Configuration for provisioning AWS cloud resources to run a scalable web server with an internet-facing load balancer.
You might use this if to deploy a containerized webserver application. This module plays well with 100Automations postgres-vpc for deploying a full secure backend with database, network, and web server.
module "webapp" {
source = "git::"
# common
tags = { Namespace = "OneHundredAutomations", terraform_managed = true }
namespace = "1ha"
region = "us-west-2"
stage = "dev"
acm_certificate_arn = "arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:123456789100:certificate/ac4akjde-asdjf44444asdlkfj463464fbe5"
vpc_id = "vpc-01234556abcdef"
task_definition_file = "task.json"
public_subnet_ids = [
project_name = "my-webapp"
task_name = "server"
container_name = "express"
container_port = 80
container_cpu = 256
container_memory = 1024
desired_count = 1
extra_task_definition_vars = { foo = "bar", another = "baz" }
see the example directory for a more full fledged working example.
Name | Description | Default | Required |
additional_security_group_ids | a list of 0 or more security group ids to be added to ecs service network configuraiton. Example ['sg-abcd10234', 'sg-112233445'] | [] | no |
stage | a short name identifier describing the stage or lifecycle this infra represents. Example "dev", "stg", "qa", "prod" | "" | yes |
namespace | a short name identifier for top-level organization of resources. Used to separate and identify different projects and avoid name collisions on shared infra | "" | yes |
region | AWS region short code where the infrastructure is running. Example: "us-west-2", "us-east-1" | "us-west-2" | no |
project_name | A name or identifier of the project. Used for naming cluster,service, security groups, and more. | "" | yes |
vpc_id | The VPC identifier for which the app should be provisioned into | "" | yes |
container_name | The name of the webserver container | "" | yes |
container_port | The port that the container exposes to web traffic | 8080 | no |
container_memory | The amount of RAM in MiB to dedicate to the container | 1024 | no |
container_cpu | The amount of cpu in MiB to dedicate to the container | 512 | no |
desired_count | The number of tasks to be launched when the service is created | 1 | no |
assign_public_ip | Whether or not to expose a public IP address on the task containers. Can be useful for debugging when true. Defaults to false. | false | no |
tags | Map of resource tags useful for billing breakdown and usage | {terraform_managed = true} | no |
acm_certificate_arn | the ARN for the TLS certificate available in the region where the webserver is to be running | "" | yes |
health_check_route | The endpoint on the webserver app where the load balancer target group will do HTTP GET requests to run health checks. Must return an HTTP status 200 | "/status" | no |
task_name | The name of the ECS task; can match the project or container name. This value is useful to know and often important for CI actions doing automated deployments | "app" | no |
extra_task_definition_vars | A map of key value pairs to be passed into an interpolated into the task defintion template json file. These work hand in hand with the task.json file described below. |
{} | no |
task_definition_file | The file path to a JSON file containing an ECS task definition. This file is expected to be within the current working directory. Read more on ECS task defintion syntax: | "task_definition.json" | no |