Exceptional http://exceptional.io
Exceptional helps you track errors in your Ruby apps
This Gem/Plugin posts exception data to Exceptional http://exceptional.io. Data about the request, session, environment and a backtrace of the exception is sent.
Install the Gem
$ gem install exceptional
Add config.gem entry to 'config/environment.rb'
config.gem 'exceptional'
Create your account and app at http://exceptional.io
Configue your API Key
$ exceptional install <api-key>
using the api-key from the app settings screen within Exceptional
Test with
exceptional test
Add gem entry to Gemfile
gem 'exceptional'
Run bundle install
Create your account and app at http://exceptional.io
Configue your API Key
$ exceptional install <api-key>
using the api-key from the app settings screen within Exceptional
Test with exceptional test
Exceptional will not report your exceptions in development environment by default.
To enable reporting of exceptions in development, please add the following lines to your exceptional.yml
enabled: true
To use Exceptional within multiple Rails environments, edit your
config/exceptional.yml to look like the following
enabled: true
api-key: your-dev-api-key
enabled: true
api-key: you-prod-api-key
For more information check out our docs site http://docs.exceptional.io
Or visit our knowledge base http://support.exceptional.io/
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