diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index cd1762443..784da8eb0 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -138,9 +138,10 @@ lazy val `quill-sql` =
// errors will happen. Even if the pprint classes are actually there
"io.suzaku" %% "boopickle" % "1.4.0",
"com.lihaoyi" %% "pprint" % "0.6.6",
- "io.getquill" %% "quill-engine" % "4.2.0",
+ "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.3" % Test,
+ "io.getquill" %% "quill-engine" % "4.2.1-SNAPSHOT",
"dev.zio" %% "zio" % "2.0.0",
- ("io.getquill" %% "quill-util" % "4.2.0")
+ ("io.getquill" %% "quill-util" % "4.2.1-SNAPSHOT")
if (isCommunityBuild)
Seq(ExclusionRule(organization = "org.scalameta", name = "scalafmt-core_2.13"))
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-ping b/build/Dockerfile-ping
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1db86eaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Dockerfile-ping
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Builds a ubuntu-based postgres image whose latency can be modified to be highe
+# for performance experimentation.
+FROM ubuntu:20.04
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install iproute2 iputils-ping -y
diff --git a/build/Dockerfile-postgres b/build/Dockerfile-postgres
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1be65c2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/Dockerfile-postgres
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Builds a ubuntu-based postgres image whose latency can be modified to be highe
+# for performance experimentation.
+FROM ubuntu/postgres:12-20.04_edge
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install iproute2 iputils-ping -y
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 6baa27d97..d8e96b3bd 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ version: '2.2'
- image: postgres:9.6
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: ./build/Dockerfile-postgres
- "15432:5432"
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres
+ cap_add:
image: mysql/mysql-server:8.0.23 # use this because it supports ARM64 architecture for M1 Mac
@@ -76,6 +80,13 @@ services:
- ./build/setup_local.sh
+ docker_ping:
+ build:
+ context: .
+ dockerfile: ./build/Dockerfile-ping
+ container_name: docker_ping
+ command: >
+ ping postgres
diff --git a/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraZioContext.scala b/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraZioContext.scala
index c29b333e9..4265327c9 100644
--- a/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraZioContext.scala
+++ b/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraZioContext.scala
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class CassandraZioContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](val naming: N)
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[CassandraZioSession, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
protected def page(rs: AsyncResultSet): CIO[Chunk[Row]] = ZIO.succeed {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[Row](rs.remaining())
diff --git a/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/cassandrazio/Quill.scala b/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/cassandrazio/Quill.scala
index 3bd5af31c..c0027139c 100644
--- a/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/cassandrazio/Quill.scala
+++ b/quill-cassandra-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/cassandrazio/Quill.scala
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ object Quill {
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
def streamQuery[T](fetchSize: Option[Int], cql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): ZStream[Any, Throwable, T] =
onSessionStream(underlying.streamQuery(fetchSize, cql, prepare, extractor)(info, dc))
diff --git a/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraAsyncContext.scala b/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraAsyncContext.scala
index c865f9b72..9f95ce0a8 100644
--- a/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraAsyncContext.scala
+++ b/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraAsyncContext.scala
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class CassandraAsyncContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): Future[Unit] = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Unit] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
// override def performIO[T](io: IO[T, _], transactional: Boolean = false)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Result[T] = {
// if (transactional) logger.underlying.warn("Cassandra doesn't support transactions, ignoring `io.transactional`")
diff --git a/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraSyncContext.scala b/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraSyncContext.scala
index b3d9fe9d4..f9e3973cf 100644
--- a/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraSyncContext.scala
+++ b/quill-cassandra/src/main/scala/io/getquill/CassandraSyncContext.scala
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class CassandraSyncContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](
inline def run[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): Unit = InternalApi.runAction(quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Unit = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Unit = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
override protected def context: Runner = ()
diff --git a/quill-doobie/src/main/scala/io/getquill/doobie/DoobieContextBase.scala b/quill-doobie/src/main/scala/io/getquill/doobie/DoobieContextBase.scala
index 0daedce65..20809b17e 100644
--- a/quill-doobie/src/main/scala/io/getquill/doobie/DoobieContextBase.scala
+++ b/quill-doobie/src/main/scala/io/getquill/doobie/DoobieContextBase.scala
@@ -57,9 +57,13 @@ trait DoobieContextBase[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ConnectionIO[List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
// Logging behavior should be identical to JdbcContextBase.scala, which includes a couple calls
// to log.underlying below.
diff --git a/quill-jasync-postgres/src/main/scala/io/getquill/PostgresJAsyncContext.scala b/quill-jasync-postgres/src/main/scala/io/getquill/PostgresJAsyncContext.scala
index f07aba145..c851e3140 100644
--- a/quill-jasync-postgres/src/main/scala/io/getquill/PostgresJAsyncContext.scala
+++ b/quill-jasync-postgres/src/main/scala/io/getquill/PostgresJAsyncContext.scala
@@ -40,9 +40,13 @@ class PostgresJAsyncContext[+N <: NamingStrategy](naming: N, pool: ConnectionPoo
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): Future[List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Seq[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): Future[Seq[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Seq[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Seq[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): Future[Seq[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Future[Seq[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
override protected def extractActionResult[O](returningAction: ReturnAction, returningExtractor: Extractor[O])(result: DBQueryResult): List[O] =
result.getRows.asScala.toList.map(row => returningExtractor(row, ()))
diff --git a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcContext.scala b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcContext.scala
index c26d557c5..548ebd30c 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcContext.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcContext.scala
@@ -91,9 +91,13 @@ abstract class ZioJdbcContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] e
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[DataSource, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
* Since we are immediately executing the ZIO that creates this fiber ref whether it is global is not really relevant since it does not really use scope
diff --git a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext.scala b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext.scala
index 4441446fd..09e200df1 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/qzio/ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext.scala
@@ -52,9 +52,13 @@ abstract class ZioJdbcUnderlyingContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingS
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Connection, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
// Need explicit return-type annotations due to scala/bug#8356. Otherwise macro system will not understand Result[Long]=Task[Long] etc...
override def executeAction(sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): QCIO[Long] =
diff --git a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/jdbczio/QuillBaseContext.scala b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/jdbczio/QuillBaseContext.scala
index 7dd0fa9d2..48ef8a595 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/jdbczio/QuillBaseContext.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc-zio/src/main/scala/io/getquill/jdbczio/QuillBaseContext.scala
@@ -65,9 +65,13 @@ trait QuillBaseContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[Long]] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): ZIO[Any, SQLException, List[T]] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
def executeAction(sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): ZIO[Any, SQLException, Long] =
onDS(dsDelegate.executeAction(sql, prepare)(info, dc))
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/BaseContexts.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/BaseContexts.scala
index 32c0893c9..545e58927 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/BaseContexts.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/BaseContexts.scala
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ trait MysqlJdbcContextBase[+N <: NamingStrategy]
trait SqliteJdbcContextBase[+N <: NamingStrategy]
extends SqliteJdbcTypes[N]
+ with SqliteExecuteOverride[N]
with JdbcContextBase[SqliteDialect, N]
trait SqlServerJdbcContextBase[+N <: NamingStrategy]
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContext.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContext.scala
index 910eef1d1..d7dfd5ee0 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContext.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContext.scala
@@ -47,9 +47,13 @@ abstract class JdbcContext[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): List[T] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany[E, T](quoted)
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): List[Long] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): List[Long] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): List[Long] = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): List[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): List[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): List[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
override def wrap[T](t: => T): T = t
override def push[A, B](result: A)(f: A => B): B = f(result)
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContextVerbExecute.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContextVerbExecute.scala
index 12c0a3d31..d77021f41 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContextVerbExecute.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/JdbcContextVerbExecute.scala
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ trait JdbcContextVerbExecute[+Dialect <: SqlIdiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy] ex
groups.flatMap {
case BatchGroup(sql, prepare) =>
val ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)
- logger.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql)
+ //logger.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql.take(200) + (if (sql.length > 200) "..." else ""))
prepare.foreach { f =>
val (params, _) = f(ps, conn)
logger.logBatchItem(sql, params)
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/SimplifiedContexts.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/SimplifiedContexts.scala
index eae9ace67..7f15dafd4 100644
--- a/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/SimplifiedContexts.scala
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/SimplifiedContexts.scala
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ import java.sql.Types
import io.getquill._
import io.getquill.context.ExecutionInfo
import io.getquill.util.ContextLogger
+import java.sql.Connection
+import java.sql.PreparedStatement
+import java.sql.ResultSet
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal.apply
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
trait PostgresJdbcTypes[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextTypes[PostgresDialect, N]
with BooleanObjectEncoding
@@ -42,6 +47,48 @@ trait SqliteJdbcTypes[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextTypes[SqliteDiale
val idiom = SqliteDialect
+trait SqliteExecuteOverride[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextVerbExecute[SqliteDialect, N] {
+ private val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[SqliteExecuteOverride[_]])
+ private def runInTransaction[T](conn: Connection)(op: => T): T = {
+ val wasAutoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit
+ conn.setAutoCommit(false)
+ val result = op
+ try {
+ conn.commit()
+ result
+ } catch {
+ case scala.util.control.NonFatal(e) =>
+ conn.rollback()
+ throw e
+ } finally
+ conn.setAutoCommit(wasAutoCommit)
+ }
+ override def executeBatchActionReturning[T](groups: List[BatchGroupReturning], extractor: Extractor[T])(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): Result[List[T]] =
+ withConnectionWrapped { conn =>
+ logger.underlying.warn(
+ "Sqlite does not support Batch-Actions with returning-keys. Quill will attempt to emulate this function with single-row inserts inside a transaction but using this API is not recommended."
+ )
+ groups.flatMap {
+ case BatchGroupReturning(sql, returningBehavior, prepare) =>
+ val ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
+ logger.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql)
+ runInTransaction(conn) {
+ prepare.flatMap { f =>
+ val (params, _) = f(ps, conn)
+ logger.logBatchItem(sql, params)
+ ps.executeUpdate()
+ extractResult(ps.getGeneratedKeys(), conn, extractor)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
/** Use extension in stead of self-pointer to `JdbcContextVerbExecute[SQLServerDialect, N]` here. Want identical
* implementation to Scala2-Quill and doing it via self-pointer in Scala2-Quill will cause override-conflict errors in SqlServerExecuteOverride. */
trait SqlServerExecuteOverride[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextVerbExecute[SQLServerDialect, N] {
@@ -54,6 +101,40 @@ trait SqlServerExecuteOverride[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextVerbExec
logger.logQuery(sql, params)
extractResult(ps.executeQuery, conn, extractor)
+ override def executeBatchActionReturning[T](groups: List[BatchGroupReturning], extractor: Extractor[T])(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner): Result[List[T]] =
+ withConnectionWrapped { conn =>
+ groups.flatMap {
+ case BatchGroupReturning(sql, returningBehavior, prepare) =>
+ val ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql, java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
+ logger.underlying.debug("Batch: {}", sql)
+ val outputs =
+ prepare.flatMap { f =>
+ val (params, _) = f(ps, conn)
+ logger.logBatchItem(sql, params)
+ ps.addBatch()
+ // The SQL Server drive has no ability to either go getGeneratedKeys or executeQuery
+ // at the end of a sequence of addBatch calls to get all inserted keys/executed queries
+ // (whether a `OUTPUT` clause is used in the Query or not). That means that in order
+ // be able to get any results, we need to use extractResult(ps.executeQuery, ...)
+ // on every single inserted batch! See the following mssql-jdbc issues for more detail:
+ // https://github.com/microsoft/mssql-jdbc/issues/358
+ // https://github.com/Microsoft/mssql-jdbc/issues/245
+ // Also note that Slick specifically mentions that returning-keys is generally
+ // not supported when jdbc-batching is used:
+ // https://github.com/slick/slick/blob/06ccee3cdc0722adeb8bb0658afb4a0d3524b119/slick/src/main/scala/slick/jdbc/JdbcActionComponent.scala#L654
+ // Therefore slick falls back to single-row-insert batching when insertion with getGeneratedKeys is used
+ //
+ // However, in ProtoQuill we can do a little better. In this case we take advantage of multi-row inserts
+ // (via multiple VALUES clauses) each of which is a an element of the `prepares` list. That way, we only
+ // need to execute `extractResult(ps.executeQuery(),...)` once per every insert-query (where each query
+ // could potentially have 1000+ insert-rows via 1000 VALUES-clauses). This radically decreases
+ // the number of calls that need to be made to get back IDs (and other data) of the inserted rows.
+ extractResult(ps.executeQuery(), conn, extractor)
+ }
+ outputs
+ }
+ }
trait SqlServerJdbcTypes[+N <: NamingStrategy] extends JdbcContextTypes[SQLServerDialect, N]
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/resources/logback.xml b/quill-jdbc/src/test/resources/logback.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eb253603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/resources/logback.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ [QuillTest] %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/h2/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/h2/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..775832225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/h2/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.h2
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec {
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(sql"TRUNCATE TABLE Product; ALTER TABLE Product ALTER COLUMN id RESTART WITH 1".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids mustEqual productsOriginal.map(_.id)
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual productsOriginal
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/mysql/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/mysql/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b667b437b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/mysql/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.mysql
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec {
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(query[Product].delete)
+ testContext.run(sql"ALTER TABLE Product AUTO_INCREMENT = 1".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids.toSet mustEqual productsOriginal.map(_.id).toSet
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual productsOriginal.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/oracle/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/oracle/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2859f53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/oracle/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.oracle
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec {
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(query[Product].delete)
+ testContext.run(sql"ALTER TABLE Product MODIFY (id GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1))".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`.{given, _}
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize) //
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids.toSet mustEqual productsOriginal.map(_.id).toSet
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual productsOriginal.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ inline def op = quote {
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(_.description -> lift("BlahBlah"), _.sku -> p.sku))
+ }
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/postgres/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/postgres/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..815928366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/postgres/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.postgres
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec {
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(sql"TRUNCATE TABLE Product RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual result
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids mustEqual expectedIds
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual result
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual result
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlite/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlite/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7753bbea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlite/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.sqlite
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec {
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(query[Product].delete)
+ //testContext.run(sql"DELETE FROM quill_test.sqlite_sequence WHERE name='Product';".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids mustEqual productsOriginal.map(_.id)
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual productsOriginal
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlserver/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlserver/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e98bf8be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-jdbc/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/jdbc/sqlserver/BatchValuesJdbcSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package io.getquill.context.jdbc.sqlserver
+import io.getquill.context.sql.BatchValuesSpec
+import io.getquill._
+class BatchValuesJdbcSpec extends BatchValuesSpec { //
+ val context = testContext
+ import testContext._
+ override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
+ testContext.run(sql"TRUNCATE TABLE Product; DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Product', RESEED, 1)".as[Delete[Product]])
+ super.beforeEach()
+ }
+ "Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal" in {
+ import `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal`._
+ inline def splicedOp = opExt(insert => sql"SET IDENTITY_INSERT Product ON; ${insert}".as[Insert[Product]])
+ testContext.run(splicedOp, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get).toSet mustEqual result.toSet
+ }
+ "Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids mustEqual expectedIds
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual result
+ }
+ "Ex 2B - Batch Insert Returning - whole row" in {
+ import `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning`._
+ inline given InsertMeta[Product] = insertMeta(_.id)
+ inline def op = quote {
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => query[Product].insertValue(p).returning(p => p))
+ }
+ val ids = testContext.run(op, batchSize)
+ ids mustEqual productsOriginal
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual productsOriginal
+ }
+ "Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed" in {
+ import `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed`._
+ inline def splicedOp = opExt(insert => sql"SET IDENTITY_INSERT Product ON; ${insert}".as[Insert[Product]])
+ testContext.run(splicedOp, batchSize)
+ testContext.run(get) mustEqual result
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/MirrorContext.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/MirrorContext.scala
index 77583eb8a..abf7c7bf4 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/MirrorContext.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/MirrorContext.scala
@@ -66,9 +66,13 @@ trait MirrorContextBase[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, List[T]]]): ActionReturningMirror[T, List[T]] = InternalApi.runActionReturningMany(quoted).asInstanceOf[ActionReturningMirror[T, List[T]]]
- inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): BatchActionMirror = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): BatchActionMirror = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionDefault")
+ inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): BatchActionMirror = InternalApi.runBatchAction(quoted, 1)
- inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): BatchActionReturningMirror[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted)
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): BatchActionReturningMirror[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, rowsPerBatch)
+ @targetName("runBatchActionReturningDefault")
+ inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): BatchActionReturningMirror[T] = InternalApi.runBatchActionReturning(quoted, 1)
override def executeQuery[T](string: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: Runner) =
QueryMirror(string, prepare(Row(), session)._2, extractor, info)
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Context.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Context.scala
index 95b232f83..d3e8a147b 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Context.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Context.scala
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ trait Context[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def runQuery[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap): Result[RunQueryResult[T]] = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, Result[RunQueryResult[T]]] { arg =>
val simpleExt = arg.extractor.requireSimple()
- self.executeQuery(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ self.executeQuery(arg.sql, arg.prepare, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None, wrap)
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@ trait Context[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def runQuerySingle[T](inline quoted: Quoted[T]): Result[RunQuerySingleResult[T]] = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, Result[RunQuerySingleResult[T]]] { arg =>
val simpleExt = arg.extractor.requireSimple()
- self.executeQuerySingle(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ self.executeQuerySingle(arg.sql, arg.prepare, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(QuerySingleAsQuery(quoted), None)
inline def runAction[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): Result[RunActionResult] = {
val ca = make.op[E, Any, Result[RunActionResult]] { arg =>
- self.executeAction(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ self.executeAction(arg.sql, arg.prepare)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ trait Context[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
val ca = make.op[E, T, Result[RunActionReturningResult[T]]] { arg =>
// Need an extractor with special information that helps with the SQL returning specifics
val returningExt = arg.extractor.requireReturning()
- self.executeActionReturning(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, returningExt.extract, returningExt.returningBehavior)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ self.executeActionReturning(arg.sql, arg.prepare, returningExt.extract, returningExt.returningBehavior)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -148,28 +148,28 @@ trait Context[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
val ca = make.op[E, T, Result[RunActionReturningResult[List[T]]]] { arg =>
// Need an extractor with special information that helps with the SQL returning specifics
val returningExt = arg.extractor.requireReturning()
- self.executeActionReturningMany(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, returningExt.extract, returningExt.returningBehavior)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ self.executeActionReturningMany(arg.sql, arg.prepare, returningExt.extract, returningExt.returningBehavior)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
- inline def runBatchAction[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Result[RunBatchActionResult] = {
+ inline def runBatchAction[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): Result[RunBatchActionResult] = {
val ca = make.batch[I, Nothing, A, Result[RunBatchActionResult]] { arg =>
// Supporting only one top-level query batch group. Don't know if there are use-cases for multiple queries.
- val group = BatchGroup(arg.sql, arg.prepare.toList)
- self.executeBatchAction(List(group))(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ val groups = arg.groups.map((sql, prepare) => BatchGroup(sql, prepare))
+ self.executeBatchAction(groups.toList)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
- BatchQueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted)
+ QueryExecutionBatch.apply(ca, rowsPerBatch)(quoted)
- inline def runBatchActionReturning[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Result[RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]] = {
+ inline def runBatchActionReturning[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], rowsPerBatch: Int): Result[RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]] = {
val ca = make.batch[I, T, A, Result[RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]]] { arg =>
val returningExt = arg.extractor.requireReturning()
// Supporting only one top-level query batch group. Don't know if there are use-cases for multiple queries.
- val group = BatchGroupReturning(arg.sql, returningExt.returningBehavior, arg.prepare.toList)
- self.executeBatchActionReturning[T](List(group), returningExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
+ val groups = arg.groups.map((sql, prepare) => BatchGroupReturning(sql, returningExt.returningBehavior, prepare))
+ self.executeBatchActionReturning[T](groups.toList, returningExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, _summonRunner())
- BatchQueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted)
+ QueryExecutionBatch.apply(ca, rowsPerBatch)(quoted)
end InternalApi
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbPrepare.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbPrepare.scala
index 9fa3378aa..53e37446a 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbPrepare.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbPrepare.scala
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ trait ContextVerbPrepare[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]:
inline def prepare[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): PrepareQueryResult = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, PrepareQueryResult] { arg =>
- self.prepareQuery(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head)(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
+ self.prepareQuery(arg.sql, arg.prepare)(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ trait ContextVerbPrepare[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]:
inline def prepare[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]]): PrepareActionResult = {
val ca = make.op[E, Any, PrepareActionResult] { arg =>
- self.prepareAction(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head)(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
+ self.prepareAction(arg.sql, arg.prepare)(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ trait ContextVerbPrepare[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]:
inline def prepare[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): PrepareBatchActionResult = {
val ca = make.batch[I, Nothing, A, PrepareBatchActionResult] { arg =>
- val group = BatchGroup(arg.sql, arg.prepare.toList)
- self.prepareBatchAction(List(group))(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
+ val groups = arg.groups.map((sql, prepare) => BatchGroup(sql, prepare))
+ self.prepareBatchAction(groups.toList)(arg.executionInfo, _summonPrepareRunner())
- BatchQueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted)
+ QueryExecutionBatch.apply(ca, 1)(quoted)
end ContextVerbPrepare
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbStream.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbStream.scala
index 7c42b8c0f..ba1cca69c 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbStream.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbStream.scala
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ trait ContextVerbStream[+Dialect <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, +Naming <: NamingSt
inline def _streamInternal[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], fetchSize: Option[Int]): StreamResult[T] = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, StreamResult[T]] { arg =>
val simpleExt = arg.extractor.requireSimple()
- self.streamQuery(arg.fetchSize, arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, InternalApi._summonRunner())
+ self.streamQuery(arg.fetchSize, arg.sql, arg.prepare, simpleExt.extract)(arg.executionInfo, InternalApi._summonRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, fetchSize)
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbTranslate.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbTranslate.scala
index bfd2725e3..14cef6357 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbTranslate.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/ContextVerbTranslate.scala
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def translate[T](inline quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, TranslateResult[String]] { arg =>
val simpleExt = arg.extractor.requireSimple()
- self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, simpleExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare, simpleExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def translate[T](inline quoted: Quoted[T], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = {
val ca = make.op[Nothing, T, TranslateResult[String]] { arg =>
val simpleExt = arg.extractor.requireSimple()
- self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, simpleExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare, simpleExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(QuerySingleAsQuery(quoted), None)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def translate[E](inline quoted: Quoted[Action[E]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = {
val ca = make.op[E, Any, TranslateResult[String]] { arg =>
- self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, prettyPrint = prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare, prettyPrint = prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def translate[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, T]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = {
val ca = make.op[E, T, TranslateResult[String]] { arg =>
val returningExt = arg.extractor.requireReturning()
- self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare.head, returningExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ self.translateQueryEndpoint(arg.sql, arg.prepare, returningExt.extract, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
QueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted, None)
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
inline def translate[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]], inline prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[List[String]] = {
val ca = make.batch[I, Nothing, A, TranslateResult[List[String]]] { arg =>
// Supporting only one top-level query batch group. Don't know if there are use-cases for multiple queries.
- val group = BatchGroup(arg.sql, arg.prepare.toList)
- self.translateBatchQueryEndpoint(List(group), prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ val groups = arg.groups.map((sql, prepare) => BatchGroup(sql, prepare))
+ self.translateBatchQueryEndpoint(groups.toList, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
- BatchQueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted)
+ QueryExecutionBatch.apply(ca, 1)(quoted)
@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ trait ContextTranslateMacro[+Dialect <: Idiom, +Naming <: NamingStrategy]
val ca = make.batch[I, T, A, TranslateResult[List[String]]] { arg =>
val returningExt = arg.extractor.requireReturning()
// Supporting only one top-level query batch group. Don't know if there are use-cases for multiple queries.
- val group = BatchGroupReturning(arg.sql, returningExt.returningBehavior, arg.prepare.toList)
- self.translateBatchQueryReturningEndpoint(List(group), prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
+ val groups = arg.groups.map((sql, prepare) => BatchGroupReturning(sql, returningExt.returningBehavior, prepare))
+ self.translateBatchQueryReturningEndpoint(groups.toList, prettyPrint)(arg.executionInfo, _summonTranslateRunner())
- BatchQueryExecution.apply(ca)(quoted)
+ QueryExecutionBatch.apply(ca, 1)(quoted)
end ContextTranslateMacro
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/InsertUpdateMacro.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/InsertUpdateMacro.scala
index 4f3413843..cb137e072 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/InsertUpdateMacro.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/InsertUpdateMacro.scala
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ object InsertUpdateMacro {
// we want to re-syntheize this as a lifted thing i.e. liftQuery(people).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(lift(p)))
// and then reprocess the contents.
// We don't want to do that here thought because we don't have the PrepareRow
- // so we can't lift content here into planters. Instead this is done in the BatchQueryExecution pipeline
+ // so we can't lift content here into planters. Instead this is done in the QueryExecutionBatch pipeline
case astIdent: AIdent => deduceAssignmentsFromIdent(astIdent)
// Insertion could have lifts and quotes inside, need to extract those.
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Particularize.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Particularize.scala
index 6c52ce44c..4dafb508b 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Particularize.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Particularize.scala
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import scala.quoted._
import io.getquill.util.Format
import io.getquill.metaprog.InjectableEagerPlanterExpr
import io.getquill.parser.Lifter
+import io.getquill.context.QueryExecutionBatchModel.SingleEntityLifts
+import zio.Chunk
* For a query that has a filter(p => liftQuery(List("Joe","Jack")).contains(p.name)) we need to turn
@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ object Particularize:
case s: Statement => liftableStatement(s)
case SetContainsToken(a, op, b) => '{ io.getquill.idiom.SetContainsToken(${ a.expr }, ${ op.expr }, ${ b.expr }) }
case ScalarLiftToken(lift) => quotes.reflect.report.throwError("Scalar Lift Tokens are not used in Dotty Quill. Only Scalar Lift Tokens.")
+ case ValuesClauseToken(stmt) => '{ io.getquill.idiom.ValuesClauseToken(${ stmt.expr }) }
given liftableStatement: BasicLiftable[Statement] with
def lift =
@@ -66,11 +69,17 @@ object Particularize:
// the following should test for that: update - extra lift + scalars + liftQuery/setContains
object Static:
/** Convenience constructor for doing particularization from an Unparticular.Query */
- def apply[PrepareRowTemp: Type](query: Unparticular.Query, lifts: List[Expr[Planter[_, _, _]]], runtimeLiftingPlaceholder: Expr[Int => String], emptySetContainsToken: Expr[Token => Token])(using Quotes): Expr[String] =
+ def apply[PrepareRowTemp: Type](
+ query: Unparticular.Query,
+ lifts: List[Expr[Planter[_, _, _]]],
+ runtimeLiftingPlaceholder: Expr[Int => String],
+ emptySetContainsToken: Expr[Token => Token],
+ valuesClauseRepeats: Expr[Int]
+ )(using Quotes): Expr[String] =
import quotes.reflect._
val liftsExpr: Expr[List[Planter[?, ?, ?]]] = Expr.ofList(lifts)
val queryExpr: Expr[Unparticular.Query] = UnparticularQueryLiftable(query)
- '{ Dynamic[PrepareRowTemp]($queryExpr, $liftsExpr, $runtimeLiftingPlaceholder, $emptySetContainsToken) }
+ '{ Dynamic[PrepareRowTemp]($queryExpr, $liftsExpr, $runtimeLiftingPlaceholder, $emptySetContainsToken)._1 }
end Static
object Dynamic:
@@ -79,14 +88,16 @@ object Particularize:
query: Unparticular.Query,
lifts: List[Planter[_, _, _]],
liftingPlaceholder: Int => String,
- emptySetContainsToken: Token => Token
- ): String =
- raw(query.realQuery, lifts, liftingPlaceholder, emptySetContainsToken)
+ emptySetContainsToken: Token => Token,
+ valuesClauseRepeats: Int = 1
+ ): (String, LiftsOrderer) =
+ raw(query.realQuery, lifts, liftingPlaceholder, emptySetContainsToken, valuesClauseRepeats)
- private[getquill] def raw[PrepareRowTemp, Session](statements: Statement, lifts: List[Planter[_, _, _]], liftingPlaceholder: Int => String, emptySetContainsToken: Token => Token): String = {
+ private[getquill] def raw[PrepareRowTemp, Session](statements: Statement, lifts: List[Planter[_, _, _]], liftingPlaceholder: Int => String, emptySetContainsToken: Token => Token, valuesClauseRepeats: Int): (String, LiftsOrderer) = {
enum LiftChoice:
case ListLift(value: EagerListPlanter[Any, PrepareRowTemp, Session])
case SingleLift(value: Planter[Any, PrepareRowTemp, Session])
+ case InjectableLift(value: Planter[Any, PrepareRowTemp, Session])
val listLifts = lifts.collect { case e: EagerListPlanter[_, _, _] => e.asInstanceOf[EagerListPlanter[Any, PrepareRowTemp, Session]] }.map(lift => (lift.uid, lift)).toMap
val singleLifts = lifts.collect { case e: EagerPlanter[_, _, _] => e.asInstanceOf[EagerPlanter[Any, PrepareRowTemp, Session]] }.map(lift => (lift.uid, lift)).toMap
@@ -95,60 +106,175 @@ object Particularize:
def getLifts(uid: String): LiftChoice =
- .orElse(injectableLifts.get(uid).map(LiftChoice.SingleLift(_)))
+ .orElse(injectableLifts.get(uid).map(LiftChoice.InjectableLift(_)))
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot find list-lift with UID ${uid} (from all the lifts ${lifts})")
// TODO Also need to account for empty tokens but since we actually have a reference to the list can do that directly
- def placeholders(uid: String, initialIndex: Int): (Int, String) =
- getLifts(uid) match
+ def placeholders(uid: String, initialIndex: Int): (Int, String, LiftChoice) =
+ val liftChoiceKind = getLifts(uid)
+ liftChoiceKind match
case LiftChoice.ListLift(lifts) =>
// using index 1 since SQL prepares start with $1 typically
val liftsPlaceholder =
lifts.values.zipWithIndex.map((_, index) => liftingPlaceholder(index + initialIndex)).mkString(", ")
val liftsLength = lifts.values.length
- (liftsLength, liftsPlaceholder)
+ (liftsLength, liftsPlaceholder, liftChoiceKind)
case LiftChoice.SingleLift(lift) =>
- (1, liftingPlaceholder(initialIndex))
+ (1, liftingPlaceholder(initialIndex), liftChoiceKind)
+ case LiftChoice.InjectableLift(lift) =>
+ (1, liftingPlaceholder(initialIndex), liftChoiceKind)
def isEmptyListLift(uid: String) =
getLifts(uid) match
case LiftChoice.ListLift(lifts) => lifts.values.isEmpty
case _ => false
- def token2String(token: Token): String = {
+ trait Work
+ case class Item(token: io.getquill.idiom.Token) extends Work
+ case class SetValueClauseNum(num: Int) extends Work
+ case class DoneValueClauseNum(num: Int, isLast: Boolean) extends Work
+ def token2String(token: io.getquill.idiom.Token): (String, LiftsOrderer) = {
+ // println(s"====== Tokenization for query: ${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(token)}")
def apply(
- workList: List[Token],
- sqlResult: Seq[String],
- placeholderIndex: Int // I.e. the index of the '?' that is inserted in the query (that represents a lift)
- ): String = workList match {
- case Nil => sqlResult.reverse.foldLeft("")((concatonation, nextExpr) => concatonation + nextExpr)
- case head :: tail =>
+ workList: Chunk[Work],
+ sqlResult: Chunk[String],
+ lifts: Chunk[LiftSlot],
+ liftsCount: Int, // I.e. the index of the '?' that is inserted in the query (that represents a lift)
+ valueClausesIndex: Int
+ ): (String, LiftsOrderer) = {
+ // Completed all work
+ if (workList.isEmpty) {
+ val query = sqlResult.foldLeft("")((concatonation, nextExpr) => concatonation + nextExpr)
+ (query, LiftsOrderer(lifts.toList))
+ } else {
+ val head = workList.head
+ val tail = workList.tail
head match {
- case StringToken(s2) => apply(tail, s2 +: sqlResult, placeholderIndex)
- case SetContainsToken(a, op, b) =>
+ case Item(StringToken(s2)) => apply(tail, sqlResult :+ s2, lifts, liftsCount, valueClausesIndex)
+ case Item(SetContainsToken(a, op, b)) =>
b match
case ScalarTagToken(tag) if isEmptyListLift(tag.uid) =>
- apply(emptySetContainsToken(a) +: tail, sqlResult, placeholderIndex)
+ apply(Item(emptySetContainsToken(a)) +: tail, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, valueClausesIndex)
case _ =>
- apply(stmt"$a $op ($b)" +: tail, sqlResult, placeholderIndex)
- case ScalarTagToken(tag) =>
- val (liftsLength, lifts) = placeholders(tag.uid, placeholderIndex)
- apply(tail, lifts +: sqlResult, placeholderIndex + liftsLength)
- case Statement(tokens) => apply(tokens.foldRight(tail)(_ +: _), sqlResult, placeholderIndex)
- case _: ScalarLiftToken =>
+ apply(Item(stmt"$a $op ($b)") +: tail, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, valueClausesIndex)
+ case Item(ScalarTagToken(tag)) =>
+ val (liftsLength, liftPlaceholders, liftChoice) = placeholders(tag.uid, liftsCount)
+ val newLift =
+ liftChoice match
+ case LiftChoice.InjectableLift(_) =>
+ LiftSlot.makeNumbered(valueClausesIndex, tag)
+ case _ =>
+ // println(s"Making Normal Lift ${tag.uid}")
+ LiftSlot.makePlain(tag)
+ apply(tail, sqlResult :+ liftPlaceholders, lifts :+ newLift, liftsCount + liftsLength, valueClausesIndex)
+ case Item(ValuesClauseToken(stmt)) =>
+ val repeatedClauses =
+ (0 until valuesClauseRepeats)
+ .toChunk
+ .mapWithHasNext((i, hasNext) => List(SetValueClauseNum(i), Item(stmt), DoneValueClauseNum(i, !hasNext)))
+ .flatten
+ // println(s"=== Instructions for releated clauses: ${repeatedClauses}")
+ apply(repeatedClauses ++ tail, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, valueClausesIndex)
+ case Item(Statement(tokens)) =>
+ apply(tokens.toChunk.map(Item(_)) ++ tail, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, valueClausesIndex)
+ case Item(_: ScalarLiftToken) =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scalar Lift Tokens are not used in Dotty Quill. Only Scalar Lift Tokens.")
- case _: QuotationTagToken =>
+ case Item(_: QuotationTagToken) =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Quotation Tags must be resolved before a reification.")
+ case SetValueClauseNum(num) =>
+ // println(s"Setting value clause: ${num}")
+ apply(tail, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, num)
+ case DoneValueClauseNum(num, isLast) =>
+ // println(s"Finished value clause: ${num}")
+ val reaminingWork =
+ if (!isLast)
+ Item(stmt", ") +: tail
+ else
+ tail
+ apply(reaminingWork, sqlResult, lifts, liftsCount, num)
+ }
- apply(List(token), Seq(), 0)
+ apply(Chunk.single(Item(token)), Chunk.empty, Chunk.empty, 0, 0)
+ private implicit class IterableExtensions[A](list: Iterable[A]) extends AnyVal {
+ def toChunk[A] = Chunk.fromIterable(list)
+ }
+ // TODO Need to test
+ private implicit class ChunkExtensions[A](val as: Chunk[A]) extends AnyVal {
+ def mapWithHasNext[B](f: (A, Boolean) => B): Chunk[B] = {
+ val b = Chunk.newBuilder[B]
+ val it = as.iterator
+ if (it.hasNext) {
+ b += f(it.next(), it.hasNext)
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ b += f(it.next(), it.hasNext)
+ }
+ }
+ b.result()
+ }
+ }
end Dynamic
+ case class LiftSlot(rank: LiftSlot.Rank, external: ScalarTag)
+ object LiftSlot {
+ enum Rank:
+ case Numbered(num: Int) // for values-clauses
+ case Universal // for regular lifts
+ def makePlain(lift: ScalarTag) = LiftSlot(Rank.Universal, lift)
+ def makeNumbered(number: Int, lift: ScalarTag) = LiftSlot(Rank.Numbered(number), lift)
+ object Numbered:
+ def unapply(liftSlot: LiftSlot) =
+ liftSlot match
+ case LiftSlot(Rank.Numbered(num), ScalarTag(uid)) => Some((num, uid))
+ case _ => None
+ object Plain:
+ def unapply(liftSlot: LiftSlot) =
+ liftSlot match
+ case LiftSlot(Rank.Universal, ScalarTag(uid)) => Some((uid))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ case class LiftsOrderer(slots: List[LiftSlot]) {
+ case class ValueLiftKey(i: Int, uid: String)
+ def orderLifts(valueClauseLifts: List[SingleEntityLifts], regularLifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]]) = {
+ val valueClauseLiftIndexes =
+ valueClauseLifts
+ .zipWithIndex
+ .flatMap((entity, i) =>
+ entity.lifts.map(lift => ValueLiftKey(i, lift.uid) -> lift)
+ )
+ .toMap
+ val regularLiftIndexes =
+ regularLifts.map(lift => (lift.uid, lift)).toMap
+ // println(s"===== Organizing into Lift Slots: ${slots}")
+ slots.map {
+ case LiftSlot.Numbered(valueClauseNum, uid) =>
+ valueClauseLiftIndexes
+ .get(ValueLiftKey(valueClauseNum, uid))
+ .getOrElse {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(s"Could not find the Value-Clause lift index:${valueClauseNum},uid:${uid}. Existing values are: ${valueClauseLiftIndexes}")
+ }
+ case LiftSlot.Plain(uid) =>
+ regularLiftIndexes
+ .get(uid)
+ .getOrElse {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(s"Could not find the lift uid:${uid},uid:${uid}. Existing values are: ${regularLiftIndexes}")
+ }
+ case other =>
+ throw new IllegalStateException(s"Illegal LiftSlot: ${other}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
end Particularize
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecution.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecution.scala
index 0ae757b39..9d3970774 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecution.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecution.scala
@@ -51,24 +51,32 @@ import io.getquill.metaprog.SummonTranspileConfig
import io.getquill.idiom.Token
object ContextOperation:
- case class Argument[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](
+ case class SingleArgument[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](
sql: String,
- prepare: Array[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)],
+ prepare: (PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow),
extractor: Extraction[ResultRow, Session, T],
executionInfo: ExecutionInfo,
fetchSize: Option[Int]
+ case class BatchArgument[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](
+ groups: List[(String, List[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)])],
+ extractor: Extraction[ResultRow, Session, T],
+ executionInfo: ExecutionInfo,
+ fetchSize: Option[Int]
+ )
+ case class Single[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](val idiom: D, val naming: N)(
+ val execute: (ContextOperation.SingleArgument[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]) => Res
+ )
+ case class Batch[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](val idiom: D, val naming: N)(
+ val execute: (ContextOperation.BatchArgument[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]) => Res
+ )
case class Factory[D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _]](val idiom: D, val naming: N):
def op[I, T, Res] =
- ContextOperation[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res](idiom, naming)
+ ContextOperation.Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res](idiom, naming)
def batch[I, T, A <: QAC[I, T] with Action[I], Res] =
- ContextOperation[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res](idiom, naming)
+ ContextOperation.Batch[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res](idiom, naming)
-case class ContextOperation[I, T, A <: QAC[I, _] with Action[I], D <: Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx <: Context[_, _], Res](val idiom: D, val naming: N)(
- val execute: (ContextOperation.Argument[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]) => Res
-/** Enums and helper methods for QueryExecution and BatchQueryExecution */
+/** Enums and helper methods for QueryExecution and QueryExecutionBatch */
object Execution:
enum ExtractBehavior:
@@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ object QueryExecution:
Res: Type
quotedOp: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]],
- contextOperation: Expr[ContextOperation[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]],
+ contextOperation: Expr[ContextOperation.Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]],
fetchSize: Expr[Option[Int]],
wrap: Expr[OuterSelectWrap]
)(using val qctx: Quotes, QAC: Type[QAC[_, _]]):
@@ -297,12 +305,12 @@ object QueryExecution:
val emptyContainsTokenExpr: Expr[Token => Token] = '{ $contextOperation.idiom.emptySetContainsToken(_) }
val liftingPlaceholderExpr: Expr[Int => String] = '{ $contextOperation.idiom.liftingPlaceholder }
- val particularQuery = Particularize.Static(state.query, lifts, liftingPlaceholderExpr, emptyContainsTokenExpr)
+ val particularQuery = Particularize.Static(state.query, lifts, liftingPlaceholderExpr, emptyContainsTokenExpr, '{ 1 })
// Plug in the components and execute
val astSplice =
if (TypeRepr.of[Ctx] <:< TypeRepr.of[AstSplicing]) Lifter(state.ast)
else '{ io.getquill.ast.NullValue }
- '{ $contextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.Argument($particularQuery, Array($prepare), $extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Static, $astSplice, ${ Lifter.quat(topLevelQuat) }), $fetchSize)) }
+ '{ $contextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.SingleArgument($particularQuery, $prepare, $extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Static, $astSplice, ${ Lifter.quat(topLevelQuat) }), $fetchSize)) }
end executeStatic
@@ -356,7 +364,7 @@ object QueryExecution:
N <: NamingStrategy,
Ctx <: Context[_, _],
- ](ctx: ContextOperation[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res])(inline quotedOp: Quoted[QAC[_, _]], fetchSize: Option[Int], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap = OuterSelectWrap.Default) =
+ ](ctx: ContextOperation.Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res])(inline quotedOp: Quoted[QAC[_, _]], fetchSize: Option[Int], inline wrap: OuterSelectWrap = OuterSelectWrap.Default) =
${ applyImpl('quotedOp, 'ctx, 'fetchSize, 'wrap) }
def applyImpl[
@@ -372,7 +380,7 @@ object QueryExecution:
Res: Type
quotedOp: Expr[Quoted[QAC[_, _]]],
- ctx: Expr[ContextOperation[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]],
+ ctx: Expr[ContextOperation.Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]],
fetchSize: Expr[Option[Int]],
wrap: Expr[OuterSelectWrap]
)(using qctx: Quotes): Expr[Res] = new RunQuery[I, T, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res](quotedOp, ctx, fetchSize, wrap).apply()
@@ -478,8 +486,7 @@ object PrepareDynamicExecution:
case (Extraction.None, None) => rawExtractor
case (extractor, returningAction) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid state. Cannot have ${extractor} with a returning action ${returningAction}")
- // Turn the Tokenized AST into an actual string and pull out the ScalarTags (i.e. the lifts)
- val (unparticularQuery, externals) = Unparticular.Query.fromStatement(stmt, idiom.liftingPlaceholder)
+ val (_, externals) = Unparticular.Query.fromStatement(stmt, idiom.liftingPlaceholder)
// Get the UIDs from the lifts, if they are something unexpected (e.g. Lift elements from Quill 2.x) throw an exception
val liftTags =
@@ -488,8 +495,6 @@ object PrepareDynamicExecution:
case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid Lift Tag: ${other}")
- val queryString = Particularize.Dynamic(unparticularQuery, gatheredLifts ++ additionalLifts, idiom.liftingPlaceholder, idiom.emptySetContainsToken)
// Match the ScalarTags we pulled out earlier (in ReifyStatement) with corresponding Planters because
// the Planters can be out of order (I.e. in a different order then the ?s in the SQL query that they need to be spliced into).
// The ScalarTags are comming directly from the tokenized AST however and their order should be correct.
@@ -505,7 +510,7 @@ object PrepareDynamicExecution:
s"Due to an error: $msg"
- (queryString, outputAst, sortedLifts, extractor, sortedSecondaryLifts)
+ (stmt, outputAst, sortedLifts, extractor, sortedSecondaryLifts)
end apply
@@ -619,7 +624,7 @@ object RunDynamicExecution:
quoted: Quoted[QAC[I, RawT]],
- ctx: ContextOperation[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res],
+ ctx: ContextOperation.Single[I, T, Nothing, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res],
rawExtractor: Extraction[ResultRow, Session, T],
spliceAst: Boolean,
fetchSize: Option[Int],
@@ -628,15 +633,20 @@ object RunDynamicExecution:
transpileConfig: TranspileConfig
): Res = {
// println("===== Passed Ast: " + io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(quoted.ast))
- val (queryString, outputAst, sortedLifts, extractor, _) =
+ val (stmt, outputAst, sortedLifts, extractor, sortedSecondaryLifts) =
PrepareDynamicExecution[I, T, RawT, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session](quoted, rawExtractor, ctx.idiom, ctx.naming, elaborationBehavior, topLevelQuat, transpileConfig)
+ // Turn the Tokenized AST into an actual string and pull out the ScalarTags (i.e. the lifts)
+ val (unparticularQuery, _) = Unparticular.Query.fromStatement(stmt, ctx.idiom.liftingPlaceholder)
+ // TODO don't really need lift-sorting in PrepareDynamicExecution anymore? Could use liftsOrderer to do that
+ val (queryString, _) = Particularize.Dynamic(unparticularQuery, sortedLifts ++ sortedSecondaryLifts, ctx.idiom.liftingPlaceholder, ctx.idiom.emptySetContainsToken)
// Use the sortedLifts to prepare the method that will prepare the SQL statement
val prepare = (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) => LiftsExtractor.Dynamic[PrepareRow, Session](sortedLifts, row, session)
// Exclute the SQL Statement
val executionAst = if (spliceAst) outputAst else io.getquill.ast.NullValue
- ctx.execute(ContextOperation.Argument(queryString, Array(prepare), extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Dynamic, executionAst, topLevelQuat), fetchSize))
+ ctx.execute(ContextOperation.SingleArgument(queryString, prepare, extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Dynamic, executionAst, topLevelQuat), fetchSize))
end RunDynamicExecution
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/BatchQueryExecution.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatch.scala
similarity index 67%
rename from quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/BatchQueryExecution.scala
rename to quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatch.scala
index 1f48416c4..7b2da3f2c 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/BatchQueryExecution.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatch.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package io.getquill.context
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.experimental.macros
-//import io.getquill.generic.Dsl
-//import io.getquill.util.Messages.fail
import java.io.Closeable
import scala.compiletime.summonFrom
import scala.util.Try
@@ -60,23 +58,49 @@ import io.getquill.metaprog.SummonTranspileConfig
import io.getquill.norm.TranspileConfig
import io.getquill.metaprog.TranspileConfigLiftable
import io.getquill.idiom.Token
+import scala.annotation.nowarn
private[getquill] enum BatchActionType:
case Insert
case Update
case Delete
+ * In some cases the action that goes inside the batch needs an infix. For example, for SQL server
+ * to be able to do batch inserts of rows with IDs you need to do something like:
+ * {{
+ * liftQuery(products).foreach(p =>
+ * sql"SET IDENTITY_INSERT Product ON; ${query[Product].insertValue(p)}".as[Insert[Int]])
+ * }}
+ * In order to yield something like this:
+ * {{
+ * SET IDENTITY_INSERT Product ON; INSERT INTO Product (id,description,sku) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
+ * }}
+ * Otherwise SQLServer will not let you insert the row because `IDENTITY_INSERT` will be off.
+ */
+object PossiblyInfixAction:
+ private def isTailAction(actionAst: Ast) =
+ actionAst.isInstanceOf[ast.Insert] || actionAst.isInstanceOf[ast.Update] || actionAst.isInstanceOf[ast.Delete]
+ private def hasOneAction(params: List[Ast]) =
+ params.filter(isTailAction(_)).length == 1
+ def unapply(actionAst: ast.Ast): Option[Ast] =
+ actionAst match
+ case ast.Infix(parts, params, _, _, _) if (hasOneAction(params)) =>
+ params.find(isTailAction(_))
+ case _ if (isTailAction(actionAst)) => Some(actionAst)
+ case _ => None
private[getquill] object ActionEntity:
def unapply(actionAst: Ast): Option[BatchActionType] =
actionAst match
- case ast.Insert(entity, _) => Some(BatchActionType.Insert)
- case ast.Update(entity, assignments) => Some(BatchActionType.Update)
- case ast.Delete(entity) => Some(BatchActionType.Delete)
- case _ => None
+ case PossiblyInfixAction(ast.Insert(entity, _)) => Some(BatchActionType.Insert)
+ case PossiblyInfixAction(ast.Update(entity, assignments)) => Some(BatchActionType.Update)
+ case PossiblyInfixAction(ast.Delete(entity)) => Some(BatchActionType.Delete)
+ case _ => None
object PrepareBatchComponents:
import Execution._
- import BatchQueryExecutionModel._
+ import QueryExecutionBatchModel._
def apply[I, PrepareRow](unliftedAst: Ast, foreachIdentAst: ast.Ast, extractionBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior): Either[String, (Ast, BatchActionType)] = {
// putting this in a block since I don't want to externally import these packages
@@ -147,7 +171,7 @@ object PrepareBatchComponents:
end PrepareBatchComponents
-object BatchQueryExecutionModel:
+object QueryExecutionBatchModel:
import Execution._
type BatchExtractBehavior = ExtractBehavior.Skip.type | ExtractBehavior.ExtractWithReturnAction.type
given ToExpr[BatchExtractBehavior] with
@@ -155,168 +179,20 @@ object BatchQueryExecutionModel:
behavior match
case _: ExtractBehavior.Skip.type => '{ ExtractBehavior.Skip }
case _: ExtractBehavior.ExtractWithReturnAction.type => '{ ExtractBehavior.ExtractWithReturnAction }
-object DynamicBatchQueryExecution:
- import BatchQueryExecutionModel._
- import PrepareDynamicExecution._
- extension [T](element: Either[String, T])
- def rightOrException() =
- element match
- case Right(value) => value
- case Left(error) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(error)
- // NOTE We don't need to process secondary planters anymore because that list is not being used.
- // It is handled by the static state. Can removing everything having to do with secondary planters list in a future PR.
- sealed trait PlanterKind
- object PlanterKind:
- case class PrimaryEntitiesList(planter: EagerEntitiesPlanter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
- case class PrimaryScalarList(planter: EagerListPlanter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
- case class Other(planter: Planter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
- def organizePlanters(planters: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]]) =
- planters.foldLeft((Option.empty[PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList | PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList], List.empty[PlanterKind.Other])) {
- case ((None, list), planter: EagerEntitiesPlanter[?, ?, ?]) =>
- val planterKind = PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(planter)
- (Some(planterKind), list)
- case ((None, list), planter: EagerListPlanter[?, ?, ?]) =>
- val planterKind = PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(planter)
- (Some(planterKind), list)
- case ((primary @ Some(_), list), planter) =>
- (primary, list :+ PlanterKind.Other(planter))
- // this means we haven't found the primary planter yet (don't think this can happen because nothing can be before liftQuery), keep going
- case ((primary @ None, list), planter) =>
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid planter traversal")
- } match {
- case (Some(primary), categorizedPlanters) => (primary, categorizedPlanters)
- case (None, _) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not find an entities list-lift (i.e. liftQuery(entities/scalars) in liftQuery(...).foreach()) in lifts: ${planters}")
- }
- def extractPrimaryComponents[I, PrepareRow, Session](
- primaryPlanter: PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList | PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList,
- ast: Ast,
- extractionBehavior: BatchQueryExecutionModel.BatchExtractBehavior
- ) =
- primaryPlanter match
- // In the case of liftQuery(entities)
- case PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(planter) =>
- val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType) = PrepareBatchComponents[I, PrepareRow](ast, planter.fieldClass, extractionBehavior).rightOrException()
- (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, planter.fieldGetters.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanter[?, PrepareRow, Session]]])
- // In the case of liftQuery(scalars)
- // Note, we could have potential other liftQuery(scalars) later in the query for example:
- // liftQuery(List("Joe","Jack","Jill")).foreach(query[Person].filter(name => liftQuery(1,2,3 /*ids of Joe,Jack,Jill respectively*/).contains(p.id)).update(_.name -> name))
- // Therefore we cannot assume that there is only one
- case PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(planter) =>
- val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString
- val (foreachReplacementAst, perRowLift) =
- (ScalarTag(uuid), InjectableEagerPlanter((t: Any) => t, planter.encoder.asInstanceOf[io.getquill.generic.GenericEncoder[Any, PrepareRow, Session]], uuid))
- // create the full batch-query Ast using the value of actual query of the batch statement i.e. I in:
- // liftQuery[...](...).foreach(p => query[I].insertValue(p))
- val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType) = PrepareBatchComponents[I, PrepareRow](ast, foreachReplacementAst, extractionBehavior).rightOrException()
- // return the combined batch components
- (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, List(perRowLift))
- def apply[
- I,
- T,
- A <: QAC[I, T] & Action[I],
- ResultRow,
- PrepareRow,
- Session,
- D <: Idiom,
- N <: NamingStrategy,
- Ctx <: Context[_, _],
- Res
- ](
- quotedRaw: Quoted[BatchAction[A]],
- batchContextOperation: ContextOperation[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res],
- extractionBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior,
- rawExtractor: Extraction[ResultRow, Session, T],
- topLevelQuat: Quat,
- transpileConfig: TranspileConfig
- ) = {
- // since real quotation could possibly be nested, need to get all splice all quotes and get all lifts in all runtimeQuote sections first
- val ast = spliceQuotations(quotedRaw)
- val lifts = gatherLifts(quotedRaw)
- // println(s"===== Spliced Ast: ====\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(ast)}")
- // println(s"===== Initial Lifts: ====\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(lifts)}")
- // Given: Person(name, age)
- // For the query:
- // liftQuery(List(Person("Joe", 123))).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(p))
- // it would be (CaseClass(name->lift(A), age->lift(B)), BatchActionType.Insert, List(InjectableEagerLift(A), InjectableEagerLift(B))))
- // Same thing regardless of what kind of object is in the insert:
- // liftQuery(List("foo")).foreach(name => query[Person].update(_.name -> name))
- // it would be (CaseClass(name->lift(A), age->lift(B)), BatchActionType.Update, List(InjectableEagerLift(A), InjectableEagerLift(B))))
- //
- // That is why it is important to find the actual EagerEntitiesPlanterExpr (i.e. the part defined by `query[Person]`). That
- // way we know the actual entity that needs to be lifted.
- val (primaryPlanter, categorizedPlanters) = organizePlanters(lifts)
- // Use some custom functionality in the lift macro to prepare the case class an injectable lifts
- // e.g. if T is Person(name: String, age: Int) and we do liftQuery(people:List[Person]).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(p))
- // Then:
- // ast = CaseClass(name -> lift(UUID1), age -> lift(UUID2)) // NOTE: lift in the AST means a ScalarTag
- // lifts = List(InjectableEagerLift(p.name, UUID1), InjectableEagerLift(p.age, UUID2))
- // e.g. if T is String and we do liftQuery(people:List[String]).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(Person(p, 123)))
- // Then:
- // ast = lift(UUID1) // I.e. ScalarTag(UUID1) since lift in the AST means a ScalarTag
- // lifts = List(InjectableEagerLift(p, UUID1))
- val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, perRowLifts) = extractPrimaryComponents[I, PrepareRow, Session](primaryPlanter, ast, extractionBehavior)
- // equivalent to static expandQuotation result
- val dynamicExpandedQuotation =
- batchActionType match
- case BatchActionType.Insert => Quoted[Insert[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil) // Already gathered queries and lifts from sub-clauses, don't need them anymore
- case BatchActionType.Update => Quoted[Update[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil)
- // We need lifts for 'Delete' because it could have a WHERE clause
- case BatchActionType.Delete => Quoted[Delete[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil)
- val (queryString, outputAst, sortedLifts, extractor, sortedSecondaryLifts) =
- PrepareDynamicExecution[I, T, T, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session](
- dynamicExpandedQuotation,
- rawExtractor,
- batchContextOperation.idiom,
- batchContextOperation.naming,
- ElaborationBehavior.Skip,
- topLevelQuat,
- transpileConfig,
- SpliceBehavior.AlreadySpliced,
- categorizedPlanters.map(_.planter)
- )
- def expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]], entities: Iterable[?]) =
- entities.map { entity =>
- sortedLifts.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanter[_, _, _]]].map(lift => lift.withInject(entity))
- }
- // Get the planters needed for every element lift (see primaryPlanterLifts in BatchStatic for more detail)
- val primaryPlanterLifts =
- primaryPlanter match
- case PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(entitiesPlanter) =>
- expandLiftQueryMembers(sortedLifts, entitiesPlanter.value).toList
- case PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(scalarsPlanter) =>
- expandLiftQueryMembers(sortedLifts, scalarsPlanter.values).toList
- // Get other lifts that are needed (again, see primaryPlanterLifts in BatchStatic for more detail). Then combine them
- val combinedPlanters =
- primaryPlanterLifts.map(perEntityPlanters => perEntityPlanters ++ sortedSecondaryLifts)
- val prepares =
- combinedPlanters.map(perRowLifts =>
- (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) =>
- LiftsExtractor.Dynamic[PrepareRow, Session](perRowLifts, row, session)
- )
- val spliceAst = false
- val executionAst = if (spliceAst) outputAst else io.getquill.ast.NullValue
- batchContextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.Argument(queryString, prepares.toArray, extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Dynamic, executionAst, topLevelQuat), None))
- }
-object BatchQueryExecution:
+ case class SingleEntityLifts(lifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]])
+ enum BatchingBehavior:
+ // Normal behavior for most databases/contexts
+ case SingleRowPerBatch
+ // Postgres/SQLServer/H2, etc.. support multiple-row-per-query inserts via VALUES clauses
+ // this is a significant optimization over JDBC's PreparedStatement.addBatch/executeBatch.
+ // (The latter which usually don't amount to much better over just single-row actions.)
+ case MultiRowsPerBatch(numRows: Int)
+end QueryExecutionBatchModel
+object QueryExecutionBatch:
import Execution._
- import BatchQueryExecutionModel.{_, given}
+ import QueryExecutionBatchModel.{_, given}
private[getquill] class RunQuery[
I: Type,
@@ -329,11 +205,21 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
N <: NamingStrategy: Type,
Ctx <: Context[_, _],
Res: Type
- ](quotedRaw: Expr[Quoted[BatchAction[A]]], batchContextOperation: Expr[ContextOperation[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]])(using Quotes, Type[Ctx]):
+ ](quotedRaw: Expr[Quoted[BatchAction[A]]], batchContextOperation: Expr[ContextOperation.Batch[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]], rowsPerQuery: Expr[Int])(using Quotes, Type[Ctx]):
import quotes.reflect._
val topLevelQuat = QuatMaking.ofType[T]
+ // TODO Verify batching is >0
+ lazy val batchingBehavior = '{
+ // Do a widening to `Int` otherwise when 1 is passed into the rowsPerQuery argument
+ // scala things that it's a constant value hence it raises as "Error Unreachable"
+ // for the 2nd part of this case-match.
+ ($rowsPerQuery: Int) match
+ case 1 => BatchingBehavior.SingleRowPerBatch
+ case other => BatchingBehavior.MultiRowsPerBatch(other)
+ }
def extractionBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior =
Type.of[A] match
case '[QAC[I, Nothing]] => ExtractBehavior.Skip
@@ -370,14 +256,15 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
val extractor = MakeExtractor[ResultRow, Session, T, T].dynamic(identityConverter, extractionBehavior)
val transpileConfig = SummonTranspileConfig()
- DynamicBatchQueryExecution.apply[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res](
+ QueryExecutionBatchDynamic.apply[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res](
// / For the sake of viewing/debugging the quat macro code it is better not to serialize it here
${ Lifter.NotSerializing.quat(topLevelQuat) },
- ${ TranspileConfigLiftable(transpileConfig) }
+ ${ TranspileConfigLiftable(transpileConfig) },
+ $batchingBehavior
@@ -394,7 +281,7 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
val comps = BatchStatic[I, PrepareRow, Session](unliftedAst, planters, extractionBehavior)
val expandedQuotation = expandQuotation(comps.actionQueryAst, comps.batchActionType, comps.perRowLifts)
- def expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts: List[PlanterExpr[?, ?, ?]], entities: Expr[Iterable[?]]) =
+ def expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts: List[InjectableEagerPlanterExpr[?, ?, ?]], entities: Expr[Iterable[?]]) =
$entities.map(entity =>
@@ -408,7 +295,7 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
// we need a pre-filtered, and ordered list of lifts. The StaticTranslationMacro interanally has done that so we can take the lifts from there although they need to be casted.
// This is safe because they are just the lifts taht we have already had from the `injectableLifts` list
// TODO If all the lists are not InjectableEagerPlanterExpr, then we need to find out which ones are not and not inject them
- val injectedLifts = filteredPerRowLifts.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanterExpr[_, _, _]]].map(lift => lift.inject('entity))
+ val injectedLifts = filteredPerRowLifts.map(lift => lift.inject('entity))
val injectedLiftsExpr = Expr.ofList(injectedLifts)
// val prepare = '{ (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) => LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session]($injectedLiftsExpr, row, session) }
// prepare
@@ -418,8 +305,9 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
StaticTranslationMacro[D, N](expandedQuotation, ElaborationBehavior.Skip, topLevelQuat, comps.categorizedPlanters.map(_.planter)) match
- case Some(state @ StaticState(query, filteredPerRowLifts, _, _, secondaryLifts)) =>
+ case Some(state @ StaticState(query, filteredPerRowLiftsRaw, _, _, secondaryLifts)) =>
// create an extractor for returning actions
+ val filteredPerRowLifts = filteredPerRowLiftsRaw.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanterExpr[_, _, _]]]
val extractor = MakeExtractor[ResultRow, Session, T, T].static(state, identityConverter, extractionBehavior)
// In an expression we could have a whole bunch of different lifts
@@ -439,11 +327,11 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
comps.primaryPlanter match
case BatchStatic.PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(entitiesPlanter) =>
val exp = expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts, entitiesPlanter.expr)
- '{ $exp.toList }
+ '{ $exp.map(SingleEntityLifts(_)).toList }
case BatchStatic.PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(scalarsPlanter) =>
val exp = expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts, scalarsPlanter.expr)
- '{ $exp.toList }
+ '{ $exp.map(SingleEntityLifts(_)).toList }
// At this point here is waht the lifts look like:
// List(
@@ -455,29 +343,40 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
// List(lift(Joe.name), lift(Joe.age)), lift(somethingElse) <- per-entity lifts of Joe
// List(lift(Jim.name), lift(Jim.age)), lift(somethingElse) <- per-entity lifts of Jim
// )
- val otherPlanters =
- Expr.ofList(secondaryLifts.map(_.plant))
- val combinedPlanters =
- '{ $primaryPlanterLifts.map(perEntityPlanters => perEntityPlanters ++ $otherPlanters) }
+ // case class SingleQueryPlanters()
+ val otherPlanters = Expr.ofList(secondaryLifts.map(_.plant))
// println(s"============= Other Planters ===========\n${Format.Expr(otherPlanters)} ")
// println(s"============= Combined Planters ===========\n${Format.Expr(combinedPlanters)} ")
- val prepares = '{
- $combinedPlanters.map(perRowList =>
- (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) =>
- LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session](perRowList, row, session)
- )
- }
val allPlanterExprs = (filteredPerRowLifts ++ secondaryLifts).map(_.plant)
+ val originalPlantersExpr = Expr.ofList(filteredPerRowLifts.map(_.plant))
val emptyContainsTokenExpr: Expr[Token => Token] = '{ $batchContextOperation.idiom.emptySetContainsToken(_) }
val liftingPlaceholderExpr: Expr[Int => String] = '{ $batchContextOperation.idiom.liftingPlaceholder }
- val particularQuery = Particularize.Static[PrepareRow](state.query, allPlanterExprs, liftingPlaceholderExpr, emptyContainsTokenExpr)
+ val queryExpr = Particularize.UnparticularQueryLiftable(state.query)
+ import QueryExecutionBatchModel.{_, given}
+ val extractionBehaviorExpr = Expr(extractionBehavior)
+ val batchGroups = '{
+ QueryExecutionBatchIteration[PrepareRow, Session](
+ $batchContextOperation.idiom,
+ $queryExpr,
+ $primaryPlanterLifts,
+ $otherPlanters,
+ $originalPlantersExpr,
+ $liftingPlaceholderExpr,
+ $emptyContainsTokenExpr,
+ $batchingBehavior,
+ $extractionBehaviorExpr
+ )
+ }
- $batchContextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.Argument($particularQuery, $prepares.toArray, $extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Static, ${ Lifter(state.ast) }, ${ Lifter.quat(topLevelQuat) }), None))
+ $batchContextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.BatchArgument($batchGroups, $extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Static, ${ Lifter(state.ast) }, ${ Lifter.quat(topLevelQuat) }), None))
case None =>
@@ -509,8 +408,8 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
N <: NamingStrategy,
Ctx <: Context[_, _],
- ](ctx: ContextOperation[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res])(inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]) =
- ${ applyImpl[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res]('quoted, 'ctx) }
+ ](ctx: ContextOperation.Batch[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res], rowsPerQuery: Int)(inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]) =
+ ${ applyImpl[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res]('quoted, 'ctx, 'rowsPerQuery) }
def applyImpl[
I: Type,
@@ -523,10 +422,10 @@ object BatchQueryExecution:
N <: NamingStrategy: Type,
Ctx <: Context[_, _],
Res: Type
- ](quoted: Expr[Quoted[BatchAction[A]]], ctx: Expr[ContextOperation[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]])(using Quotes, Type[Ctx]): Expr[Res] =
- new RunQuery[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res](quoted, ctx).apply()
+ ](quoted: Expr[Quoted[BatchAction[A]]], ctx: Expr[ContextOperation.Batch[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res]], rowsPerQuery: Expr[Int])(using Quotes, Type[Ctx]): Expr[Res] =
+ new RunQuery[I, T, A, ResultRow, PrepareRow, Session, D, N, Ctx, Res](quoted, ctx, rowsPerQuery).apply()
-end BatchQueryExecution
+end QueryExecutionBatch
object BatchStatic:
case class Components[PrepareRow, Session](
@@ -565,7 +464,7 @@ object BatchStatic:
def extractPrimaryComponents[I: Type, PrepareRow: Type, Session: Type](
primaryPlanter: PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList | PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList,
ast: Ast,
- extractionBehavior: BatchQueryExecutionModel.BatchExtractBehavior
+ extractionBehavior: QueryExecutionBatchModel.BatchExtractBehavior
)(using Quotes) =
primaryPlanter match
// In the case of liftQuery(entities)
@@ -588,7 +487,7 @@ object BatchStatic:
// return the combined batch components
(Lifter(actionQueryAst), batchActionType, Expr.ofList(List(perRowLift)))
- def apply[I: Type, PrepareRow: Type, Session: Type](ast: Ast, planters: List[PlanterExpr[?, ?, ?]], extractionBehavior: BatchQueryExecutionModel.BatchExtractBehavior)(using Quotes) =
+ def apply[I: Type, PrepareRow: Type, Session: Type](ast: Ast, planters: List[PlanterExpr[?, ?, ?]], extractionBehavior: QueryExecutionBatchModel.BatchExtractBehavior)(using Quotes) =
import quotes.reflect._
// Given: Person(name, age)
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchDynamic.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchDynamic.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2c70b7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchDynamic.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package io.getquill.context
+import scala.language.higherKinds
+import scala.language.experimental.macros
+import java.io.Closeable
+import scala.compiletime.summonFrom
+import scala.util.Try
+import io.getquill.{ReturnAction}
+import io.getquill.generic.EncodingDsl
+import io.getquill.Quoted
+import io.getquill.QueryMeta
+import io.getquill.generic._
+import io.getquill.context.mirror.MirrorDecoders
+import io.getquill.context.mirror.Row
+import io.getquill.generic.GenericDecoder
+import io.getquill.generic.GenericEncoder
+import io.getquill.Planter
+import io.getquill.EagerPlanter
+import io.getquill.InjectableEagerPlanter
+import io.getquill.LazyPlanter
+import io.getquill.ast.Ast
+import io.getquill.ast.Filter
+import io.getquill.ast.Entity
+import io.getquill.ast.ScalarTag
+import io.getquill.ast.Returning
+import io.getquill.ast.ReturningGenerated
+import io.getquill.ast
+import scala.quoted._
+import io.getquill.ast.{Transform, QuotationTag}
+import io.getquill.QuotationLot
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotedExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.PlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerEntitiesPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.Planter
+import io.getquill.idiom.ReifyStatement
+import io.getquill.Query
+import io.getquill.Action
+import io.getquill.idiom.Idiom
+import io.getquill.NamingStrategy
+import io.getquill.metaprog.Extractors._
+import io.getquill.BatchAction
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotationLotExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotationLotExpr._
+import io.getquill.util.Format
+import io.getquill.context.LiftMacro
+import io.getquill.parser.Unlifter
+import io.getquill._
+import io.getquill.QAC
+import io.getquill.parser.Lifter
+import io.getquill.metaprog.InjectableEagerPlanterExpr
+import _root_.io.getquill.norm.BetaReduction
+import io.getquill.context.Execution.ElaborationBehavior
+import io.getquill.quat.Quat
+import io.getquill.quat.QuatMaking
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerListPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.SummonTranspileConfig
+import io.getquill.norm.TranspileConfig
+import io.getquill.metaprog.TranspileConfigLiftable
+import io.getquill.idiom.Token
+object QueryExecutionBatchDynamic:
+ import QueryExecutionBatchModel._
+ import PrepareDynamicExecution._
+ extension [T](element: Either[String, T])
+ def rightOrException() =
+ element match
+ case Right(value) => value
+ case Left(error) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(error)
+ // NOTE We don't need to process secondary planters anymore because that list is not being used.
+ // It is handled by the static state. Can removing everything having to do with secondary planters list in a future PR.
+ sealed trait PlanterKind
+ object PlanterKind:
+ case class PrimaryEntitiesList(planter: EagerEntitiesPlanter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
+ case class PrimaryScalarList(planter: EagerListPlanter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
+ case class Other(planter: Planter[?, ?, ?]) extends PlanterKind
+ def organizePlanters(planters: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]]) =
+ planters.foldLeft((Option.empty[PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList | PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList], List.empty[PlanterKind.Other])) {
+ case ((None, list), planter: EagerEntitiesPlanter[?, ?, ?]) =>
+ val planterKind = PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(planter)
+ (Some(planterKind), list)
+ case ((None, list), planter: EagerListPlanter[?, ?, ?]) =>
+ val planterKind = PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(planter)
+ (Some(planterKind), list)
+ case ((primary @ Some(_), list), planter) =>
+ (primary, list :+ PlanterKind.Other(planter))
+ // this means we haven't found the primary planter yet (don't think this can happen because nothing can be before liftQuery), keep going
+ case ((primary @ None, list), planter) =>
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid planter traversal")
+ } match {
+ case (Some(primary), categorizedPlanters) => (primary, categorizedPlanters)
+ case (None, _) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Could not find an entities list-lift (i.e. liftQuery(entities/scalars) in liftQuery(...).foreach()) in lifts: ${planters}")
+ }
+ def extractPrimaryComponents[I, PrepareRow, Session](
+ primaryPlanter: PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList | PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList,
+ ast: Ast,
+ extractionBehavior: QueryExecutionBatchModel.BatchExtractBehavior
+ ) =
+ primaryPlanter match
+ // In the case of liftQuery(entities)
+ case PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(planter) =>
+ val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType) = PrepareBatchComponents[I, PrepareRow](ast, planter.fieldClass, extractionBehavior).rightOrException()
+ (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, planter.fieldGetters.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanter[?, PrepareRow, Session]]])
+ // In the case of liftQuery(scalars)
+ // Note, we could have potential other liftQuery(scalars) later in the query for example:
+ // liftQuery(List("Joe","Jack","Jill")).foreach(query[Person].filter(name => liftQuery(1,2,3 /*ids of Joe,Jack,Jill respectively*/).contains(p.id)).update(_.name -> name))
+ // Therefore we cannot assume that there is only one
+ case PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(planter) =>
+ val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString
+ val (foreachReplacementAst, perRowLift) =
+ (ScalarTag(uuid), InjectableEagerPlanter((t: Any) => t, planter.encoder.asInstanceOf[io.getquill.generic.GenericEncoder[Any, PrepareRow, Session]], uuid))
+ // create the full batch-query Ast using the value of actual query of the batch statement i.e. I in:
+ // liftQuery[...](...).foreach(p => query[I].insertValue(p))
+ val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType) = PrepareBatchComponents[I, PrepareRow](ast, foreachReplacementAst, extractionBehavior).rightOrException()
+ // return the combined batch components
+ (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, List(perRowLift))
+ def apply[
+ I,
+ T,
+ A <: QAC[I, T] & Action[I],
+ ResultRow,
+ PrepareRow,
+ Session,
+ D <: Idiom,
+ N <: NamingStrategy,
+ Ctx <: Context[_, _],
+ Res
+ ](
+ quotedRaw: Quoted[BatchAction[A]],
+ batchContextOperation: ContextOperation.Batch[I, T, A, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session, Ctx, Res],
+ extractionBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior,
+ rawExtractor: Extraction[ResultRow, Session, T],
+ topLevelQuat: Quat,
+ transpileConfig: TranspileConfig,
+ batchingBehavior: BatchingBehavior
+ ) = {
+ // since real quotation could possibly be nested, need to get all splice all quotes and get all lifts in all runtimeQuote sections first
+ val ast = spliceQuotations(quotedRaw)
+ val lifts = gatherLifts(quotedRaw)
+ val idiom = batchContextOperation.idiom
+ val naming = batchContextOperation.naming
+ // println(s"===== Spliced Ast: ====\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(ast)}")
+ // println(s"===== Initial Lifts: ====\n${io.getquill.util.Messages.qprint(lifts)}")
+ // Given: Person(name, age)
+ // For the query:
+ // liftQuery(List(Person("Joe", 123))).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(p))
+ // it would be (CaseClass(name->lift(A), age->lift(B)), BatchActionType.Insert, List(InjectableEagerLift(A), InjectableEagerLift(B))))
+ // Same thing regardless of what kind of object is in the insert:
+ // liftQuery(List("foo")).foreach(name => query[Person].update(_.name -> name))
+ // it would be (CaseClass(name->lift(A), age->lift(B)), BatchActionType.Update, List(InjectableEagerLift(A), InjectableEagerLift(B))))
+ //
+ // That is why it is important to find the actual EagerEntitiesPlanterExpr (i.e. the part defined by `query[Person]`). That
+ // way we know the actual entity that needs to be lifted.
+ val (primaryPlanter, categorizedPlanters) = organizePlanters(lifts)
+ // Use some custom functionality in the lift macro to prepare the case class an injectable lifts
+ // e.g. if T is Person(name: String, age: Int) and we do liftQuery(people:List[Person]).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(p))
+ // Then:
+ // ast = CaseClass(name -> lift(UUID1), age -> lift(UUID2)) // NOTE: lift in the AST means a ScalarTag
+ // lifts = List(InjectableEagerLift(p.name, UUID1), InjectableEagerLift(p.age, UUID2))
+ // e.g. if T is String and we do liftQuery(people:List[String]).foreach(p => query[Person].insertValue(Person(p, 123)))
+ // Then:
+ // ast = lift(UUID1) // I.e. ScalarTag(UUID1) since lift in the AST means a ScalarTag
+ // lifts = List(InjectableEagerLift(p, UUID1))
+ val (actionQueryAst, batchActionType, perRowLifts) = extractPrimaryComponents[I, PrepareRow, Session](primaryPlanter, ast, extractionBehavior)
+ // equivalent to static expandQuotation result
+ val dynamicExpandedQuotation =
+ batchActionType match
+ case BatchActionType.Insert => Quoted[Insert[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil) // Already gathered queries and lifts from sub-clauses, don't need them anymore
+ case BatchActionType.Update => Quoted[Update[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil)
+ // We need lifts for 'Delete' because it could have a WHERE clause
+ case BatchActionType.Delete => Quoted[Delete[I]](actionQueryAst, perRowLifts, Nil)
+ val (stmt, outputAst, sortedLiftsRaw, extractor, sortedSecondaryLifts) =
+ PrepareDynamicExecution[I, T, T, D, N, PrepareRow, ResultRow, Session](
+ dynamicExpandedQuotation,
+ rawExtractor,
+ idiom,
+ naming,
+ ElaborationBehavior.Skip,
+ topLevelQuat,
+ transpileConfig,
+ SpliceBehavior.AlreadySpliced,
+ categorizedPlanters.map(_.planter)
+ )
+ val sortedLifts = sortedLiftsRaw.asInstanceOf[List[InjectableEagerPlanter[_, _, _]]]
+ def expandLiftQueryMembers(filteredPerRowLifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]], entities: Iterable[?]) =
+ entities.map { entity =>
+ SingleEntityLifts(sortedLifts.map(lift => lift.withInject(entity)))
+ }
+ // Get the planters needed for every element lift (see primaryPlanterLifts in BatchStatic for more detail)
+ val primaryPlanterLifts =
+ primaryPlanter match
+ case PlanterKind.PrimaryEntitiesList(entitiesPlanter) =>
+ expandLiftQueryMembers(sortedLifts, entitiesPlanter.value).toList
+ case PlanterKind.PrimaryScalarList(scalarsPlanter) =>
+ expandLiftQueryMembers(sortedLifts, scalarsPlanter.values).toList
+ val (unparticularQuery, _) = Unparticular.Query.fromStatement(stmt, batchContextOperation.idiom.liftingPlaceholder)
+ val batchGroups =
+ QueryExecutionBatchIteration[PrepareRow, Session](
+ batchContextOperation.idiom,
+ unparticularQuery,
+ primaryPlanterLifts,
+ sortedSecondaryLifts,
+ sortedLifts,
+ idiom.liftingPlaceholder,
+ idiom.emptySetContainsToken,
+ batchingBehavior,
+ extractionBehavior
+ )
+ val spliceAst = false
+ val executionAst = if (spliceAst) outputAst else io.getquill.ast.NullValue
+ batchContextOperation.execute(ContextOperation.BatchArgument(batchGroups, extractor, ExecutionInfo(ExecutionType.Dynamic, executionAst, topLevelQuat), None))
+ }
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchIteration.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchIteration.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f028998fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/QueryExecutionBatchIteration.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+package io.getquill.context
+import scala.language.higherKinds
+import scala.language.experimental.macros
+import java.io.Closeable
+import scala.compiletime.summonFrom
+import scala.util.Try
+import io.getquill.{ReturnAction}
+import io.getquill.generic.EncodingDsl
+import io.getquill.Quoted
+import io.getquill.QueryMeta
+import io.getquill.generic._
+import io.getquill.context.mirror.MirrorDecoders
+import io.getquill.context.mirror.Row
+import io.getquill.generic.GenericDecoder
+import io.getquill.generic.GenericEncoder
+import io.getquill.Planter
+import io.getquill.EagerPlanter
+import io.getquill.InjectableEagerPlanter
+import io.getquill.LazyPlanter
+import io.getquill.ast.Ast
+import io.getquill.ast.Filter
+import io.getquill.ast.Entity
+import io.getquill.ast.ScalarTag
+import io.getquill.ast.Returning
+import io.getquill.ast.ReturningGenerated
+import io.getquill.ast
+import scala.quoted._
+import io.getquill.ast.{Transform, QuotationTag}
+import io.getquill.QuotationLot
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotedExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.PlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerEntitiesPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.Planter
+import io.getquill.idiom.ReifyStatement
+import io.getquill.Query
+import io.getquill.Action
+import io.getquill.idiom.Idiom
+import io.getquill.NamingStrategy
+import io.getquill.metaprog.Extractors._
+import io.getquill.BatchAction
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotationLotExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.QuotationLotExpr._
+import io.getquill.util.Format
+import io.getquill.context.LiftMacro
+import io.getquill.parser.Unlifter
+import io.getquill._
+import io.getquill.QAC
+import io.getquill.parser.Lifter
+import io.getquill.metaprog.InjectableEagerPlanterExpr
+import _root_.io.getquill.norm.BetaReduction
+import io.getquill.context.Execution.ElaborationBehavior
+import io.getquill.quat.Quat
+import io.getquill.quat.QuatMaking
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerListPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.EagerPlanterExpr
+import io.getquill.metaprog.SummonTranspileConfig
+import io.getquill.norm.TranspileConfig
+import io.getquill.metaprog.TranspileConfigLiftable
+import io.getquill.idiom.Token
+import io.getquill.context.QueryExecutionBatchModel.SingleEntityLifts
+import io.getquill.context.QueryExecutionBatchModel.BatchingBehavior
+import io.getquill.context.QueryExecutionBatchModel.BatchExtractBehavior
+import scala.util.Right
+import scala.util.Left
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
+import io.getquill.util.ContextLogger
+import io.getquill.context.Execution.ExtractBehavior
+object QueryExecutionBatchIteration {
+ private[getquill] val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[QueryExecutionBatchIteration.type])
+ def validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIteration(idiom: Idiom, extractBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior) =
+ extractBehavior match
+ case ExtractBehavior.Skip =>
+ validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIterationNormal(idiom)
+ case ExtractBehavior.ExtractWithReturnAction =>
+ validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIterationReturning(idiom)
+ def validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIterationNormal(idiom: Idiom) = {
+ import io.getquill.context.InsertValueMulti
+ val hasCapability =
+ if (idiom.isInstanceOf[IdiomInsertValueCapability])
+ idiom.asInstanceOf[IdiomInsertValueCapability].idiomInsertValuesCapability == InsertValueMulti
+ else
+ false
+ if (hasCapability)
+ Right(())
+ else
+ Left(
+ s"""|The dialect ${idiom.getClass.getName} does not support inserting multiple rows-per-batch (e.g. it cannot support multiple VALUES clauses).
+ |Currently this functionality is only supported for INSERT queries for select databases (Postgres, H2, SQL Server, Sqlite).
+ |Falling back to the regular single-row-per-batch insert behavior.
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ }
+ def validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIterationReturning(idiom: Idiom) = {
+ import io.getquill.context.InsertValueMulti
+ val hasCapability =
+ if (idiom.isInstanceOf[IdiomInsertReturningValueCapability])
+ idiom.asInstanceOf[IdiomInsertReturningValueCapability].idiomInsertReturningValuesCapability == InsertReturningValueMulti
+ else
+ false
+ if (hasCapability)
+ Right(())
+ else
+ Left(
+ s"""|The dialect ${idiom.getClass.getName} does not support inserting multiple rows-per-batch (e.g. it cannot support multiple VALUES clauses)
+ |when batching with query-returns and/or generated-keys.
+ |Currently this functionality is only supported for INSERT queries for select databases (Postgres, H2, SQL Server).
+ |Falling back to the regular single-row-per-batch insert-returning behavior.
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ }
+ def validateConcatenatedIterationPossible(query: Unparticular.Query, entitiesPerQuery: Int) = {
+ import io.getquill.idiom._
+ def valueClauseExistsIn(token: Token): Boolean =
+ token match
+ case _: ValuesClauseToken => true
+ case _: StringToken => false
+ case _: ScalarTagToken => false
+ case _: QuotationTagToken => false
+ case _: ScalarLiftToken => false
+ case Statement(tokens: List[Token]) => tokens.exists(valueClauseExistsIn(_) == true)
+ case SetContainsToken(a: Token, op: Token, b: Token) =>
+ valueClauseExistsIn(a) || valueClauseExistsIn(op) || valueClauseExistsIn(b)
+ if (valueClauseExistsIn(query.realQuery))
+ Right(())
+ else
+ Left(
+ s"""|Cannot insert multiple (i.e. ${entitiesPerQuery}) rows per-batch-query since the query ${query.basicQuery} has no VALUES clause.
+ |Currently this functionality is only supported for INSERT queries for select databases (Postgres, H2, SQL Server, Sqlite).
+ |Falling back to the regular single-row-per-batch insert behavior.
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ }
+ def apply[PrepareRow, Session](
+ idiom: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom,
+ query: Unparticular.Query,
+ perRowLifts: List[SingleEntityLifts],
+ otherLifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]],
+ originalEntityLifts: List[InjectableEagerPlanter[_, _, _]],
+ liftingPlaceholder: Int => String,
+ emptyContainsToken: Token => Token,
+ batchingBehavior: BatchingBehavior,
+ extractBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior
+ ): List[(String, List[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)])] =
+ new Executor(
+ idiom,
+ query,
+ perRowLifts,
+ otherLifts,
+ originalEntityLifts,
+ liftingPlaceholder,
+ emptyContainsToken,
+ batchingBehavior,
+ extractBehavior
+ ).apply()
+ class Executor[PrepareRow, Session](
+ idiom: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom,
+ query: Unparticular.Query,
+ perRowLifts: List[SingleEntityLifts],
+ otherLifts: List[Planter[?, ?, ?]],
+ originalEntityLifts: List[InjectableEagerPlanter[_, _, _]],
+ liftingPlaceholder: Int => String,
+ emptyContainsToken: Token => Token,
+ batchingBehavior: BatchingBehavior,
+ extractBehavior: BatchExtractBehavior
+ ) {
+ def apply(): List[(String, List[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)])] =
+ batchingBehavior match
+ // If we have MultiRowsPerBatch behavior and we are instructed to concatenate multiple rows together (i.e. entitiesPerQuery > 1)
+ case BatchingBehavior.MultiRowsPerBatch(entitiesPerQuery) if (entitiesPerQuery > 1) =>
+ val validations =
+ for {
+ _ <- validateConcatenatedIterationPossible(query, entitiesPerQuery)
+ _ <- validateIdiomSupportsConcatenatedIteration(idiom, extractBehavior)
+ } yield ()
+ validations match
+ case Left(msg) =>
+ logger.underlying.warn(msg)
+ singleRowIteration()
+ case Right(_) =>
+ concatenatedRowIteration(entitiesPerQuery)
+ case _ =>
+ singleRowIteration()
+ // NOTE: First we can particularize for every query as explained below.
+ // If needed, at some point we can optimize and have just two query particularizations:
+ // if (entitiesCount <= batchSize)
+ // batch(single)(entitiesSize%batchSize)
+ // else
+ // insert-batch(notLast)(batchSize) + insert-batch(last)(entitiesSize%batchSize)
+ //
+ // In general we get the VALUES-clause lifts for all rows we want to insert in this query
+ // E.g. in a batch-set that looks like (assuming batchSize=3 i.e. each VALUES-clause is a row):
+ // (note that the WHERE clause is not technically possible insertions but can happen with UPDATEs that CAN have WHERE clauses)
+ // Query1: INSERT INTO Person (name, age) VALUES ('Joe', 22), ('Jack', 33), ('Jill', 44) WHERE something=liftedValue
+ // Query2: INSERT INTO Person (name, age) VALUES ('LastGuy', 55) WHERE something=liftedValue
+ // We will have the groups:
+ // (using [stuff, stuff] as list syntax), l:stuff for lift(stuff) a.k.a. Planter(stuff), sing: means singleQueryEntities
+ // Query1: sing:[ SingleEntityLifts([l:'Joe', l:22]), SingleEntityLifts([l:'Jack', l:33]), SingleEntityLifts([l:'Jill', l:44]) ], otherLifts:[liftedValue]
+ // Query2: sing:[ SingleEntityLifts([l:'LastGuy', l:55]) ], otherLifts:[liftedValue]
+ //
+ // Another possibility (This is actualy the 1st clause in the code arrangement below) is that there are only 3 rows in total,
+ // in that case there will only be one query:
+ // Query1: INSERT INTO Person (name, age) VALUES ('Joe', 22), ('Jack', 33), ('Jill', 44) WHERE something=liftedValue
+ // We will have just one group:
+ // Query1: sing:[ SingleEntityLifts([l:'Joe', l:22]), SingleEntityLifts([l:'Jack', l:33]), SingleEntityLifts([l:'Jill', l:44]) ], otherLifts:[liftedValue]
+ def concatenatedRowIteration(numEntitiesPerQuery: Int): List[(String, List[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)])] = {
+ val totalEntityCount = perRowLifts.length
+ val templateOfLifts = originalEntityLifts ++ otherLifts
+ // if (entitiesCount <= batchSize)
+ // batch(single)(entitiesSize%batchSize)
+ if (totalEntityCount <= numEntitiesPerQuery) {
+ val (singleGroupQuery, liftsOrderer) = Particularize.Dynamic(query, templateOfLifts, liftingPlaceholder, emptyContainsToken, /*valueClauseRepeats*/ totalEntityCount)
+ // Since the entire query will fit into one bach, we don't need to subdivide the batches
+ // just make prepares based on all of the lifts
+ val orderedLifts = liftsOrderer.orderLifts(perRowLifts, otherLifts)
+ val prepares =
+ (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) => {
+ LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session](orderedLifts, row, session)
+ }
+ // Output here is a single Query and Single prepares list (although the type is )
+ List((singleGroupQuery, List(prepares)))
+ }
+ // else (entitiesCount > batchSize)
+ // insert-batch(notLast)(batchSize) + insert-batch(last)(entitiesSize % batchSize)
+ // In other words, if we are doing batchSize=1000 i.e. 1000 rows per query and we have 2200 rows, make three batch groups
+ // The 1st and 2nd that insert 1000 rows each, that's the queryForMostGroups
+ // The 3rd which only inserts 200 i.e. 2200 % batchSize
+ else {
+ val (anteriorQuery, anteriorLiftsOrderer) = Particularize.Dynamic(query, templateOfLifts, liftingPlaceholder, emptyContainsToken, numEntitiesPerQuery)
+ val lastQueryEntityCount = totalEntityCount % numEntitiesPerQuery
+ val (lastQuery, lastLiftsOrderer) = Particularize.Dynamic(query, templateOfLifts, liftingPlaceholder, emptyContainsToken, lastQueryEntityCount)
+ // println(s"Most Queries: ${numEntitiesPerQuery} Entities, Last Query: ${lastQueryEntityCount} Entities")
+ // Say you have `liftQuery(A,B,C,D,E).foreach(...)` and numEntitiesPerQuery:=2 you need to do the following:
+ // (where by lift(As) I mean lift all the columns of A)
+ // Prepare(INSERT ... VALUES (?, ?)) run-on (lift(As), lift(Bs)), then run-on (lift(Cs), lift(Ds))
+ // Then the one final query:
+ // Prepare(INSERT ... VALUES (?)) run-on (lift(Es))
+ // Since perRowLifts.grouped(numEntitiesPerQuery).toList this case would be:
+ // List(List(A, B), List(C, D), List(E)) so we need to drop the last List(E) i.e. on the dropRight(1)
+ //
+ // If we have fewer entities to insert however (i.e. numEntitiesPerQuery > 2 e.g. just List(List(A))) then
+ // we just take that and do not drop anything.
+ val groupedLifts = perRowLifts.grouped(numEntitiesPerQuery).toList
+ val entitiesInQueries =
+ if (lastQueryEntityCount > 0)
+ groupedLifts.dropRight(1)
+ else
+ groupedLifts
+ val anteriorPrepares =
+ entitiesInQueries.map { entitiesInOneQuery =>
+ // So firstly we need to combine the `sing` and `otherLifts` groups (see comment above for more explanation)
+ val liftsInThisGroup = anteriorLiftsOrderer.orderLifts(entitiesInOneQuery, otherLifts)
+ (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) =>
+ LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session](liftsInThisGroup, row, session)
+ }
+ val lastPrepare = {
+ val lastEntities = groupedLifts.last
+ val liftsInThisGroup = lastLiftsOrderer.orderLifts(lastEntities, otherLifts)
+ (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) =>
+ LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session](liftsInThisGroup, row, session)
+ }
+ List(
+ (anteriorQuery, anteriorPrepares)
+ ) ++ (
+ if (lastQueryEntityCount > 0)
+ List((lastQuery, List(lastPrepare)))
+ else
+ Nil
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ def singleRowIteration(): List[(String, List[(PrepareRow, Session) => (List[Any], PrepareRow)])] = {
+ val numEntitiesInAllQueries = 1
+ // Since every batch consists of one row inserted, can use the original InjectableEagerPlanter here to Particularize (i.e. insert the right number of '?' into) the query
+ val liftsInAllGroups = originalEntityLifts ++ otherLifts
+ val (allGroupsQuery, liftsOrderer) = Particularize.Dynamic(query, liftsInAllGroups, liftingPlaceholder, emptyContainsToken, numEntitiesInAllQueries)
+ val prepares =
+ perRowLifts.map {
+ liftsInThisGroup =>
+ val orderedLifts = liftsOrderer.orderLifts(List(liftsInThisGroup), otherLifts)
+ {
+ (row: PrepareRow, session: Session) =>
+ LiftsExtractor.apply[PrepareRow, Session](orderedLifts, row, session)
+ }
+ }
+ List((allGroupsQuery, prepares))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Unparticular.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Unparticular.scala
index 1053df33b..4cac6b53d 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Unparticular.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Unparticular.scala
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ object Unparticular:
case SetContainsToken(a, op, b) => apply(stmt"$a $op ($b)" +: tail, sqlResult, liftingResult, liftingSize)
case ScalarTagToken(tag) => apply(tail, liftingPlaceholder(liftingSize) +: sqlResult, tag +: liftingResult, liftingSize + 1)
case Statement(tokens) => apply(tokens.foldRight(tail)(_ +: _), sqlResult, liftingResult, liftingSize)
+ case ValuesClauseToken(stmt) => apply(stmt +: tail, sqlResult, liftingResult, liftingSize)
case _: ScalarLiftToken =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scalar Lift Tokens are not used in Dotty Quill. Only Scalar Lift Tokens.")
case _: QuotationTagToken =>
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/ExprModel.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/ExprModel.scala
index 1a994730e..03c6eafb2 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/ExprModel.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/ExprModel.scala
@@ -281,6 +281,36 @@ object QuotedExpr {
sealed trait QuotationLotExpr
object QuotationLotExpr {
+ def apply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): QuotationLotExpr =
+ unapply(expr).getOrElse { quotes.reflect.report.throwError(s"The expression: ${expr.show} is not a valid Quoted Expression and cannot be unquoted.") }
+ // Verify that a quotation is inline. It is inline if all the lifts are inline. There is no need
+ // to search the AST since it has been parsed already
+ def unapply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Option[QuotationLotExpr] = {
+ import quotes.reflect._
+ expr match {
+ case vase @ `QuotationLot.apply`(quotation, uid, rest) =>
+ quotation match
+ case quoted @ QuotedExpr.UprootableWithLifts(QuotedExpr(ast, _, _), lifts) =>
+ // Note: If the `Quoted.apply` is inside an Inline, would we need to do the same thing that we do
+ // to the lifts (i.e. nesting the Inline inside them) to the 'rest' element? I don't think so
+ // because the Inline would be around `Quoted.apply` which is already inside of `QuotationLot.apply`
+ // i.e. it would be QuotationLot.apply(Inline(Quoted.apply(...)), ..., rest) so I don't see how 'rest'
+ // could get the contents of this Inner inline
+ Some(Uprootable(uid, ast, lifts)(quoted, vase.asInstanceOf[Expr[QuotationLot[Any]]], rest))
+ case _ =>
+ Some(Pluckable(uid, quotation, rest))
+ // If it's a QuotationLot but we can't extract it at all, need to throw an error
+ case '{ ($qb: QuotationLot[t]) } =>
+ Some(Pointable(qb))
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
protected object `(QuotationLot).unquote` {
def unapply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes) = {
import quotes.reflect._
@@ -308,7 +338,26 @@ object QuotationLotExpr {
def unapply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Option[(Expr[Quoted[Any]], String, List[Expr[_]])] = {
import quotes.reflect._
- UntypeExpr(expr) match {
+ /*
+ * Specifically the inner `Uninline` part allows using metas e.g. InsertMeta that
+ * are defined in parent contexts e.g.
+ * class Stuff { object InnertStuff { inline given InsertMeta[Product] = insertMeta(_.id) } }
+ * and then imported into other places e.g.
+ * class OtherStuff extends Stuff { import InnerStuff.{given, _} } because multiple `Inline` blocks
+ * will be nested around the InsertMeta.apply part.
+ * It looks something like this:
+ * {
+ * // If you have a look at the Term-level, this outer layer is actually one or multiple Inlined(...) parts
+ * val BatchValuesSpec_this: BatchValuesJdbcSpec.this = Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal$_this.1_
+ * ((InsertMeta[Product](Quoted[Product](Tuple(List[Ast](Property.Opinionated(Ident.Opinionated("_$V", Quat.Product("id", "description", "sku")), "id", ...))).asInstanceOf[Ast], Nil, Nil),
+ * "2e594955-b45c-4532-9bd5-ec3b3eb04138"): InsertMeta[Product]): InsertMeta[Product])
+ * }
+ * This will cause all manner of failure for example:
+ * "The InsertMeta form is invalid. It is Pointable." Also note that this is safe to do
+ * so long as we are not extracting any lifts from the Quoted.apply sections inside.
+ * Otherwise, we may run into unbound-variable issues when the lifts inside the Quoted.apply are extracted.
+ */
+ UntypeExpr(Uninline(expr)) match {
// Extract the entity, the uid and any other expressions the qutation bin may have
// (e.g. the extractor if the QuotationLot is a QueryMeta). That `Uninline`
// is needed because in some cases, the `underlyingArgument` call (that gets called somewhere before here)
@@ -378,36 +427,6 @@ object QuotationLotExpr {
- def apply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): QuotationLotExpr =
- unapply(expr).getOrElse { quotes.reflect.report.throwError(s"The expression: ${expr.show} is not a valid Quoted Expression and cannot be unquoted.") }
- // Verify that a quotation is inline. It is inline if all the lifts are inline. There is no need
- // to search the AST since it has been parsed already
- def unapply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Option[QuotationLotExpr] = {
- import quotes.reflect._
- expr match {
- case vase @ `QuotationLot.apply`(quotation, uid, rest) =>
- quotation match
- case quoted @ QuotedExpr.UprootableWithLifts(QuotedExpr(ast, _, _), lifts) =>
- // Note: If the `Quoted.apply` is inside an Inline, would we need to do the same thing that we do
- // to the lifts (i.e. nesting the Inline inside them) to the 'rest' element? I don't think so
- // because the Inline would be around `Quoted.apply` which is already inside of `QuotationLot.apply`
- // i.e. it would be QuotationLot.apply(Inline(Quoted.apply(...)), ..., rest) so I don't see how 'rest'
- // could get the contents of this Inner inline
- Some(Uprootable(uid, ast, lifts)(quoted, vase.asInstanceOf[Expr[QuotationLot[Any]]], rest))
- case _ =>
- Some(Pluckable(uid, quotation, rest))
- // If it's a QuotationLot but we can't extract it at all, need to throw an error
- case '{ ($qb: QuotationLot[t]) } =>
- Some(Pointable(qb))
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- }
// Not sure why this is needed by incremental compile breaks without it e.g. gives:
// case class Pointable(expr: Expr[QuotationLot[Any]]) extends QuotationLotExpr
import scala.quoted.Expr
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/Extractors.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/Extractors.scala
index 098211fa7..cebdef2e7 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/Extractors.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/Extractors.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package io.getquill.metaprog
import scala.quoted._
import scala.quoted.Varargs
import io.getquill.util.Format
+import io.getquill.util.Messages.TraceType
class Is[T: Type]:
def unapply(expr: Expr[Any])(using Quotes) =
@@ -556,10 +557,8 @@ object Extractors {
any match
case i @ Inlined(_, pv, v) =>
- // TODO File a bug for this? Try exprMap to fill in the variables
- // println Format(Printer.TreeStructure.show(i.underlyingArgument))
- report.warning(s"Ran into an inline on a clause: ${Format(Printer.TreeStructure.show(i.underlyingArgument))}. Proxy variables will be discarded: ${pv}")
- // report.warning(s"Ran into an inline on a clause: ${Format.Term(i)}. Proxy variables will be discarded: ${pv}")
+ if (SummonTranspileConfig.summonTraceTypes(true).contains(TraceType.Meta))
+ report.warning(s"Ran into an inline on a clause: ${Format(Printer.TreeStructure.show(i.underlyingArgument))}. Proxy variables will be discarded: ${pv}")
case _ => any
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/SummonTranspileConfig.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/SummonTranspileConfig.scala
index b38517ebb..8e728d2af 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/SummonTranspileConfig.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/metaprog/SummonTranspileConfig.scala
@@ -27,23 +27,31 @@ object SummonTranspileConfig:
// report.info(conf.toString)
- def summonTraceTypes()(using Quotes): List[TraceType] =
+ def summonTraceTypes(orFromProperties: Boolean = false)(using Quotes): List[TraceType] =
import quotes.reflect._
- val enableTraceExpr = Expr.summon[EnableTrace].getOrElse('{ EnableTraceNone })
- val foundTraceTypeNames = findHListMembers(enableTraceExpr, "Trace").map(_.typeSymbol.name)
- TraceType.values.filter { trace =>
- val simpleName = parseSealedTraitClassName(trace.getClass)
- foundTraceTypeNames.contains(simpleName)
- }
+ Expr.summon[EnableTrace] match
+ case Some(enableTraceExpr) =>
+ val foundTraceTypeNames = findHListMembers(enableTraceExpr, "Trace").map(_.typeSymbol.name)
+ TraceType.values.filter { trace =>
+ val simpleName = parseSealedTraitClassName(trace.getClass)
+ foundTraceTypeNames.contains(simpleName)
+ }
+ case None =>
+ if (orFromProperties)
+ io.getquill.util.GetTraces()
+ else
+ List()
def summonPhaseDisables()(using Quotes): List[OptionalPhase] =
import quotes.reflect._
- val disablePhaseExpr = Expr.summon[DisablePhase].getOrElse('{ DisablePhaseNone })
- val disablePhaseTypeNames = findHListMembers(disablePhaseExpr, "Phase").map(_.typeSymbol.name)
- OptionalPhase.all.filter { phase =>
- val simpleName = parseSealedTraitClassName(phase.getClass)
- disablePhaseTypeNames.contains(simpleName)
- }
+ Expr.summon[DisablePhase] match
+ case Some(disablePhaseExpr) =>
+ val disablePhaseTypeNames = findHListMembers(disablePhaseExpr, "Phase").map(_.typeSymbol.name)
+ OptionalPhase.all.filter { phase =>
+ val simpleName = parseSealedTraitClassName(phase.getClass)
+ disablePhaseTypeNames.contains(simpleName)
+ }
+ case None => List()
def findHListMembers(baseExpr: Expr[_], typeMemberName: String)(using Quotes): List[quotes.reflect.TypeRepr] =
import quotes.reflect._
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/util/GetTraces.scala b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/util/GetTraces.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..142222291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-sql/src/main/scala/io/getquill/util/GetTraces.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package io.getquill.util
+// Proxy because Messages.traces is package-specific
+// TODO Need to change ownership there to getQuill
+object GetTraces:
+ def apply() = io.getquill.util.Messages.traces
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionMultiTest.scala b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionMultiTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5420e8496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionMultiTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+package io.getquill
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import io.getquill.Quoted
+import io.getquill.ast._
+import io.getquill.QuotationLot
+import io.getquill.QuotationVase
+import io.getquill.context.ExecutionType
+import org.scalatest._
+import io.getquill.quat.quatOf
+import io.getquill.context.ExecutionType.Static
+import io.getquill.context.ExecutionType.Dynamic
+import io.getquill.context.Context
+import io.getquill.quote
+import io.getquill.query
+import io.getquill.util.debug.PrintMac
+class BatchActionMultiTest extends Spec with Inside with SuperContext[PostgresDialect, Literal] {
+ // Need to fully type this otherwise scala compiler thinks it's still just 'Context' from the super-class
+ // and the extensions (m: MirrorContext[_, _]#BatchActionMirror) etc... classes in Spec don't match their types correctly
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[PostgresDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext[PostgresDialect, Literal](PostgresDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ "Multi-row Batch Action Should work with" - {
+ "inserts > batch-size - (2rows + 2rows) + (1row)" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222), Person(3, "C", 333), Person(4, "D", 444), Person(5, "E", 555))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111, 2, "B", 222), List(3, "C", 333, 4, "D", 444)),
+ executionType
+ ),
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(5, "E", 555)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ def expect2(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ((? || ?) || 'bar'), ?), (?, ((? || ?) || 'bar'), ?)",
+ List(List(1, "foo", "A", 111, 2, "foo", "B", 222), List(3, "foo", "C", 333, 4, "foo", "D", 444)),
+ executionType
+ ),
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ((? || ?) || 'bar'), ?)",
+ List(List(5, "foo", "E", 555)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static - mixed" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => query[Person].insert(_.id -> p.id, _.name -> (lift("foo") + p.name + "bar"), _.age -> p.age)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect2(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic - mixed" in {
+ // TODO Why does it not print that a dynamic query is being run?
+ val q = quote(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => query[Person].insert(_.id -> p.id, _.name -> (lift("foo") + p.name + "bar"), _.age -> p.age)))
+ val static = ctx.run(q, 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect2(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "batch insert - (2rows + 2rows)" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222), Person(3, "C", 333), Person(4, "D", 444))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111, 2, "B", 222), List(3, "C", 333, 4, "D", 444)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "inserts == batch-size" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111, 2, "B", 222)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "inserts < batch-size - (1row)" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "fallback for non-insert query" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222), Person(3, "C", 333), Person(4, "D", 444), Person(5, "E", 555))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "UPDATE Person AS pt SET id = ?, name = ?, age = ? WHERE pt.id = ?",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111, 1), List(2, "B", 222, 2), List(3, "C", 333, 3), List(4, "D", 444, 4), List(5, "E", 555, 5)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => updatePeopleById(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => updatePeopleByIdDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "supported contexts" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222), Person(3, "C", 333), Person(4, "D", 444), Person(5, "E", 555))
+ def makeRow(executionType: ExecutionType)(queryA: String, queryB: String) =
+ List(
+ (
+ queryA,
+ List(List(1, "A", 111, 2, "B", 222), List(3, "C", 333, 4, "D", 444)),
+ executionType
+ ),
+ (
+ queryB,
+ List(List(5, "E", 555)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ makeRow(executionType)(
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
+ )
+ def expectH2(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ makeRow(executionType)(
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6)",
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)"
+ )
+ def expectPostgresReturning(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ makeRow(executionType)(
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?) RETURNING id",
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?) RETURNING id"
+ )
+ def expectSqlServerReturning(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ makeRow(executionType)(
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) OUTPUT INSERTED.id VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?)",
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) OUTPUT INSERTED.id VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
+ )
+ "postgres - regular/returning" in {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[PostgresDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext(PostgresDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p).returning(_.id)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expectPostgresReturning(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "sqlserver - regular/returning" in {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[SQLServerDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext(SQLServerDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p).returning(_.id)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expectSqlServerReturning(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "mysql - regular/returning" in {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[MySQLDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext(MySQLDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p).returning(_.id)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "h2 - regular/returning" in {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[H2Dialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext(H2Dialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expectH2(ExecutionType.Static)
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p).returning(_.id)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expectH2(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "sqlite - only regular" in {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[SqliteDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext(SqliteDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2).tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ }
+ "fallback for non-supported context" - {
+ val people = List(Person(1, "A", 111), Person(2, "B", 222), Person(3, "C", 333), Person(4, "D", 444), Person(5, "E", 555))
+ def expect(executionType: ExecutionType) =
+ List(
+ (
+ "INSERT INTO Person (id,name,age) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+ List(List(1, "A", 111), List(2, "B", 222), List(3, "C", 333), List(4, "D", 444), List(5, "E", 555)),
+ executionType
+ )
+ )
+ "oracle" - {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[OracleDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext[OracleDialect, Literal](OracleDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ "sqlite - with returning clause" - {
+ val ctx: MirrorContext[OracleDialect, Literal] = new MirrorContext[OracleDialect, Literal](OracleDialect, Literal)
+ import ctx._
+ "static" in {
+ val static = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeople(p).returning(_.id)), 2)
+ static.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Static)
+ }
+ "dynamic" in {
+ val dynamic = ctx.run(liftQuery(people).foreach(p => insertPeopleDynamic(p).returning(_.id)), 2)
+ dynamic.tripleBatchMulti mustEqual expect(ExecutionType.Dynamic)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionTest.scala b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionTest.scala
index bd67af00f..8320d93b3 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionTest.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/BatchActionTest.scala
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ trait SuperContext[D <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy] {
// Also note that the context needs to be typed. As an example of how to do that, we passed typing parameters
// through the class. If the parameters are removed (i.e. used `val ctx: Context[_, _]`), the LoadModule will try to
// load the base-object `Idiom` because that is the minimal thing that the Dialect parameter needs
- // (and it seems LoadModule in BatchQueryExecution does not yet know what the values of the _, _ in Context[_, _]
+ // (and it seems LoadModule in QueryExecutionBatch does not yet know what the values of the _, _ in Context[_, _]
// are supposed to be)
val ctx: Context[D, N] //
import ctx._
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ trait SuperContext[D <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, N <: NamingStrategy] {
case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int)
inline def insertPeople = quote((p: Person) => query[Person].insertValue(p))
val insertPeopleDynamic = quote((p: Person) => query[Person].insertValue(p))
+ inline def updatePeopleById = quote((p: Person) => query[Person].filter(pt => pt.id == p.id).updateValue(p))
+ val updatePeopleByIdDynamic = quote((p: Person) => query[Person].filter(pt => pt.id == p.id).updateValue(p))
class BatchActionTest extends Spec with Inside with SuperContext[PostgresDialect, Literal] {
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/Spec.scala b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/Spec.scala
index cf4c40750..f4283f911 100644
--- a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/Spec.scala
+++ b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/Spec.scala
@@ -36,6 +36,22 @@ abstract class Spec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
+ extension (m: MirrorContextBase[_, _]#BatchActionReturningMirror[_])
+ def tripleBatchMulti =
+ m.groups.map { (queryString, returnAction, prepares) =>
+ (
+ queryString,
+ prepares.map { prep =>
+ // being explicit here about the fact that this is done per prepare element i.e. all of them are supposed to be Row instances
+ prep match {
+ case r: io.getquill.context.mirror.Row =>
+ r.data.map(data => deIndexify(data._2))
+ }
+ },
+ m.info.executionType
+ )
+ }
private def deIndexify(value: Any): Any =
value match
case Some((Row.TupleIndex(a) -> b)) => Some(deIndexify(b))
@@ -59,6 +75,22 @@ abstract class Spec extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
+ extension (m: MirrorContextBase[_, _]#BatchActionMirror)
+ def tripleBatchMulti =
+ m.groups.map { (queryString, prepares) =>
+ (
+ queryString,
+ prepares.map { prep =>
+ // being explicit here about the fact that this is done per prepare element i.e. all of them are supposed to be Row instances
+ prep match {
+ case r: io.getquill.context.mirror.Row =>
+ r.data.map(data => deIndexify(data._2))
+ }
+ },
+ m.info.executionType
+ )
+ }
extension (m: MirrorContextBase[_, _]#ActionMirror)
def triple =
diff --git a/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/sql/BatchValuesSpec.scala b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/sql/BatchValuesSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7c25c0b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quill-sql/src/test/scala/io/getquill/context/sql/BatchValuesSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package io.getquill.context.sql
+import io.getquill._
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
+trait BatchValuesSpec extends Spec with BeforeAndAfterEach {
+ val context: SqlContext[_, _]
+ import context._
+ case class Product(id: Int, description: String, sku: Long)
+ inline def insertProduct =
+ quote((p: Product) => query[Product].insertValue(p))
+ def makeProducts(maxRows: Int) =
+ (1 to 22).map(i => Product(i, s"Product-${i}", i * 100))
+ object `Ex 1 - Batch Insert Normal` {
+ inline given InsertMeta[Product] = insertMeta(_.id)
+ val products = makeProducts(22)
+ val batchSize = 5
+ inline def opExt = quote {
+ (transform: Insert[Product] => Insert[Product]) =>
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => transform(query[Product].insertValue(p)))
+ }
+ inline def op = quote {
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => query[Product].insertValue(p))
+ }
+ inline def get = quote { query[Product] }
+ def result = products
+ }
+ object `Ex 2 - Batch Insert Returning` {
+ val productsOriginal = makeProducts(20)
+ // want to populate them from DB
+ val products = productsOriginal.map(p => p.copy(id = 0))
+ val expectedIds = productsOriginal.map(_.id)
+ val batchSize = 10
+ inline def op = quote {
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => query[Product].insertValue(p).returningGenerated(p => p.id))
+ }
+ inline def get = quote { query[Product] }
+ def result = productsOriginal
+ }
+ object `Ex 3 - Batch Insert Mixed` {
+ val products = makeProducts(20)
+ val batchSize = 40
+ inline def op = quote {
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => query[Product].insert(_.id -> p.id, _.description -> lift("BlahBlah"), _.sku -> p.sku))
+ }
+ inline def opExt = quote {
+ (transform: Insert[Product] => Insert[Product]) =>
+ liftQuery(products).foreach(p => transform(query[Product].insert(_.id -> p.id, _.description -> lift("BlahBlah"), _.sku -> p.sku)))
+ }
+ inline def get = quote { query[Product] }
+ def result = products.map(_.copy(description = "BlahBlah"))
+ }
diff --git a/scripts/increase_postgres_latency.sh b/scripts/increase_postgres_latency.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..95c50a19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/increase_postgres_latency.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Make the Postgres DB image have 100ms latency for all requests.
+# This gives a more realistic understanding of batch-query performance
+# since in most corporate environments DBs are on a separate server
+# potentially multiple network-hops away.
+docker exec protoquill_postgres_1 tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 50ms
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/start_containers.sh b/scripts/start_containers.sh
similarity index 100%
rename from start_containers.sh
rename to scripts/start_containers.sh