Selector Redux Docs
We always use selectors to access the state. That way we can refactor the reducer structure without having to change every single component.
Every reducer file contains a simple selector for accessing the respective state.
// => reducers/myFeature/myReducer.js
export const getStateProp = state => state.myFeature.myReducer;
Similar to reducers, selectors get exported on each folder level's index.js
// => reducers/myFeature/index.js
export * from './myReducer';
Sometimes you want to combine information from different areas of the state to keep the logic out of the component. A good way of doing this is by using createSelector
(reselect Docs):
// => selectors/ui.js
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { getUsers, getSelectedPost } from '@/reducers';
export const getPostAuthor = createSelector(
(users, post) => users.find(user => ===
Since these types of selectors can't be matched with a single reducer, they should go in their own folder and file.