Releases: znuny/Znuny-Sublime
Releases · znuny/Znuny-Sublime
Bugfix release.
Fixed bug: Wrong path separator for windows machines.
Snippets, AddJSOnDocumentCompleteIfNotExists, Core.Form.Znuny4OTRSInput and <FileList> functionality
Snippets, AddJSOnDocumentCompleteIfNotExists, Core.Form.Znuny4OTRSInput and <FileList> functionality
- Added "Internal" attribute to dynamic field snippets.
- Added JS marker snippet.
- Added JS AGPL header snippet.
- Added $LayoutObject->AddJSOnDocumentCompleteIfNotExists snippet.
- Added Core.Form.Znuny4OTRSInput snippets.
- Added 'Creating from project' functionality.
Customization branch fix
Fixed bug: Branch selection is broken.
Bugfix release.
- Fixed bug: Ending newline breaks authentication.
- Fixed bug: JSON syntax error.
Feature release
- Added first draft of CheatSheet functionality.
- Added functionality for fetching framework files from github.
- Added support for syntax names in newer SublimeText versions.
- Added "otrs.erlog" snippets.
- Added "Queue", "Type", "Webservice" and "GeneralCatalog" ObjectManager snippets.
- Added CodePolicy "nofilter" and "origin" snippets.
- Added "GetParam" snippet.
- Added missing AGPL block to file header snippets.
- Fixed bug: Dependencies can only added to real package modules, not templates.
Bugfix release
Fixed bug: Usage of uninitialized settings caused by caching.
Bugfix release
Fixed bug: Usage of wrong variable.
Bugfix release
- Fixed bug: Error while loading settings.
Bugfix release
Fixed bug: Multiple entries in quick select field in 'Add folder from workspace to project' functionality.
Add folder to project
- Added 'Add folder from workspace to project' functionality.
- Added, improved and fixed some snippets.