jQuery did this for JS, we're doing it for zsh.
A simpler zsh configuration framework.
Follows the "Explicit is better than implicit" principle from the Zen of Python, so almost nothing gets loaded when you source
the file.
What's wrong with Oh My Zsh?
Nothing. It's just a bit too complex for my taste.
- Checks: functions
for your if statements - Some common defaults (eg. ^W removes until a
like in vim, bash and tcsh) - Plug&play support for Ubuntu's command-not-found, hub, RubyGems on Debian/Ubuntu, rvm, rbenv
- Prompt setting aliases (for better readability) and "prompts" command which sets both left and right prompts
- Neat stuff for your prompt: virtualenv info, smart prompt character (by Steve Losh. ± when you're in a Git repo, ☿ in a Mercurial repo, $ otherwise), rvm/rbenv ruby version
- Aliases
- Completion for a lot of stuff
- Correction
- Current directory in title support: add
to your chpwd(). In OS X Lion Terminal.app, this'll be draggable!
pretty self-explanatoryex
extract archivesmcd
mkdir + cdbeep
pretty-print JSONcj
curl and pretty-print JSONmd5
of a stringpinst
install python package from current dir and remove build, dist and egg-info folderss_http
serve current folder via https_smtp
launch an SMTP test server for development, on port 1025lst
ls tree-styleup
find a file in parent dirspath
pretty-print $PATH (with colors! yay!)
get/set sound volumelocatemd
search with Spotlightql
open something in Quick Lookoo
open current dir in Findercdf
cd to the current path of the frontmost Finder windowmailapp
creates a message in Mail.app from the first arg as a string or stdin if there are no args (eg. you can pipe stuff into it)evernote
same with a note in Evernote.appquit
OS X GUI appsselected
Finder items
source $yourdotfiles/zshuery/zshuery.sh
load_completion $yourdotfiles/zshuery/completion/src
prompts '%{$fg_bold[green]%}${PWD/#$HOME/~}%{$reset_color%}$(virtualenv_info) %{$fg[yellow]%}$(prompt_char)%{$reset_color%} ' '%{$fg[red]%}$(ruby_version)%{$reset_color%}'
if is_mac; then
export EDITOR='mvim'
export EDITOR='vim'
chpwd() {