nice for demo:
- react navigation 7 has animations between tabs
1.0 ordered from most work to least:
- large test suite + supports 1000 most popular dependencies
- better hmr
- better rebuild module caching
- complete website / docs
- build to production
- android
- assets
- symbolicator
get type generation working for routes
- log error on loading native: called
on aNone
value - on load warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.
- i disabled the log via logbox.ignore for now
- seems like it comes from lucide icons SVG, maybe from react-native-svg
- +ssr routes
- hmr adding route
- lets add postgres + drizzle + real scheme/data for the basic demo app
- improve errors, RootErrorBoundary, etc
- test cli, improve cli visuals
- design polish
should have some sprints with "challenges":
- "never needing to restart the server challenge"
- "use any dependency without config challenge"
- "make error messages as clear as possible challenge"
- "hot reload any file challenge"
Error building React Native bundle: Error ... EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read
- Happens with react-native-svg 15.6.0 where it has
directory at the same time - happens on
[email protected]
- qrcode/lib/renderer/terminal (imported by qrcode/lib/server.js
- Might be related to bug [40E4] in the VXRN Takeout Issue List
- Happens with react-native-svg 15.6.0 where it has
if they choose yarn we create-vxrn should copy in the .yarnrc.yml + .yarn/releases so it doesnt use old yarn 1
document @vxrn/color-scheme and @vxrn/universal-color-scheme
uniswap repo has to use commonjs plugin but its very tricky to configure
- ideally we get a lot better at automating this, documenting, and maybe make it just a configuration key in vxs plugin
support export ending in
instead of justexport default
for routes (hot reload friendly)- support export default hot reloads (would require react-refresh changes)
platform-specific route files
use dom
prebuild react native shouldn't have hardcoded exports list
add test to weird-deps so we know no regressions
turn this back off VXRN_ENABLE_SOURCE_MAP:
for some reason rollup newer versions have syntax error on trying to load native bundle on basic starter
- bring back some form of useMetroSymbolication
safe-area-context should be configurable to leave it out entirely if you want
vxs should have more than just patches, but also config that is set per-node_module
- eg, react 19 sets: 'process.env.TAMAGUI_REACT_19': '"1"'
- another cool idea: node_modules package.json sets "vite" field that can add these custom configs, so
package can define that for react 19
docs section for tamagui, note one-theme
changing vite.config seems to not close old server and so starts on new port, seeing "Port 5173 is in use, trying another one... Server running on"
an easy way to disable swc transform for a node_module using
@ethersproject/hash property "atob" doesnt exist
TODO this would probably want to support their configured extensions
useLoader new useEffect to fetch new loader loader data
- hits /_vxrn/load/pathname.js for ssg at least
- in dev mode handleRequest just runs handleLoader
- in build mode generates the json
Better SWC config in vite-native-swc to fit Hermes better. Maybe we can see what's included in
and try to match that.