Email: 0xevm1 at gmail dot com
This is a completely onchain NFT with many variations. Uses assembly and careful use of storage slots to be efficient. Retrieves and persists attributes by using random methods with a non-random seed. Has mouse-over and tap events in CSS that are tied to various SVG elements.
( ' )-. ,~'`-.
,~' ` ' ) ) _( _) )
( ( .--.===.--. ( ` ' )
`.%%.;::|888.#`. `-'`~~=~'
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\%\:::::|88888/#/ ( `' )
\%\::::|8888/#/( , -'`-.
,~-. `%\:::|888/#'( ( ') )
( ) )_ `\__|__/' `~-~=--~~='
( ` ') ) [VVVVV]
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