Name | Type | Description | Notes |
account_created | \DateTime | The time at which the shopper's account was created | [optional] |
sales_total_count | int | The total number of separate purchases the shopper has made through the store | [optional] |
sales_total_amount | float | The total purchase amount of all orders previously captured through the store. | [optional] |
sales_avg_amount | float | The average value of sales made by the shopper through the store | [optional] |
sales_max_amount | float | The maximum purchase amount the shopper has previously purchased from the store. | [optional] |
refunds_total_amount | float | The total amount of all refunds linked to this shopper's account | [optional] |
previous_chargeback | bool | Has the shopper had a previous chargeback? | [optional] |
currency | string | The currency of all all amount values | [optional] |
last_login | \DateTime | The date at which the shopper last logged in to your store. | [optional] |
has_previous_purchases | bool | Does this customer have previous purchases at your store? | [optional] |
fraud_check_result | string | Merchant system's fraud check result | [optional] |