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How to train

Step 1: Convert DICOM to JPG

The data given to us by RSNA is DICOM, but Darknet only accepts JPG. Also, Darknet keeps track of images via text files. The following commands will help you generate everything that's required to train a Darknet model from the RSNA DICOM data set. Most Linux distributions come with ImageMagick installed. Let's use it to convert DICOMs to JPGs.

# we need to set TrueColor b/c the DICOMs we have are grayscale,
# but, like most object detection algorithms, Darknet expects
# colored images
mogrify -format jpg -type TrueColor -path /dir/to/save/jpgs /path/to/dicoms

Step 2: Split data into train and valid sets

Now that we have JPGs, let's split them into the train set and the validation set.

# get all the names of JPGs, shuffle them and save them into a file
find /dir/with/jpgs | grep jpg | shuf > files.txt
# Take the first 5000 as the validation set, the rest as train
(head -5000 > valid.txt; cat > train.txt) < files.txt

Step 3: Create the labels

Use the following Python script to generate labels for the train and validation sets.

python darknet/ <labels.csv> /dir/to/save/labels/files

Step 4: Create config files

Darknet requires three config files to train. Samples we used are in this repo. Please see the Darknet official website for more details.

  1. data file
  2. name file
  3. config file: train, test

Step 5: Train!

You must have the darknet binary compiled. Please see the official website for instructions. In order to speed up the training, we used the pretrained model from the official Darknet website.

# single gpu
./darknet detector cfg/ cfg/yolov3-train.cfg /path/to/pretrained | tee train.log

# multi gpu
./darknet detector cfg/ cfg/yolov3-train.cfg /path/to/pretrained -gpus 0,1,2,3 | tee train.log

# loss plot
python train.log

How to evaluate and test

Use to evaluate and test the model. It requires which is generated when you compile the Darknet binary.

# convert test DICOMs to JPGs
mogrify -format jpg -type TrueColor -path /dir/to/save/jpgs /path/to/test/dicoms

# generate a test data file
find /dir/to/save/jpgs | grep jpg > test.txt

# evaluate. produces a set of images with
# top 3 detected boxes and groundtruth boxes
python cfg/yolov3-test.cfg <weight_file> cfg/ test.txt <submission.csv> -t 0.01 --label-file <label-file.csv>

# test
# this is what we used for our submission
python cfg/yolov3-test.cfg <weight_file> cfg/ test.txt <submission.csv> -t 0.03