Implementation of famous Deep Learning Algorithms in pytorch
Implemented a fully connected neural network to classify handwritten digits. Further explored which node in different layers are firing for different kinds of digits
Implemented a fully connected neural network to learn mask to denoise audio having chip eating noise
Implemented a 1D convolutional neural network to learn mask to denoise audio having chip eating noise
Implemented a 2D convolutional neural network to learn mask to denoise audio having chip eating noise Suprisingly, 1D CNN outperforms 2D cnn. This can be reasoned by saying that audio data is kind of time series data and has only 2 dimentions, one is time and other is value at that time instance. It makes more sense to use 2D convs for data with 3 dimentions. For example Images
Implemented a Recurrent neural network to learn mask to denoise audio having chip eating noise
Reduced network parameters by usage of SVD on the parameters. Compared network performance with respect of number of parameters needed for the network to understand effect of network compression
Implemented a generative adversarial network to generate handwritten digits similar to MNIST digits
Implemented a conditional GAN to control which digit is generated.
Implemented Siamese network to verify which audio clip belongs to which speaker.
Learned the gaussian distribution which can generate MNIST digits. Tried different combinations of parameters of the distribution to see effect on the generated digits.