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A lightweight framework for online form validation and auto population.

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Staircase 5.2.7

Staircase is a lightweight framework for online form validation and auto population. Requires jQuery 1.8 or later.

To embed Staircase in your document, simply add the following script tag below jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

If you want to live on the bleeding edge (we advise against this as Staircase is always evolving and features may change), you can instead use the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Preparing the DOM

Staircase was written with ease of use in mind. Setting up a form is simple. Any element type can be used for the main form, however each step of the form must match the step selector (see Javascript API » Options).

To add validation to an input, give it a validate attribute (see Attributes).
To add a character constraint to an input, give it a constrain attribute (see Constraints).

<form id="staircase" action="submit.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<div class="step">
		<input type="text" name="first-name" validate="name" /> First Name
		<input type="text" name="last-name" validate="name" /> Last Name
		<input type="email" name="email" validate="email" /> Email Address
		<input type="text" name="house-number" validate="number[0]" constrain="numbers" /> House Number
	<div class="step">
		<p>Do you agree to the terms and conditions?</p>
		<label><input type="radio" name="agree" value="yes" /> I Agree</label>
		<label><input type="radio" name="agree" value="no" /> I Do Not Agree</label>

Initialising Staircase

A window can contain as many instances of Staircase as are needed. Initialising an instance is easy and straightforward and can be done using either the built-in jQuery extension or with plain Javascript:

	ID:			'form-1',
	history:	true

// is the same as...

new Staircase(document.getElementById('form'),
	ID:			'form',
	history:	true

The options parameter is optional and allows the modification of various settings and behaviours (see Javascript API » Options).

Note: If Staircase cannot find a usable <form> element, it will display all input data as a table in the developer console when the submit button is clicked.


Once initialised, Staircase scans the DOM for the following attribute modifiers. These modifiers are optional.

Attribute Value Effect
bv-score see Third Party APIs » BriteVerify The field name for the element's BriteVerify result
constrain see Constraints Constrains user input to a specific set of characters
optional anything Only validates the field if it contains data
staircase-value see Javascript API » Prefiller Fills the input with data harvested from the window
validate see Validation Rules Applies a validation rule to the element

Validation Rules

Below is a list of predefined rules and what they ask for from a value. You can add your own values via Staircase.Extend() (see Javascript API » Methods)

Rule Criteria
currency An amount of money
checked Checkbox or Radio button must be checked
date[0] A short date string, accepting American and standard formats (e.g. 21/04/15)
date[1] A long date string (e.g. Monday 21st April 2015)
date[2] A short year (e.g. 15)
date[3] A long year (e.g. 2015)
datepicker The default format for jQuery's datepicker
default A non-empty string
email RFC 2822 formatted email addresses
filename A valid filename
name A non-empty string containing no numbers or non-unicode characters
number[0] Any integer (negatives allowed)
number[1] Any float (negatives allowed)
number[2] Any non-negative integer
number[3] Any non-negative float
number[4] Any integer or float, negative or non-negative
phone[0] A valid UK landline number
phone[1] A valid UK mobile number
phone[2] A valid US phone number
postcode A valid UK postcode
selected Select input must have a valid (non-empty) option selected
time A time string (e.g. 15:06:30, 12:00 am, 3:06pm)
unchecked Checkbox or Radio button must not be checked
zipcode A valid US zipcode


Below is a list of constraints that will allow the user to only enter certain characters in an input

Constraint Effect
letters Only allows the user to enter letters (A-Z)
numbers Only allows the user to enter numbers (0-9)
symbols Prevents the user from entering numbers or letters (0-9, A-Z)


You can define your own conditional code that runs after validation but before the 'Next' or 'Submit' buttons are clicked. This opens up the ability to switch to a certain step depending on an input's value, send the user an alert box if they've typed something wrong, or do something else. The only limit is your imagination.

To define a condition, you can do one of two things;

  1. Embed the javascript code in a <script type="staircase/condition"> element
  2. Add the condition programatically via Step.Condition(function(){ ... }) (see Javascript API » Methods)

When a condition is run, each <input>, <select> and <textarea> within the condition's Step is supplied as a variable that corresponds to its name attribute and value property. For example; <input name="firstName" value="John" /> corresponds to the firstName variable, which contains the value John.

Along with these variables, an instance of jQuery ($) plus sandboxed instances of Staircase and Step are also supplied.

Have a look at the following example that takes place inside a Step: (see Javascript API for more info on Staircase and Step)

<input name="myAge" value="22" />

<script type="staircase/condition">
	if(myAge < 16)
		alert('As you are under the age of 16, please ensure you have an adult present before signing this form.');

Note: Checkboxes and Radio boxes will only hold a value if they are checked. If more than one box is checked, the values will be in an array.

Checkbox Groups

If the checkboxGroups option (see Options) is enabled, an extra validation step is added to any Step within the instance whose input elements are all checkboxes. At least one checkbox must be checked for validation to pass.


Staircase comes with a nifty little script that scans the document for any input elements with a staircase-value attribute and fills it with data by passing the attribute value through a filter. Have a look at the following examples:

<input staircase-value="#{location.href}" /> <!-- -->
<input staircase-value="Size: #{document.body.clientWidth}" /> <!-- Size: 1920 -->
<input staircase-value="#{screen.width}, #{screen.height}" /> <!-- 1920, 1080 -->

#{...} is a filter tag. The contents between { and } are searched for in the window scope and placed in the output if they are found.

Title Scanner

If the document.title is left blank or looks like a filename, or there is no <title> tag in the document, Staircase will attempt to auto-fill the document's title by searching for the first piece of relevant text within the page.

The scanner searches using the following process:

  1. Find the first <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> or <h6> element and use its text content
  2. Find the first <img> element with an alt tag and use its alt tag text content
  3. Find the first <p> element and use the first four words
  4. Use a filtered version of the document's filename (e.g. some-page.html » Some Page)

Javascript API

Javascript Objects

window.Staircases - An array of Staircase objects available in the current window
window.location.params - A named array of HTTP Query parameters in the current URL

Staircase( DOMElement element[, Object options] )
Initialise a new Staircase instance, attach it to element and provide options if it has been specified.

Step( DOMElement element, Int index )
Create a new Step object at index and attach it to element.


Each Staircase instance can be customized with a set of options presented as an Object.

Option Type Default Effect
APIs Object {} API configuration object (see Third Party APIs)
checkboxGroups Boolean or String false Enable checkbox groups (see Checkbox Groups). You can specify a CSS selector to only apply checkbox group validation to a specific element within the Step. If set to true, the default selector is .checkbox-group and falls back to the entire Step.
history Boolean false Allows Staircase to modify the location.hash, which allows the user to click 'Back' and return to a previous step on the form. Having multiple instances of Staircase with history enabled may behave badly.
ID String random A unique ID string for the Staircase instance. Shows in the URL if history is enabled. If left undefined, a random 8-character string is generated.
notifyDelay Int 3 Number of seconds (or milliseconds if the value is larger than 300) to wait before removing the staircase-highlight-error class from erroneous inputs.
steps String .step CSS selector used to search for Steps within the instance's DOM Element.
stepBlur Function none Additional callback function that is triggered when a step gets sent to the background
stepFocus Function none Additional callback function that is triggered when a step enters the foreground
validate Function none Additional function to check against during validation. this represents the current input element and the first argument represents the Staircase instance. Be sure to return false if your custom validation fails.


Staircase triggers a number of events that can be tapped into using .on() and .toggle() (see Properties & Methods)
These events are supplied with arguments and some can be cancelled by returning false.
this refers to the Staircase instance.

Event Cancelable Arguments Called
addcondition no step, condition After a condition has been added to the step
back yes step, button After the back button was pressed but before the step changes
beforestepvalidate yes step, input(s) Before the step validates its contents
beforesubmit yes step, button Before the main form is submitted
beforevalidate yes input Before an input is validated
constrained no input, constraint When a constraint is preventing user input
continue yes step, nextstep Before the successfully validated step proceeds to the nextstep
continuefailed no step, inputs The step has failed validation because of the marked inputs
hashchange yes step, hash Before the detected URL hash alteration causes the current step to change
stepblur no step After the step loses focus
stepvalidate no step, valid After the step performs validation on itself
submit yes staircase After the staircase form is submitted but before the window location changes
submitfailed no step When the final step fails validation
validate yes input, valid After an input is validated by staircase. Can be 'cancelled' by returning true (to pass validation) or false (to fail)

Properties & Methods


Property Meaning
$current The index of the currently focussed Step (Note that this is an Array Index, meaning index 0 is actually the first item in the array)
$object The DOM Element bound to the Staircase instance
Patterns An object containing regular expressions that are matched against during validation (see Validation Rules). This can be extended via Staircase.Extend() (see Javascript API » Methods)
Steps An array containing all Steps within the instance
Method Arguments Action
Extend name, pattern Add pattern as name to the validation rules list (see Validation Rules).
Locate postcode, callback Find the Street, City and County of an address by Postcode and supply address as an object to the callback function.
Next - Perform validation on the current Step and attempt to skip forward to the next step
Prev - Skip back to the last step
To index Attempt to skip to the Step at index (Note that this is an Array Index, meaning index 0 is actually the first item in the array). This function cannot skip through validation errors.
Validate input Process validation on input (can be a CSS selector, DOM Element or jQuery Object). Returns true or false depending on whether validation has passed or not.
on event, callback Bind a callback function to an event
off event[, callback] Remove an event handler (with optional callback filter)
trigger event[, data] Trigger all event handlers for event to fire (with optional data array)


Property Meaning
$index The Step's numeric index (Note that this is an Array Index, meaning index 0 is actually the first item in the array)
$object The DOM Element bound to the Step object
$rules A list of conditions for this Step (see Conditions).
Visited Becomes a Date once the Step has been focussed. Cannot be changed manually.
Method Arguments Action
Blur silent Hides the Step from view and triggers a blur event on the Step's DOM Element (unless silent is supplied).
Condition code Creates a new condition (see Conditions) and adds it to the Step's rulebook. code can either be a String or a function.
Focus silent Bring the Step into focus and hide all other steps in the Staircase instance. Triggers a focus event on the Step's DOM Element unless silent is supplied.
Validate input Performs Staircase.Validate() on input and applies the staircase-has-error and staircase-highlight-error classes to the input and any applicable <label> elements upon failure. staircase-highlight-error will be removed after a delay (see Javascript API » Options). Returns true or false depending on whether validation has passed or not.

Third Party APIs

The APIs options object contains data pertaining to third party API integration.
The default APIs object is as follows:

        "APIKey": null
		"APIKey": null,
		"License": null


BriteVerify is an email verification service.
You can enable BriteVerify by providing your API Key as part of the options object (see Initialising Staircase)

The BriteVerify options object accepts the following values:

Option Type Default Effect
APIKey String null Links the BriteVerify instance to your account and enables the service
fields String or Array [validate="email"] Tells Staircase which elements need to be verified
scoreFieldName String null The field name for the generated score input - if left blank will default to the main input's name plus scoreFieldSuffix
scoreFieldSuffix String _bvscore The name suffix for the generated score input

Note that you can also provide a scoreFieldName per element via the bv-score attribute (see Attributes*)*

Here is an example of a simple setup with BriteVerify:

            APIKey:         "...",
            fields:         "input[name='email']",
            scoreFieldName: "email_verify_status"

<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email Address..." />

Once the user has entered their email, the following field is generated and placed underneath the email field:

<input type="hidden" tabindex="-1" name="email_verify_status" value="valid" />

You can read about the value that is populated over in BriteVerify's API Documentation.
Staircase retrieves the Primary Statuses column only.


Data8 is a general information verification service.
You can enable Data8 by providing your ajax API key as part of the options object (see Initialising Staircase)

The Data8 options object accepts the following values:

Option Type Default Effect
APIKey String null Links the Data8 instance to your account and enables the service
License String null Provides a license type for Data8 to use with Postcode Address Lookup

Data8 fields require attributes to function correctly. Below is a list of acceptable attributes:

Argument Effect
d8 Enables telephone or email verification on the input, which fires when the input's value is changed
d8-lookup-street Provide an input's name attribute as this attribute's value to convert the element to a select box filled with all available street addresses for the entered postcode.
d8-lookup-city Provide a name to create a hidden 'city' field containing the city of the selected address. Must be applied in conjunction with d8-lookup-city.

And here is a list of acceptable values for the d8 attribute:

Value Effect
"email" Verifies the input using a server pinging service to determine whether the email address is reachable
"mobile" Verifies the input against a list of live mobile phone numbers
"landline", "telephone" or "phone" Verifies the input against a list of live landline phone numbers


A lightweight framework for online form validation and auto population.






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