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The following packages need to be installed before building Rosita++.

  • A C++11 compliant compiler
  • CMake
  • Python3
  • Boost filesystem (package libboost-filesystem-dev in Ubuntu/Debian)
  • Numpy (Python package)
  • Pandas (Python package)

Once these are installed, run the following command from this repository's root directory to build Rosita++ and it's dependencies. Our testing was done on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 21.10.


Setting up environment

Run the following commands in a bash shell. Please make sure that you run all commands regarding Rosita++ after you have sourced the content of envvars.

source envvars                                  # setup required environment variables 

Running Rosita++

Rosita++'s workflow is as follows,

  1. Build the cipher implementation to be tested using customisations needed and run ELMO to emulate power traces. The --from-asm option is needed for all runs after the first run. This is due to the modifications from Rosita++ is applied to assembler files and if built from the source files, these files get overwritten.

    Run either of the following commands,

    • emulatetraces - To emulate univariate power traces
    • emulatetraces-biv - To emulate bivariate power traces
    • emulatetraces-triv - To emulate trivariate power traces

    The commands are in following format,

     ./ROSITAPP/emulatetraces[-biv|-triv] --reps <TRACE-COUNT> --fixed-inputs <NO-OF-FIXED-INPUTS> -b [--from-asm] <BUILD-JSON-FILE>

    A few examples follow,

     ./ROSITAPP/emulatetraces-biv --reps 10000 --fixed-inputs 1 -b [--from-asm] ./TESTS/xoodoo/build_3share_e.json
     ./ROSITAPP/emulatetraces-biv --reps 10000 --fixed-inputs 1 -b [--from-asm] ./TESTS/present_2nd_order/build.json
     ./ROSITAPP/emulatetraces-biv --reps 10000 --fixed-inputs 1 -b [--from-asm] ./TESTS/bool2arith/build_bool2arith.json
  2. Skip to step 3 if you used the univariate configuration otherwise following commands to start root cause detection. The number of threads used for parallelisation can be tuned in default is 4 threads.

     ./ROSITAPP/rosita-biv -s -m <BUILD-JSON-FILE>
     ./ROSITAPP/rosita-triv -s -m <BUILD-JSON-FILE>
  3. Apply code rewrites using Rosita's pattern library.

     ./ROSITAPP/rosita[-biv|-triv] -m <BUILD-JSON-FILE>


     ./ROSITAPP/rosita-biv -m ./TESTS/xoodoo/build_3share_e.json
     ./ROSITAPP/rosita -m ./TESTS/xoodoo/build_3share_e.json
  4. Repeat from step 1 until the leakage measure is zero.

Additional Options

  • View instruction level leakage and root causes (after running ELMO using -b option for emulatetraces)

      ./ROSITAPP/rosita[-biv|-triv] -a ./TESTS/xoodoo/build_3share_e.json | less -S


This work was supported by:

  • ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award number DE200101577
  • ARC Discovery Projects numbers DP200102364 and DP210102670
  • the Blavatnik ICRC at Tel-Aviv University
  • Data61. CSIRO
  • European Commission through the ERC Starting Grant 805031 (EPOQUE) of Peter Schwabe
  • Gifts from Facebook, Google and Intel.


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