Welcome to the inner workings of HECC-IT, where you can see all the things that can and probably will make you shout 'HECC' and other words along those lines!
I have separated the source code into packages to make it relatively easy to tell what thing contains what.
- This holds the manifest for building HECC-IT as a .jar file.
- assets
- This holds
- The prebaked .html and .js files which are used by HECC-UP when outputting a heccin' game
- index.html
- heccer.js
- showdown.min.js
- These are to be treated as the 'production' versions of the files.
- The icons and such used by the jframes etc in HECC-IT, for the sole purpose of making it look less generic and crappy.
- The prebaked .html and .js files which are used by HECC-UP when outputting a heccin' game
- This holds
- heccCeptions
- The custom exceptions used by HECC-IT.
the joke is that they're exceptions but they involve hecc, and the 'ex' in 'exceptions' sounds like 'hecc'- These are thrown when there's a problem with the structure of the games a user is trying to make.
- The custom exceptions used by HECC-IT.
- hecc_up
- The HECC Ultra Parser.
- The files in this package are responsible for reading a .hecc file and outputting it as a heccin' game.
- A lot of the code in here is legacy code (some of it was from back in August 2020)/
- oh_hecc
- Optional Help for HECC (and also the main method for HECC-IT is in here)
- This is the least old part of HECC-IT, still several of months old, and does still need some improvements.
- utilities
- some miscellaneous Java files, that are useful, but don't neatly fit into one of the other packages.
If you want to see the much more detailed javadoc-style documentation, please go to ../JavaDocs instead.
If you wanted the really, really, long discussion/rant about the development process of HECC-IT, please go to ../Technical Documentation instead.