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The fuzz crate implements fuzzing for the Virtio Devices at the library level using libfuzzer. In order to mimic the typical Virtio device to driver communication, before calling random functions with random input on the Virtio implementations in scope, we first write random descriptors in guest memory.

Structure Aware Fuzzing

This project uses a custom implementation for structure-aware fuzzing. Using the structure aware fuzzing with the arbitrary crate is not possible because there is no way to generate custom input to be passed when running the fuzz targets. This is an issue caused by the way Arbitrary generates input using a seed, and more details are available in the issue that tracks this.

To work around this problem, and still be able to reach the goal of not manually parsing bytes, we're using serde and bincode. With these 2 crates, we are able to convert a sequence of random bytes (generated by libfuzzer) to a structure that's resembles the components from vm-virtio which we are testing.

In most cases the structures we define for fuzzing and the structures in vm-virtio have the same memory layout and differ only by the traits they're implementing or deriving. Explicitly, the fuzzing structures derive the serde Serialize and Deserialize traits which essentially allows us to initialize them from random bytes.

A notable exception to this rule is the FuzzingDescriptor which besides deriving Serialize and Deserialize also uses Rust primitive types as opposed to the vm-virtio defined Descriptor which has as fields the little endian equivalents of the primitive types. The reason for this change is that the little endian types do not derive the serde traits that we need.

Fuzzing virtio_queue

For fuzzing the Queue implementation from the virtio_queue crate we defined an enum which contains defines for all the functions that you can call on the structure. We are not limiting these calls to functions that can be called by the driver (and would thus handle untrusted input) because we want to simulate both driver and devices requests.

The Mock Queue is defined in the virtio-queue crate and has the purpose of mimicking a driver. As such, we are first creating the Mock Queue, then using it to write the random descriptors generated by the fuzzer into Guest Memory. Once this setup is done, we can create a Queue to be fuzzed by using the previously parsed random functions. This process is detailed in the picture below:

Fuzzing virtio_queue

Fuzzing virtio-queue-ser

Fuzzing the virtio-queue-ser follows a similar process as the one for fuzzing the Queue implementation. The target structure for fuzzing is QueueState, which can be used to initialize a Queue structure by calling the TryFrom implementation from virtio-queue-ser.

As such, we initialize a Mock Queue, write the descriptor chains, and create a QueueState from random data. Then, we are using the defined function from virtio-queue-ser to initialize the Queue, up to which point the fuzz steps are the same as in the case of fuzzing the virtio-queue. The process for is detailed below:

Fuzzing QueueState

Fuzzing virtio_vsock

The target for the virtio-vsock fuzzing is the VsockPacket structure. A VsockPacket can be created either from a DescriptorChain or from raw pointers. For the scope of this project we are focusing on the former.

The Vsock device uses 2 queues: one for RX and one for TX, and the unit for operating with the vsock device is a VsockPacket. There are 2 different functions we can use for initializing the VsockPacket: from_rx_virtq_chain and from_tx_virtq_chain.

The fuzz target implementation for VsockPacket is fairly similar to Virtio Queue. We are writing random descriptor chains into guest memory, then we are initializing a packet by randomly selecting between the 2 possible operations (from RX or TX), and lastly we are calling random functions on the created VsockPacket. The process is detailed below:

Fuzzing vsock_rx

Running the Fuzzing Session

Taking as an example fuzzing for the Virtio Queue, we are working with the following modules and directories:

  • common/src/ -> defines the structures used for fuzzing and a set of tests that when ran are generating a corpus for the fuzzer.
  • corpus/virtio_queue -> the path of the corpus used when running the fuzzing session. This is also the path where we are writing the files generated by running the test cases.
  • fuzz_targets/ -> the path for the Virtio Queue fuzz target.

To be able to run fuzzing locally, we encourage you to run using the rust-vmm container which has all the required tools already installed:

# NOTE: v16 might not be the latest version.
docker run -it --security-opt seccomp=unconfined --volume $(pwd):/workdir rustvmm/dev:v16

Alternatively, you can install the fuzz tools following the steps from the cargo fuzz readme.

Generating Custom Fuzzing Input

To run the fuzzer with custom input, you first run the corresponding tests for each target. The tests can be found in the local crate called common. Besides the tests, the common crate also exports all the structures needed for running fuzzing. For simplicity, in the common crate we define one module per fuzz target, and the modules have the same name as their corresponding fuzz target. For example, the structures and other defines needed for fuzzing Virtio Queue are exported as part of the virtio_queue Rust module (under the common/src/ These defines are used in the fuzz target definition under fuzz_target/

# The common package is not visible at the workspace level, we need to change directory.
cd fuzz/
# Run all tests in the virtio_queue module.
# This command will create the corpus/virtio_queue directory if it doesn't exist.
# And it will write one file per test case in the corpus directory.
cargo test --package common --lib virtio_queue
# Start the fuzzing session.
# The first positional argument after the run command represents the name of the fuzz target.
# The second positional argument after the run command is the path of the corpus.
cargo +nightly fuzz run --sanitizer address --jobs 12 virtio_queue corpus/virtio_queue/

Running Fuzzing with Sanitizers

The available sanitizers are leak, thread, memory and address. You can only run with one sanitizer at a time:

cargo +nightly fuzz run --sanitizer address virtio_queue