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We provide FCMAE ImageNet-1K pre-training and fine-tuning scripts here. Please check for installation instructions first.

Multi-node Training

We use multi-node training on a SLURM cluster with submitit for reproducing the results in the paper. Please install:

pip install submitit

We provide example commands for both multi-node and single-machine training below.

ImageNet-1K FCMAE Pre-Training

ConvNeXt V2-Base pre-training on ImageNet-1K with 8 8-GPU nodes:

python --nodes 8 --ngpus 8 \
--model convnextv2_base \
--batch_size 64 \
--blr 1.5e-4 \
--epochs 1600 \
--warmup_epochs 40 \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--job_dir /path/to/save_results

The following commands run the pre-training on a single machine:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--model convnextv2_base \
--batch_size 64 --update_freq 8 \
--blr 1.5e-4 \
--epochs 1600 \
--warmup_epochs 40 \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--output_dir /path/to/save_results

ImageNet-1K Fine-Tuning

ConvNeXt V2-Base fine-tuning on ImageNet-1K with 4 8-GPU nodes:

python --nodes 4 --ngpus 8 \
--model convnextv2_base \
--batch_size 32 \
--blr 6.25e-4 \
--epochs 100 \
--warmup_epochs 20 \
--layer_decay_type 'group' \
--layer_decay 0.6 \
--weight_decay 0.05 \
--drop_path 0.1 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0.8 \
--cutmix 1.0 \
--smoothing 0.1 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--job_dir /path/to/save_results

The following commands run the fine-tuning on a single machine:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--model convnextv2_base \
--batch_size 32 --update_freq 4 \
--blr 6.25e-4 \
--epochs 100 \
--warmup_epochs 20 \
--layer_decay_type 'group' \
--layer_decay 0.6 \
--weight_decay 0.05 \
--drop_path 0.1 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0.8 \
--cutmix 1.0 \
--smoothing 0.1 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--output_dir /path/to/save_results

ConvNeXt V2-Atto training on ImageNet-1K with 4 8-GPU nodes:

python --nodes 4 --ngpus 8 \
--model convnextv2_atto \
--batch_size 32 \
--blr 2e-4 \
--epochs 600 \
--warmup_epochs 0 \
--layer_decay_type 'single' \
--layer_decay 0.9 \
--weight_decay 0.3 \
--drop_path 0.1 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0. \
--cutmix 0. \
--smoothing 0.2 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--job_dir /path/to/save_results

The following commands run the fine-tuning on a single machine:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--model convnextv2_atto \
--batch_size 32 --update_freq 4 \
--blr 2e-4 \
--epochs 600 \
--warmup_epochs 0 \
--layer_decay_type 'single' \
--layer_decay 0.9 \
--weight_decay 0.3 \
--drop_path 0.1 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0. \
--cutmix 0. \
--smoothing 0.2 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--output_dir /path/to/save_results

ConvNeXt V2-Tiny training on ImageNet-1K with 4 8-GPU nodes:

python --nodes 4 --ngpus 8 \
--model convnextv2_tiny \
--batch_size 32 \
--blr 8e-4 \
--epochs 300 \
--warmup_epochs 40 \
--layer_decay_type 'single' \
--layer_decay 0.9 \
--weight_decay 0.05 \
--drop_path 0.2 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0.8 \
--cutmix 1.0 \
--smoothing 0.1 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--job_dir /path/to/save_results

The following commands run the fine-tuning on a single machine:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--model convnextv2_ \
--batch_size 32 --update_freq 4 \
--blr 8e-4 \
--epochs 300 \
--warmup_epochs 40 \
--layer_decay_type 'single' \
--layer_decay 0.9 \
--weight_decay 0.05 \
--drop_path 0.2 \
--reprob 0.25 \
--mixup 0.8 \
--cutmix 1.0 \
--smoothing 0.1 \
--model_ema True --model_ema_eval True \
--use_amp True \
--finetune /path/to/checkpoint \
--data_path /path/to/imagenet-1k \
--output_dir /path/to/save_results

Implementing FCMAE with Masked Convolution in JAX

In our paper, we trained our main results using the JAX framework on TPU VM Pods. However, we do not have an efficient sparse convolution kernel implementation in this environment. Therefore, we have included our JAX model definition that uses a masked (dense) convolution for FCMAE pre-training.

from flax import linen as nn
import jax.numpy as jnp

class GRN(nn.Module):
  dim: int
  eps: float = 1e-6
  def init_fn(self, key, shape, fill_value):
    return jnp.full(shape, fill_value)
  def __call__(self, inputs, mask=None):
    gamma = self.param("gamma", self.init_fn, (self.dim,), 0.)
    beta = self.param("beta", self.init_fn, (self.dim,), 0.)
    x = inputs
    if mask is not None:
      x = x * (1. - mask)
    GX = jnp.power((jnp.sum(jnp.power(x, 2), axis=(1,2), keepdims=True) + self.eps), 0.5)
    Nx = Gx / (jnp.mean(Gx, axis=-1, keepdims=True) + self.eps)
    return gamma * (Nx * inputs) + beta + inputs
class Block(nn.Module):
  dim: int
  drop_path: float
  def __call__(self, inputs, mask=None):
    if mask is not None:
      x = inputs * (1. - mask)
    x = DepthwiseConv2D((7, 7), name='dwconv')(x)
    if mask is not None: # The binary masking is numerically identical to sparse conv.
      x = x * (1.- mask)
    x = nn.LayerNorm(name='norm')(x)
    x = nn.Dense(4 * self.dim, name='pwconv1')(x)
    x = nn.gelu(x)
    x = GRN(4 * self.dim, name='grn')(x, mask)
    x = nn.Dense(self.dim, name='pwconv2')(x)
    x = nn.Dropout(rate=self.drop_path, broadcast_dims=(1,2,3), name='droppath')(x, deterministic=not
    return x + inputs