👋 Hey There! I am Fatima Azeemi ✌ Things that will help you know me better: 🚀 I am passionate and open to learning and discussing new technologies and frameworks! 😎 I am a undergraduate and pursuing my goals and dreams. ⚙ I am interested in topics related to: 🤞 Full Stack Web Development (MERN, Next.js & AWS) 🤞 Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning & LLMs 🤞 Blockchain & Quantum Computing Enthusiast 🔭 I am currently learning multiple technologies like MERN Stack, NextJs, Generative AI, ML.. 🔥 In my free time, I love to: 🤞 Learn about new technologies. 🤞 Watch movies and travel vlogs. 📧 You can contact me at any time at AzeemiFatima. I'll try to respond ASAP!! ⚡ Fun fact: I want to visit every country on this planet. 📡 Tech Stack: ⚡ Some Analysis: