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Chronix Kassiopeia

Chronix Kassiopeia is a library that provides classes and functions to work with time series. Kassiopeia can easily plugged into Chronix. Kassiopeia is split up into two different time series classes with its belonging converters. The first implementation is Chronix-Kassiopeia. It consists of the following packages:

  • Chronix-Kassiopeia
  • Chronix-Kassiopeia-Converter

The second implementation is Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple.

  • Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple
  • Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple-Converter


Chronix-Kassiopeia has no dependencies to Chronix. Hence it can be used in any project without putting any Chronix libraries to the classpath.

Chronix-Kassiopeia Time Series

That's how Chronix-Kassiopeia time series looks: (A detailed description could be found here: Chronix-Kassiopeia)

	ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> aux = new ArrayList<>();
	aux.add(pairOf(0, 7));
	aux.add(pairOf(10, 70));
	TimeSeries<Integer, Integer> tv = new TimeSeries<>(aux);
	sf.apply(-10000);          // returns null
	sf.apply(0);               // returns 7
	sf.apply(10);              // returns 70
	sf.apply(1000);            // returns 70

	aux.add(pairOf(null, 3));
	aux.add(pairOf(5, 30));
	TimeSeries<Integer, Integer> tw = new TimeSeries<>(aux);

	TimeSeries<Integer, Boolean> tr = merge(tv, tw, (x, y) -> x < y);
	tr.apply(-10000);          // returns True
	tr.apply(0);               // returns False
	tr.apply(5);               // returns True
	tr.apply(10);              // returns False

Chronix-Kassiopeia Time Series Converter

To use Chronix-Kassiopeia with Chronix-Server one need the Chronix-Kassiopeia-Converter and the Chronix-API package. Both packages are on on Bintray.

This is a code snipped that shows how to integrate Chronix-Kassiopeia and Chronix-Server:

//Define a group by function for the time series records
Function<TimeSeries<Long, Double>, String> groupBy = ts -> ts.getAttribute("metric") 
                                                           + "-"
                                                           + ts.getAttribute("host");

//Define a reduce function for the grouped time series records. We use the average.
BinaryOperator<TimeSeries<Long, Double>> reduce = (ts1, ts2) -> 
                                                   merge(ts1, ts2, (y1, y2) -> (y1 + y2) / 2);

//Instantiate a Chronix Client
ChronixClient<TimeSeries<Long, Double>, SolrClient, SolrQuery> chronix = new ChronixClient<>
                    (new KassiopeiaConverter(), new ChronixSolrStorage<>(200, groupBy, reduce));

//We want all time series that metric matches *load*.
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("metric:*Load*");

//The result is a Java Stream. We simply collect the result into a list.
List<TimeSeries<Long, Double>> result =, query).collect(Collectors.toList());


As Chronix-Kassiopeia the Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple package also does not depend on any other Chronix library.

Note: The Chronix-Server uses for server-side aggregations and high-level analyses the Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple time series. Hence one currently can only use server-side functions with Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple.


That's how Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple time series looks:

//Build a metric time series with three points
MetricTimeSeries series = new MetricTimeSeries.Builder("memory\\usage")
      .attribute("host", "lapp32")
      .attribute("process", "chronix")
      .point(, 527)
      .point(, 683)
      .point(, 528)
      .attribute("max", 683)
//sort the points based on the timestamp
//get as stream of Pairs with index, long, and double (primitive data types)
//only get the timestamps
//only get the values


To use Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple with Chronix-Server one need the Chronix-Kassiopeia-Simple-Converter and the Chronix-API package. Both packages are on on Bintray.

SolrClient solr = new HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8983/solr/chronix/");

 //Define a group by function for the time series records
Function<MetricTimeSeries, String> groupBy = ts -> ts.getMetric() 
                                                   + "-" 
                                                   + ts.attribute("host");

//Define a reduce function for the grouped time series records
BinaryOperator<MetricTimeSeries> reduce = (ts1, ts2) -> {
      MetricTimeSeries.Builder reduced = new MetricTimeSeries
               .data(concat(ts1.getTimestamps(), ts2.getTimestamps()),
                    concat(ts1.getValues(), ts2.getValues()))
//Instantiate a Chronix Client
ChronixClient<MetricTimeSeries, SolrClient, SolrQuery> chronix = new ChronixClient<>
        (new KassiopeiaSimpleConverter(), new ChronixSolrStorage<>(200, groupBy, reduce));

//We want the maximum of all time series that metric matches *load*.
SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("metric:*Load*");

//The result is a Java Stream. We simply collect the result into a list.
List<MetricTimeSeries> maxTS =, query).collect(Collectors.toList());

Serialization and Date-Delta-Compaction

The Kassiopeia-Simple-Converter uses Protocol Buffers to serialize the points of a time series and GZIP for compression. Part of the serialization is a so called Date-Delta-Compaction algorithm. The algorithms calculates the deltas between the timestamps and writes them out. This reduces the storage demand due to the fact that the deltas are smaller values than raw timestamps. Furthermore a user can define a threshold that is applied to the delta of the deltas. If the delta of two deltas is below the threshold, we assum that the deltas are equal and we only write the first delta. See for more details about the time series serialization.


Build script snippet for use in all Gradle versions, using the Bintray Maven repository:

repositories {
    maven { 
        url "" 
dependencies {
   compile 'de.qaware.chronix:chronix-kassiopeia:0.1.7'
   compile 'de.qaware.chronix:chronix-kassiopeia-converter:0.1.7'
   //or use the simple time series class
   compile 'de.qaware.chronix:chronix-kassiopeia-simple:0.1.7'
   compile 'de.qaware.chronix:chronix-kassiopeia-simple-converter:0.1.7'


Is there anything missing? Do you have ideas for new features or improvements? You are highly welcome to contribute your improvements, to the Chronix projects. All you have to do is to fork this repository, improve the code and issue a pull request.


Florian Lautenschlager @flolaut


This software is provided under the Apache License, Version 2.0 license.

See the LICENSE file for details.


A time series implementation used within Chronix







No packages published


  • Java 81.1%
  • Groovy 18.4%
  • Protocol Buffer 0.5%