This package aims to provide an API to generate CSS-like style code snippets from the data exposed to Zeplin extensions. Even though target language or dialect can be different from CSS, preprocessors or CSS-in-JS solutions use the same property set and value format with CSS.
CSS properties and value formats are modeled in zeplin-extension-style-kit
to form an intermediate representation. This representation is mostly language agnostic and can be used to develop an extension that generates similar style code snippets, e.g. Sass, React Native, styled-components.
- Elements
- Declarations
- StyleDeclaration
- BackdropFilter
- BackgroundBlendMode
- BackgroundClip
- BackgroundColor
- BackgroundImage
- BackgroundOrigin
- Border
- BorderImageSlice
- BorderImageSource
- BorderRadius
- BorderStyle
- BorderWidth
- Color
- Filter
- FontSize
- FontStretch
- FontStyle
- FontWeight
- Height
- LetterSpacing
- LineHeight
- MixBlendMode
- Mixin
- ObjectFit
- Opacity
- Shadow
- TextAlign
- TextFillColor
- TextStroke
- Transform
- Width
- Values
- RuleSet