Formerly known as tsvn-tfs-provider, this is a simple provider for TSVN or TGIT that allows you to select work items from TFS to be included in commit log.
- Download and install latest .NET Framework available;
- 3.5 SP1 is mandatory, 4.0 or newer is recommended.
- Team Explorer 2010 (included with every edition of VS2010 except for Expresses);
- Download and install latest Tortoise front-end available (optional):
- TortoiseSVN: 1.5 is mandatory, 1.6+ is recommended;
- TortoiseGit: 1.2.1 is mandatory, 1.4.4+ is recommended.
You'll need Visual Studio 2010 to build this project.
After the build is complete, there's Register.reg file in bin sub-folder that needs to be imported (only once) before plug-in could be used with any Tortoise front-end that supports IBugTraqProvider (TortoiseSVN/TortoiseGit).