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Configuration for provisioning AWS cloud resources to run a scalable web server with an internet-facing load balancer.

You might use this if to deploy a containerized webserver application. This module plays well with 100Automations postgres-vpc for deploying a full secure backend with database, network, and web server.


module "webapp" {
  source = "git::"

  # common
  tags       = { Namespace = "OneHundredAutomations", terraform_managed = true }
  namespace  = "1ha"
  region     = "us-west-2"
  stage      = "dev"

  acm_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789100:certificate/ac4akjde-asdjf44444asdlkfj463464fbe5"
  vpc_id = "vpc-01234556abcdef"

  task_definition_file = "task.json"

  public_subnet_ids = [

  project_name     = "my-webapp"
  task_name        = "server"
  container_name   = "express"
  container_port   = 80
  container_cpu    = 256
  container_memory = 1024
  desired_count    = 1
  extra_task_definition_vars = { foo = "bar", another = "baz" }

see the example directory for a more full fledged working example.


Name Description Default Required
additional_security_group_ids a list of 0 or more security group ids to be added to ecs service network configuraiton. Example ['sg-abcd10234', 'sg-112233445'] [] no
stage a short name identifier describing the stage or lifecycle this infra represents. Example "dev", "stg", "qa", "prod" "" yes
namespace a short name identifier for top-level organization of resources. Used to separate and identify different projects and avoid name collisions on shared infra "" yes
region AWS region short code where the infrastructure is running. Example: "us-west-2", "us-east-1" "us-west-2" no
project_name A name or identifier of the project. Used for naming cluster,service, security groups, and more. "" yes
vpc_id The VPC identifier for which the app should be provisioned into "" yes
container_name The name of the webserver container "" yes
container_port The port that the container exposes to web traffic 8080 no
container_memory The amount of RAM in MiB to dedicate to the container 1024 no
container_cpu The amount of cpu in MiB to dedicate to the container 512 no
desired_count The number of tasks to be launched when the service is created 1 no
assign_public_ip Whether or not to expose a public IP address on the task containers. Can be useful for debugging when true. Defaults to false. false no
tags Map of resource tags useful for billing breakdown and usage {terraform_managed = true} no
acm_certificate_arn the ARN for the TLS certificate available in the region where the webserver is to be running "" yes
health_check_route The endpoint on the webserver app where the load balancer target group will do HTTP GET requests to run health checks. Must return an HTTP status 200 "/status" no
task_name The name of the ECS task; can match the project or container name. This value is useful to know and often important for CI actions doing automated deployments "app" no
extra_task_definition_vars A map of key value pairs to be passed into an interpolated into the task defintion template json file. These work hand in hand with the task.json file described below. {} no
task_definition_file The file path to a JSON file containing an ECS task definition. This file is expected to be within the current working directory. Read more on ECS task defintion syntax: "task_definition.json" no




terraform configuration for deploying an ECS web server to AWS



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