#General Introduction This is an ARM emulator project. The name means "ARM Utility Emulator". It emulates the full function of an ARM based CPU such as ARM cortex m3.
The function includes instruction set, memory map, rom, ram, peripherals, etc.
#Current Process Completing the core function of the emulator mentioned above, especially the arm v7m instruction set and memory map.
###ARM v7m Instruction Set Here is the 16 bit thumb instruction set
- LSL(imm)
- LSR(imm)
- ASR(imm)
- ADD(reg)
- SUB(reg)
- ADD(imm 3bit)
- SUB(imm 3bit)
- MOV(imm)
- MOV(reg)
- CMP(imm)
- ADD(imm 8bit)
- SUB(imm 8bit)
#Developing Enviroment The source is currently developed and tested under Windows 7 64 bit and Visual Stdio 2010 and will be ported to Linux with gcc in the future.