollback zdofdf1nctgsj87xgt6oco1a3w 0
shows all messages from the thread with root/parent zdofdf1nctgsj87xgt6oco1a3w
Mark messages in a channel/from a user as read (when DisableAutoView is set).
/msg mattermost updatelastviewed <channel>
/msg mattermost updatelastviewed <username>
/msg mattermost part #mychannel
Get a slack token on
/msg slack login <token>
Or use team/login/pass to login
/msg slack login <team> <login> <password>
After login it'll show you a token you can use for the token login
A docker image for easily setting up and running matterircd on a server is available at docker hub.
Run the irc server on port 6667. You'll need to specify -bind otherwise it only listens on in the container.
docker run -p 6667:6667 42wim/matterircd:latest --bind
Now you can connect with your IRC client to port 6667 on your docker host.
(still WIP)
Configure your mastodon settings
See the [mastodon]
section in matterircd.toml.example
/msg mastodon login
You'll see your timeline in #mastodon (automatically joined to that channel)
Install the port.
# pkg install matterircd
Or with a local ports tree.
$ cd /usr/ports/net-im/matterircd
# make install clean
Enable the service.
echo "matterircd_enable="YES" >> /etc/rc.conf
Copy the default configuration and modify to your needs.
# cp /usr/local/etc/matterircd/matterircd.toml.sample /usr/local/etc/matterircd/matterircd.toml
Start the service.
# service matterircd start
We're also on the #matterircd
channel on
Yes, but not in the same connection (would cause problems with channel/user name conflicts).
matterircd supports multiple users, so you can configure your IRC client to have multiple networks that all connect to the same matterircd server.
You'll need to get the MMAUTHTOKEN
from your cookies, login via the browser first.
Then in chrome run F12 - application - Storage/cookies - select your mattermostdomain and fetch the MMAUTHTOKEN
Now login with /msg mattermost login <username> MMAUTHTOKEN=<mytoken>
(if this doesn't work, try /msg mattermost login <username> token=<mytoken>
See #29 for more information
Also see #98 for a script that fetches it for you.
Taken from:
Log via browser on the Slack team, open the browser's network tab in the developer tools, and look for an XHR transaction. Then look for the token (it starts with xoxc-) in the request data the auth cookie, contained in the d key-value in the request cookies (it looks like d=XXXX;)
Then concatenate the token and the auth cookie using a | character, like this:
and use the above as your token with slack login
/msg slack login xoxc-XXXX|d=XXXX;
Here are some external guides and documentation that might help you get up and running more quickly:
- matterircd-complete - better irssi/mattermost/matterircd integration