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Table of Contents

  1. Emacs Commands
  2. Emacs - Elpy
  3. Rest Client
  4. UML diagrams
  5. Treemacs

Emacs Commands

Quick guide about keyboard keys

Key binding Description
C-x Control with x key
M-x Option/alt with x key
s-x Command with x key
M-S-x Option/alt with shift and x key


Key binding Description
C-x C-c Quit Emacs
C-c p p Switch project
M-. Go to definition
M-, Go back
Alt-w or s-c Copy
C-w or s-x Cut
C-y or s-v Paste
C-z Undo
C-S-z Redo
C-g Esc
C-c d Duplicate line
C-k Kill/delete cursor to end of this line
M-x Show all commands
C-x C-+ Zoom IN in current buffer
C-x C-- Zoom OUT in current buffer
C-x-1 One window
C-x-2 Split window horizontally
C-x-3 Split window vertically
C-x-o Switch between windows
C-x C-s Save open buffers
M-; Comment line
M-S-up Move line up
M-S-down Move line down


Key binding Description
C-c u LSP ui: quick overview for classes, functions, vars and models of current file


Key binding Description
C-c p s r Find occurrences in project -g*test* search in files with test name , -tpy search in files with py extension
C-s Find in current file
C-c p h Find files in project
C-x C-d Project git status
C-x C-f Open current file directory
C-c p d Display a list of all directories in the project
C-c p f Display a list of all files in the project


Key binding Description
C-x b View buffers
C-x k Kill current buffer
C-x left/right Move to other buffer
C-x i Insert a file into buffer


Key binding Description
C-x s Open buffer to see magit status
C-x g u Git pull
C-x g p Git push
C-x g c Git commit
C-x g s Git status
C-x g b Git blame

Move between lines

Add SHIFT if you want to select

  • Char
    • C-b Move left char
    • C-f Move right char
  • Word
    • Option-b Move left word
    • Option-f Move right word
    • Option-left/right Move left/right word
  • Line
    • C-a Go to begin of the line
    • C-e Go to end of the line
    • C-p Go to previous line
    • C-n Go to next line
  • File
    • Fn-left Go to begin of file
    • Fn-right Go to end of file

Emacs - Elpy

1. M-x elpy-config
2. Install the packages that are not installed yet
3. M-x elpy-rpc-restart
4. Elpy commands should work, for example go to definition
  • To add a new project in elpy:
    1. Clone project from github, ex conformity
    2. Run python3 -m pip install -e ./conformity
    3. M-x elpy-rpc-restart
    4. Now go to definition should works

Rest client

  • Install restclient with M-x package-install
  • Create a new buffer and save it whenever you want, example ./emacs.d/rest/rest-client.
  • Paste this in the beginning of the buffer:
# -*- restclient -*-

Now you can start with your REST requests!. For example:

# -*- restclient -*-
# Gets  all Github APIs, formats JSON, shows response status and headers underneath.
# Also sends a User-Agent header, because the Github API requires this.
User-Agent: Emacs Restclient

UML diagrams

To write UML diagrams using plantuml with org-mode:

  • Make sure you have installed org-mode package
  • Verify that org-mode package version has plantuml language in .emacs.d/elisp/org-mode-config.el:
 (quote org-babel-load-languages)
 (quote (...
         (plantuml . t)
(setq org-plantuml-jar-path
      (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/plantuml.jar"))

Or you can use

M-x customize-variable<RET>
  • Update these changes M-x eval-buffer
  • Create a new file with .org extension and you're ready to start with your UML diagrams in Emacs:

Sequence diagrams


#+begin_src plantuml :file sequence.png
  Alice -> Bob: synchronous call
  Alice ->> Bob: asynchronous call
  • Press C-c C-c and you should have a Sequence diagram in sequence.png

To know more about plantuml sequence diagrams syntax:

Class diagrams

Plantuml uses Graphviz to draw class diagrams, so make sure to have Graphviz installed.


#+begin_src plantuml :file class.png

class Dummy {
  String data
  void methods()

class Flight {
   flightNumber : Integer
   departureTime : Date
Dummy -- Flight

  • Press C-c C-c and you should have a Class diagram in class.png

To know more about plantuml class diagrams syntax:


If you want to have your emacs with file tree, like this: Treemacs example

  • Init treemacs C-x t t You can press ? inside treemacs buffer and it will show a list of commands.
  • C-c C-p p to add new projects with projectile
  • n/p to navigate between projects
  • q to close treemacs
  • TAB/RET to open project More info:


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