This is a three-tier application that allows software teams to closely track tasks/issues. This application is essentially a JIRA clone that is fully synchronized with Github issues.
- University: San Jose State University
- Course: CMPE 172: Enterprise Software
- Students: Gary Chang, Sachin Shah, William Nguyen
- UI is built with React, which uses material-ui and react-beautiful-dnd for a rich user experience
- Backend server is built with Express, which interacts with Github's REST API and AWS DynamoDB to read/write information based on client requests
- AWS DynamoDB for NoSQL data storage
- AWS EC2 to host the application
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Install dependencies and run applications (two terminal tabs):
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Build React for production and serve with NGINX base image, in a container to container network with the backend
$ docker-compose up --build
Other diagrams that describe the application at a lower level can be found in this repository's wiki