This is a project that I did in my 2nd semester.
- This main branch has one .cpp file. Other branches are more cleaned up with seperated .cpp and .h files.
2 people battle against each other in a best of 5 playing 3 games:
- Tick Cross
- Tap Tap! (Which is quite brutal)
- Snake game like but on the terminal!
There is no need to explain what tick cross does.
Two people will battle each other by pressing one single button. The one who is faster will be victorious!
Note: On Linux You need to press Enter everytime you want to input anything. I figured out how to take input without pressing Enter on Windows but not on Linux. If someone knows how to do it on linux please tell me :).
Update: I was able to take inputs without pressing enter on linux by using "cooked"/"raw" mode for terminal but I donot fully understand it and it might not work for your system.
If you have played you already know what kind of game this is. 2 Snakes battle against each other. Their Ultimate goal is to kill the other snake. You can kill the other by making the other snake's head touch your body or by becoming a bigger snake and eating the other from the head! The controls are:
Player 1) w a s d
Player 2) i j k l