Output of qr-backup --help
Usage: qr-codes.py [OPTIONS] FILE [FILE...]
qr-codes.py --restore [OPTIONS]
qr-codes.py --restore [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE ...]
Convert a binary file to a paper .pdf backup of QR codes. With '--restore', read
the QR codes in the paper backup using a webcam or scanner, to re-create the
original file.
Restore directions are included in the PDF, and do not require qr-backup. Make
sure to test that you can actually read the QR size you select.
--verbose, -v
Print more detailed information during run.
--version, -V
Print the verison and immediately exit.
Backup options:
--dpi DPI
Sets the print resolution of your printer.
Default: 300
--compress, --no-compress
This gives a more compact backup, but partial recovery is impossible.
Default: compressed
--encrypt generate, --encrypt PASSPHRASE
Password-protect the backup. If the passphrase is 'generate', a
passphrase is automatically generated for you, which you would need to
store securely or you will be unable to unlock the data.
Default: disabled
--encrypt-print-passphrase, --no-encrypt-print-passphrase
Print the passphrase on a sheet by itself.
Default: print if generated by qr-code, don't print if passed in
--erasure-coding, --no-erasure-coding
This allows restoring if some QR codes are lost. Restore with lost codes
is only possible using qr-backup.
Default: enabled
--error-correction CORRECTION
Sets the error correction level. Options are L (7%), M (15%), Q (25%),
and H (30%).
Default: M (15%)
--filename FILENAME
Set the restored filename. Max 32 chars.
Default: same as FILE
--instructions page|cover|both|none
Sets how frequently the instructions are printed. If 'cover' or 'both'
is selected, more verbose instructions will be printed on the cover
Default: page
--note TEXT
Add a special note to the printout instructions. Can be anything.
Default: no note
--num-copies NUMBER
Print multiple copies of each QR code for redundancy.
Default: 1
Set the output pdf path (redirecting stdout also works).
Default: FILE.qr.pdf
Sets the usable size of the paper on your printer. This should NOT be
8.5 x 11 -- make sure to include margins.
Default: 500px x 600px
--qr-version VERSION
Uses QR codes, version VERSION. Versions range from 1-40. The bigger the
version, the harder to scan but the more data per code.
Default: 10
--scale SCALE
Scale QR codes so that each small square in the QR code is SCALE x SCALE
Default: 5px
--shuffle, --no-shuffle
Spread QR codes across pages. This can help prevent data loss.
Default: yes if erasure coding is enabled (default), no otherwise
--skip-checks, --no-skip-checks
Skip erasure code checks, self-restore checks.
Default: not skipped
Restore options:
--code-count-erasure COUNT, -c COUNT
Specify the number of erasure QR codes.
Default: automatic
--code-count-normal COUNT, -c COUNT
Specify the number of normal QR codes.
Default: automatic
--compress, --no-compress
Force decompression (on/off).
Default: automatic
--encrypt PASSPHRASE, --no-encrypt
Force decryption (on/off) and give the passphrase if decrypting.
Default: automatic
Force image-based (scanner) restore.
Default: automatic
--display, --no-display
For webcam scanning, (display/don't display) a webcam preview.
Default: display
Set the restore file path.
Default: stdout
--sha256 SHA256
Include a sha256sum to check the file.
Default: no check, prints checksum to stderr
Force webcam-based restore.
Default: automatic