Easily share passwords, text, and files between people with an easy link for them to visit. Each secret that is created can be limited to a number of visits and all data will be deleted after this limit is reached.
To compile the application GoLang needs to be installed on the system and then call
env go build *.go
to start the Program just call the following
./main -p <YOURPASSWORD>
this will startup the go application on localhost:8080. To login just use as User "admin" and your password.
Other options to customize the application are also available
- -u URL that the application is running behind "secret.myURL.com"
- -g URL to Data-privacy policy, (shown in the footer)
- -m E-Mail address to contact the administrator (shown in the footer)
- -l URL to custom logo to display (SVG is recommended)
To run OneTimeLink in a Docker container a image can be created using the build.sh script.
./ build.sh
To run just call the following replacing <..> with your variables.
docker run -e "PASSWORD=<YourPassword>" -d -t -p 9001:8080 --name onetimelink onetimelink:latest
Example with multiple variables
docker run -e "PASSWORD=<YourPassword>" -e "LOGO=<LinkToCustomLOGO>" -e "URL=<secret.MyURL.com>" -d -t -p 9001:8080 --name onetimelink onetimelink:latest