PrettyDiffText is wrapper of RichText which demonstrates differences between two texts visually.
It uses Google's diff-match-patch library which implements Myer's diff algorithm. It is generally considered to be the best general-purpose diff.
- 🔥 Pure Dart: It is written purely in Dart.
- ⭐ Cross-Platform: Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux and the web.
- 💥 Highly Customizable: Almost everything can be customized:
- Text style of AddedText, DeletedText, EqualText.
- Diff cleanup types: SEMANTIC, EFFICIENCY, NONE
- Diff algorithm tuning: DiffTimeout, EditCost
- All customization which Flutter's RichText has.
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
pretty_diff_text: ^1.0.0
import 'package:pretty_diff_text/pretty_diff_text.dart';
It is easy as using Text widget!
oldText: "Your old text",
newText: "Your new text",
Those properties are available for customization:
/// Default text style of RichText. Mainly will be used for the text which did not change.
/// [addedTextStyle] and [deletedTextStyle] will inherit styles from it.
final TextStyle defaultTextStyle;
/// Text style of text which was added.
final TextStyle addedTextStyle;
/// Text style of text which was deleted.
final TextStyle deletedTextStyle;
/// See [DiffCleanupType] for types.
final DiffCleanupType diffCleanupType;
/// If the mapping phase of the diff computation takes longer than this,
/// then the computation is truncated and the best solution to date is
/// returned. While guaranteed to be correct, it may not be optimal.
/// A timeout of '0' allows for unlimited computation.
/// The default value is 1.0.
final double diffTimeout;
/// Cost of an empty edit operation in terms of edit characters.
/// This value is used when [DiffCleanupType] is selected as [DiffCleanupType.EFFICIENCY]
/// The larger the edit cost, the more aggressive the cleanup.
/// The default value is 4.
final int diffEditCost;
/// See [RichText] for documentation.
final TextAlign textAlign;
final TextDirection? textDirection;
final bool softWrap;
final TextOverflow overflow;
final double textScaleFactor;
final int? maxLines;
final Locale? locale;
final StrutStyle? strutStyle;
final TextWidthBasis textWidthBasis;
final TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior;
enum DiffCleanupType {
/// Increase human readability by factoring out commonalities which are likely to be coincidental.
/// Increase computational efficiency by factoring out short commonalities which are not worth the overhead.
/// The larger the edit cost(see: [PrettyDiffText::diffEditCost]), the more aggressive the cleanup.
/// No cleanup. Raw output.
Clone the demo app to play around: DEMO