It has now 11 sorting algorithms and 6 different animations. Just have fun and learn it!
More sorting algorithms will be added in the next releases. So keep in touch with this project and give it a star if possible. Thank you all.
Issues and Pull Requests are welcome, please feel free to do that. And I will check it as soon as I see it.
│ └─data
│ ├─fonts
│ └─images
│ └─common # common components which is globally available
├─css # global stylesheet and prism theme stylesheet
├─router # vue-router
├─store # vuex
├─utils # utility functions
│ ├─DrawAll # draw all initially
│ ├─DrawSingle # draw single graph, such as circle.js, scatter2Line.js
│ ├─SortFunction # sort function to be displayed using Prism code block
│ │ ├─BogoSort
│ │ ├─BubbleSort
│ │ ├─CocktailShakerSort
│ │ ├─CountingSort
│ │ ├─HeapSort
│ │ ├─InsertionSort
│ │ ├─MergeSort
│ │ ├─QuickSort
│ │ ├─RadixSort
│ │ ├─SelectionSort
│ │ └─ShellSort
│ └─SortingAlgorithms # functions using in canvas to update array
└─views # HomeView