This is example plugin to use custom ROS 2 msg in UnrealEngine with rclUE.
CustomMsgs are defined at rclUE_example_custom_msgs
- Prepare custom_msg_config.yaml. Update mainly followings from example,
- Top part
which define path t Unreal Engine, project, plugin and etc paths. target_pkgs
which defines target pkgs which include custom msg you want to use in UE.dependency
which defines dependent pkgs to buildtarget_pkgs
path to ros2_custom_pkgs which is explained in next step.
- Top part
- Prepare ros2_custom_pkgs.repos. Update mainly followings from example,
- repos file which defindes repositories which needs to be clone before build. Since buildin_interfaces and std_msgs are already inside docker, you don't needs to add here.
- Build library, generate msg code and copy to the plugins
- clone UE_tools
- Execute command. Pleare replace rclUE-Exapmples/Plugins/CustomMsgExample/custom_msg_config.yaml to path to your own yaml file which is prepared in step 1
python3 --type pkgs --build --install --codegen --rosdistro humble --config ~/rclUE-Examples/Plugins/CustomMsgExample/custom_msg_config.yaml
As written in CustomMsgExample.Build.cs, currently library needs to be inside rclUE. That's why, Build.cs copy library to rclUE/Thirdparty/ros/lib durinb build.