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Quick Setup

00JCIV00 edited this page Apr 7, 2024 · 2 revisions

Be sure to install Cova to your project first. Then follow this minimum working demo of Cova to integrate it into your project.


const std = @import("std");
const cova = @import("cova");
const CommandT = cova.Command.Base();

pub const ProjectStruct = struct {
    pub const SubStruct = struct {
        sub_uint: ?u8 = 5,
        sub_string: []const u8,

    subcmd: SubStruct = .{},
    int: ?i4 = 10,
    flag: ?bool = false,
    strings: [3]const []const u8 = .{ "Three", "default", "strings." },

const setup_cmd = CommandT.from(ProjectStruct);

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const alloc = gpa.allocator();
    const stdout =;

    const main_cmd = try setup_cmd.init(alloc, .{});
    defer main_cmd.deinit();

    var args_iter = try cova.ArgIteratorGeneric.init(alloc);
    defer args_iter.deinit();

    cova.parseArgs(&args_iter, CommandT, &main_cmd, stdout, .{}) catch |err| switch(err) {
        else => return err,
    try cova.utils.displayCmdInfo(CommandT, &main_cmd, alloc, stdout);


This is a detailed explanation of the code above.


// The main cova library module. This is added via `build.zig` & `build.zig.zon` during
// installation.
const cova = @import("cova");

// The Command Type for all Commands in this project.
const CommandT = cova.Command.Base();

A Valid Project Struct

The rules for what makes a Valid struct and how they're converted into Commands can be found in the API Documentation under cova.Command.Custom.from().

// This comptime struct is valid to be parsed into a cova Command.
pub const ProjectStruct = struct {
    // This nested struct is also valid.
    pub const SubStruct = struct {
        // Optional Primitive type fields will be converted into cova Options.
        // By default, Options will be given a long name and a short name based on the
        // field name. (i.e. int = `-i` or `--int`)
        sub_uint: ?u8 = 5,

        // Primitive type fields will be converted into Values.
        sub_string: []const u8,

    // Struct fields will be converted into cova Commands.
    subcmd: SubStruct = .{},

    // The default values of Primitive type fields will be applied as the default value
    // of the converted Option or Value.
    int: ?i4 = 10,

    // Optional Booleans will become cova Options that don't take a Value and are set to
    // `true` simply by calling the Option's short or long name.
    flag: ?bool = false,

    // Arrays will be turned into Multi-Values or Multi-Options based on the array's
    // child type.
    strings: [3]const []const u8 = .{ "Three", "default", "strings." },

Creating the Comptime Setup Command

// `from()` method will convert the above Struct into a Command.
// This must be done at Comptime for proper Validation before Initialization to memory
// for Runtime use.
const setup_cmd = CommandT.from(ProjectStruct);

Command Validation and Initialization to memory for Runtime Use

pub fn main() !void {

    // The `init()` method of a Command instance will Validate the Command's
    // Argument Types for correctness and distinct names, then it will return a
    // memory allocated copy of the Command for argument token parsing and
    // follow on analysis.
    const main_cmd = try setup_cmd.init(alloc, .{});
    defer main_cmd.deinit();

Set up the Argument Iterator

pub fn main() {

    // The ArgIteratorGeneric is used to step through argument tokens.
    // By default (using `init()`), it will provide Zig's native, cross-platform ArgIterator
    // with end user argument tokens. There's also cova's RawArgIterator that can be used to
    // parse any slice of strings as argument tokens.
    var args_iter = try cova.ArgIteratorGeneric.init(alloc);
    defer args_iter.deinit();


Parse argument tokens and Display the result

pub fn main() !void {

    // The `parseArgs()` function will parse the provided ArgIterator's (`&args_iter`)
    // tokens into Argument Types within the provided Command (`main_cmd`).
    try cova.parseArgs(&args_iter, CommandT, &main_cmd, stdout, .{});

    // Once parsed, the provided Command will be available for analysis by the
    // project code. Using `utils.displayCmdInfo()` will create a neat display
    // of the parsed Command for debugging.
    try utils.displayCmdInfo(CommandT, &main_cmd, alloc, stdout);