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Quickstart: set up a development stack from scratch
A full stack of software running in a docker container mainly for php-developers. The stack contains nginx, php-fpm, mariadb i.e. mysql, redis and memcached running on centos 7.
Your mysql and application data stay on the host, so you can easily discard the container (or replace with a new version) without data loss.
The stack features NFS to local synced directories, boosting performance for composer projects such as Symfony 2 and 3.
- For advanced developers who know about docker, and how to configure nginx (and php-fpm)
- Developers who want a full featured and high performance development stack isolated on their computer
- Developers who want to their development environment to resemble an actual server
This example shows how to setup your host and activate the full development stack. Go to the example
After Example #01 is completed, we'll configure the stack's vhosts to show a hello world application. Go to the example
Install a symfony application on a synchable directory for enhanced performance. Go to the example
- full php and db centos7stack featuring nginx, php-fpm, mariadb, memcached, and redis
- based on our dxstack1-base image (learn more...)
- customize nginx configuration through a mounted volume
- store data in the container through a mounted volume
- mounted volume is lsynced to the container's local filesystem through lsyncd for high application performance