diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7cee267..60d386a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -6,27 +6,66 @@ 1. 검색 - 심규민 2. 로그인 및 회원 가입 + 작가 + 팔로우 - 윤재용 3. 채팅 + 파일 - 박한솔 -4. 상품(피드), 좋아요, 감상평 - 주보경 +4. 상품(피드), 좋아요, 감상평 - 주보경 5. 인프라(ci/cd, https, 모니터링) - 김동현 -## 진행상황 -1. ERD 설계에 따라 Entity 구현. 세부 구현사항이 남아있음 -2. RULE.md에 각종 프로젝트 규칙 정의 -3. 매주 월요일 정기회의 -4. 다음주까지 각자 1차 구현 후, 회의를 통해 step 3 조별 멘토링을 통해 추가 피드백을 통해 수정. +## CI/CD 및 인프라 구축 +![CI/CD 과정 - GitHub Actions를 활용한 배포 프로세스](https://velog.velcdn.com/images/hyunn/post/986c6af9-b694-44c2-a554-dd51e091fde0/image.png) +### CI/CD 과정 - GitHub Actions를 활용한 배포 프로세스 +1. **GitHub Actions 트리거** + - Master 브랜치에 코드가 푸시되면 GitHub Action이 자동으로 동작합니다. +2. **도커 이미지 생성 및 업로드** + - 프로젝트를 빌드하고, 도커 이미지를 생성한 후 도커 허브에 이미지를 업로드합니다. +3. **배포 스크립트 실행** + - EC2-1 서버에 접속하여 배포 스크립트(`deploy.sh`)를 실행합니다. + https://github.com/donghyuun/katecam-infra/blob/main/ec2-dual-zero-downtime-lb/deploy.sh -## 리뷰사항 -연휴 이후 다음주 부터 본격적인 개발에 들어가려 합니다. 열심히하겠습니다! 감사합니다. +#### (deploy.sh 스크립트 동작) +1. **백엔드 서버의 포트 검사** + - EC2-1, EC2-2에서 현재 동작 중인 백엔드 서버(도커 컨테이너)가 사용 중인 포트(8080 또는 8081)를 검사합니다. + - 사용하지 않는 포트(8081 또는 8080)를 확인합니다. +2. **새 서버 컨테이너 배포** + - 도커 허브에서 최신 이미지를 PULL하여, EC2-1, EC2-2의 사용 가능한 포트에 새 백엔드 서버(도커 컨테이너)를 실행합니다. +3. **헬스 체크 수행** + - 새로운 서버의 정상 동작을 확인하기 위해 `/actuator/health` 엔드포인트로 헬스 체크를 수행합니다. + - 이 과정에서 DB 연결 상태도 함께 확인합니다. +4. **트래픽 분산 대상 변경 (Blue-Green 배포)** + - 헬스 체크가 성공하면 NGINX 설정을 업데이트하여 트래픽을 새 서버로 분산합니다. + - BLUE-GREEN 방식으로 무중단 배포를 수행합니다. +5. **NGINX 리로드** + - 변경된 NGINX 설정을 적용하기 위해 NGINX를 리로드합니다. +6. **기존 서버 종료 및 삭제** + - 기존에 EC2-1, EC2-2에서 실행 중이던 컨테이너를 종료하고 삭제하여 이전 서버를 정리합니다. +### 인프라 구성 - EC2 서버 구성 및 모니터링 -# 5주차 github 코드리뷰 질문 -(윤재용) -몇몇 컨트롤러에 대한 E2E 테스트를 작성하였습니다. -처음에는 @WithMockUser 를 사용해서 테스트를 진행하려고 했는데, Header를 검증하다보니 불가능했습니다. -저희의 요구사항이 특정 url이 아니라면 헤더에 토큰이 필요하다보니 사용이 불가능하였기에 JwtTestUtils 클래스를 통해 테스트 유저를 사용하였습니다. +#### EC2 - 1 -이런 전체 테스트를 처음 구현하다 보니 -현재 작성한 테스트가 E2E 테스트라고 불려도 될 지 잘 모르겠습니다..! -추가로 테스트코드의 개선점이 있을지 궁금합니다. +- **백엔드 서버1** (도커 컨테이너) +- **Nginx** - 80 포트로 들어오는 요청을 백엔드 서버 1, 2에 대해 로드밸런싱 +- **MySQL** - 백엔드 서버 1, 2가 참조하는 DB +- **Prometheus** - 백엔드 서버 1, 2의 메트릭 수집 +- **Grafana** - Prometheus가 수집한 메트릭 시각화 (URL: http://golden-ratio.duckdns.org:3000/) (admin/admin) +- **Dozzle** - EC2-1, EC2-2의 도커 컨테이너 로그 시각화 (URL: http://golden-ratio.duckdns.org:7070/) + +#### EC2 - 2 + +- **백엔드 서버2** (도커 컨테이너) +- **Dozzle** - (Agent) EC2-2의 도커 컨테이너 로그를 EC2-1의 Dozzle에게 전달 + +#### 서버 1개일 때 vs 2개일 때(LB 적용) TPS 간단 비교 (Swagger GET 기준) + +- TPS 테스트 결과: 두 개의 서버로 로드밸런싱 적용 시 성능이 향상됨 + +### EC2 인스턴스 생성 - Terraform 이용 + +1. **Terraform을 이용한 EC2 인스턴스 생성** + - Terraform 스크립트를 사용해 AWS에서 EC2 인스턴스를 생성하고, 관련 리소스(보안 그룹, VPC, 서브넷, 키 페어 등)를 설정하였습니다. + +2. **생성 절차** + 1. **AWS CLI**를 사용해 AWS 계정과 로컬 환경 연결 후 인증 설정 + 2. 테라폼 스크립트 작성 후 실행(ec2.tf) + https://github.com/donghyuun/terraform-study/blob/main/ec2.tf + - 리소스 설정이 완료된 EC2 인스턴스가 생성됩니다. diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/RedisConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/RedisConfig.java index b2f1c2d..4d62e31 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/RedisConfig.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/RedisConfig.java @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ @EnableRedisRepositories public class RedisConfig { - @Value("${spring.redis.host}") + @Value("${spring.data.redis.host}") private String host; - @Value("${spring.redis.port}") + @Value("${spring.data.redis.port}") private int port; @Bean diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/WebConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/WebConfig.java index b2ec0a4..524c928 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/WebConfig.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/global/config/WebConfig.java @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ package com.helpmeCookies.global.config; + import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.CorsRegistry; import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer; diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/ProductController.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/ProductController.java index c1f34f6..0faa11a 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/ProductController.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/ProductController.java @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import com.helpmeCookies.product.controller.docs.ProductApiDocs; import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductImageResponse; import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductPage; +import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductPage.Paging; import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductRequest; import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductResponse; import com.helpmeCookies.product.entity.Product; @@ -40,51 +41,47 @@ public class ProductController implements ProductApiDocs { private final ReviewService reviewService; private final ProductLikeService productLikeService; - @PostMapping("/successTest") - public ResponseEntity> saveTest() { - return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK)); - } - @PostMapping - public ResponseEntity saveProduct(@RequestBody ProductRequest productRequest) { + public ResponseEntity> saveProduct(@RequestBody ProductRequest productRequest) { Product product = productService.save(productRequest); productImageService.saveImages(product.getId(),productRequest.imageUrls()); - return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK)); } @PostMapping("/images") - public ResponseEntity uploadImages(List files) { + public ResponseEntity> uploadImages(List files) { List responses = productImageService.uploadMultiFiles(files); - return ResponseEntity.ok(new ProductImageResponse(responses.stream().map(ImageUpload::photoUrl).toList())); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK,new ProductImageResponse(responses.stream().map(ImageUpload::photoUrl).toList()))); } @GetMapping("/{productId}") - public ResponseEntity getProductInfo(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { + public ResponseEntity> getProductInfo(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { Product product = productService.find(productId); List urls = productImageService.getImages(productId); - return ResponseEntity.ok(ProductResponse.from(product,urls)); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK,ProductResponse.from(product,urls))); } @PutMapping("/{productId}") - public ResponseEntity editProductInfo(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId, + public ResponseEntity> editProductInfo(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId, @RequestBody ProductRequest productRequest) { productService.edit(productId, productRequest); - return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK)); } @PutMapping("/{productId}/images") - public ResponseEntity editImages(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId, List files) { + public ResponseEntity> editImages(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId, List files) { productImageService.editImages(productId, files); List images = productImageService.uploadMultiFiles(files).stream() .map(ImageUpload::photoUrl).toList(); + productService.editThumbnailImage(productId,images); productImageService.saveImages(productId,images); - return ResponseEntity.ok().build(); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK)); } @DeleteMapping("/{productId}") - public ResponseEntity deleteProduct(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { + public ResponseEntity> deleteProduct(@PathVariable("productId") Long productId) { productService.delete(productId); - return ResponseEntity.noContent().build(); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.NO_CONTENT)); } @GetMapping @@ -105,6 +102,7 @@ public ResponseEntity> getProductsWithRandomPagi @RequestParam(name = "size", required = false, defaultValue = "20") int size ) { Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, size); + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK, productService.getProductsWithRandomPaging(pageable))); } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/WishController.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/WishController.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7027151 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/controller/WishController.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.helpmeCookies.product.controller; + +import com.helpmeCookies.global.ApiResponse.ApiResponse; +import com.helpmeCookies.global.ApiResponse.SuccessCode; +import com.helpmeCookies.global.jwt.JwtUser; +import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductPage.Paging; +import com.helpmeCookies.product.service.ProductLikeService; +import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; +import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable; +import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; +import org.springframework.security.core.annotation.AuthenticationPrincipal; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; +import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; + +@RestController +@RequestMapping("/v1/wishes") +@RequiredArgsConstructor +public class WishController { + private ProductLikeService productLikeService; + + @GetMapping + public ResponseEntity> getAllMyLikeProducts( + @AuthenticationPrincipal JwtUser jwtUser, Pageable pageable) { + return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.success(SuccessCode.OK,productLikeService.getLikeProducts(jwtUser.getId(),pageable))); + } +} diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductPage.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductPage.java index 9778e2f..8a1316e 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductPage.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductPage.java @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ package com.helpmeCookies.product.dto; +import com.helpmeCookies.product.entity.Product; import com.helpmeCookies.product.repository.dto.ProductSearch; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.data.domain.Page; @@ -23,6 +24,16 @@ public static Info from(ProductSearch productSearch) { ); } + public static Info fromProduct(Product product) { + return new Info( + product.getId(), + product.getName(), + product.getArtistInfo().getNickname(), + product.getPrice(), + product.getThumbnailUrl() + ); + } + public static List of(List content) { return content.stream() .map(Info::from) @@ -41,6 +52,13 @@ public static Paging from(Page productPage) { Info.of(productPage.getContent()) ); } + + public static Paging fromProduct(Page productPage) { + return new Paging( + productPage.hasNext(), + productPage.map(Info::fromProduct).toList() + ); + } } } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductRequest.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductRequest.java index b0f73d5..8c65164 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductRequest.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/dto/ProductRequest.java @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ public record ProductRequest( List imageUrls ) { - public Product toEntity(ArtistInfo artistInfo) { + public Product toEntity(ArtistInfo artistInfo,String thumbnailImage) { return Product.builder() .name(name) .category(Category.fromString(category)) @@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ public Product toEntity(ArtistInfo artistInfo) { .preferredLocation(preferredLocation) .hashTags(hashTags) .artistInfo(artistInfo) + .thumbnailUrl(thumbnailImage) .build(); } + + public String getThumbnailImage() { + return imageUrls.get(0); + } } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Like.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Like.java index 77fe3a6..533e6bc 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Like.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Like.java @@ -31,4 +31,8 @@ public Like(User user, Product product) { this.user = user; this.product = product; } + + public Product getProduct() { + return product; + } } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/OrderStatus.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/OrderStatus.java index 84b5866..748135c 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/OrderStatus.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/OrderStatus.java @@ -1,5 +1,17 @@ package com.helpmeCookies.product.entity; public enum OrderStatus { - ORDER, CANCEL + ORDER("핀매 중"), + DONE("거래 완료"), + RESERVED("예약 중"); + + private final String orderStatusType; + + OrderStatus(String orderStatusType) { + this.orderStatusType = orderStatusType; + } + + public String getOrderStatusType() { + return orderStatusType; + } } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Product.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Product.java index 7f07fa3..15ef63e 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Product.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/entity/Product.java @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class Product extends BaseTimeEntity { public Product() {} @Builder - public Product(String name, Category category, String size, Long price, String description, String preferredLocation, List hashTags, ArtistInfo artistInfo) { + public Product(String name, Category category, String size, Long price, String description, String preferredLocation, List hashTags, ArtistInfo artistInfo,String thumbnailUrl) { this.name = name; this.category = category; this.size = size; @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ public Product(String name, Category category, String size, Long price, String d this.description = description; this.preferredLocation = preferredLocation; this.hashTags = hashTags; + this.thumbnailUrl = thumbnailUrl; this.artistInfo = artistInfo; } @@ -105,6 +106,10 @@ public ArtistInfo getArtistInfo() { return artistInfo; } + public String getThumbnailUrl() { + return thumbnailUrl; + } + public void update(String name, Category category, String size, Long price, String description, String preferredLocation, List hashTags, ArtistInfo artistInfo) { this.name = name; this.category = category; diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/repository/ProductLikeRepository.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/repository/ProductLikeRepository.java index 46a5bef..d48fc18 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/repository/ProductLikeRepository.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/repository/ProductLikeRepository.java @@ -4,10 +4,14 @@ import com.helpmeCookies.product.entity.Product; import com.helpmeCookies.user.entity.User; import java.util.Optional; +import org.springframework.data.domain.Page; +import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable; import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public interface ProductLikeRepository extends JpaRepository { Optional findDistinctFirstByUserAndProduct(User user, Product product); + + Page findAllByUser(User user, Pageable pageable); } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductLikeService.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductLikeService.java index 78b450f..3a65423 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductLikeService.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductLikeService.java @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ package com.helpmeCookies.product.service; +import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductPage; import com.helpmeCookies.product.entity.Like; import com.helpmeCookies.product.entity.Product; import com.helpmeCookies.product.repository.ProductLikeRepository; @@ -7,6 +8,8 @@ import com.helpmeCookies.user.entity.User; import com.helpmeCookies.user.repository.UserRepository; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; +import org.springframework.data.domain.Page; +import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @@ -19,18 +22,29 @@ public class ProductLikeService { @Transactional public void productLike(Long userId, Long productId) { - User user = userRepository.findById(userId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 유저Id입니다." + userId)); + User user = getUser(userId); Product product = productRepository.findById(productId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 상품Id입니다." + productId)); Like like = new Like(user, product); productLikeRepository.save(like); } + @Transactional(readOnly = true) + public ProductPage.Paging getLikeProducts(Long userId, Pageable pageable) { + User user = getUser(userId); + Page productPage = productLikeRepository.findAllByUser(user,pageable).map(Like::getProduct); + return ProductPage.Paging.fromProduct(productPage); + } + @Transactional public void deleteProductLike(Long userId, Long productId) { - User user = userRepository.findById(userId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 유저Id입니다." + userId)); + User user = getUser(userId); Product product = productRepository.findById(productId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 상품Id입니다." + productId)); Like like = productLikeRepository.findDistinctFirstByUserAndProduct(user,product).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("존재하지 않는 상품 찜 항목입니다.")); productLikeRepository.delete(like); } + + private User getUser(Long userId) { + return userRepository.findById(userId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 유저Id입니다." + userId)); + } } diff --git a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductService.java b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductService.java index 1b4c91b..cb960e0 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductService.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/helpmeCookies/product/service/ProductService.java @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import com.helpmeCookies.user.entity.ArtistInfo; import com.helpmeCookies.user.repository.ArtistInfoRepository; import com.helpmeCookies.product.dto.ProductPage; +import java.util.List; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate; @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ public ProductPage.Paging getProductsWithRandomPaging(Pageable pageable) { public Product save(ProductRequest productSaveRequest) { ArtistInfo artistInfo = artistInfoRepository.findById(productSaveRequest.artistInfoId()) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 작가 정보입니다.")); - Product product = productSaveRequest.toEntity(artistInfo); + Product product = productSaveRequest.toEntity(artistInfo,productSaveRequest.getThumbnailImage()); productRepository.save(product); return product; } @@ -70,6 +71,12 @@ public void edit(Long productId, ProductRequest productRequest) { artistInfo); } + @Transactional + public void editThumbnailImage(Long productId, List images) { + Product product = productRepository.findById(productId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 id입니다")); + product.updateThumbnail(images.getFirst()); + } + public void delete(Long productId) { Product product = productRepository.findById(productId).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("유효하지 않은 id입니다")); productRepository.delete(product); diff --git a/src/main/resources/data.sql b/src/main/resources/data.sql deleted file mode 100644 index 96ebad0..0000000 --- a/src/main/resources/data.sql +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1238 +0,0 @@ -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('johnsonjoshua', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/457/285', 'Stephanie Miller', 'johnsonjeffery@hotmail.com', '1984-10-26', '8386379402', '2351 Noah Knolls Suite 940, Herrerafurt, OH 38928', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('barbara10', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/466/592', 'Sharon James', 'francisco53@hotmail.com', '1962-01-07', '001-192-832-7648x350', '6413 Lewis Parks, Wilkersonmouth, KS 18802', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('julieryan', 'https://placekitten.com/877/817', 'Zachary Hicks', 'callahaneric@conner.org', '1948-03-04', '(697)848-0184x5146', '482 Monica Hills, East Nathaniel, ND 70015', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('georgetracy', 'https://placekitten.com/229/743', 'David Bradley', 'dennislisa@cannon.net', '1955-02-02', '896-383-4657x871', '0983 Adrian Station, East Carloston, MA 09788', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('joshuawashington', 'https://dummyimage.com/270x968', 'Rhonda Lee', 'agomez@shields-brown.com', '1947-12-23', '(513)338-7262x4731', '80132 Tucker Forest, Barreraburgh, AL 51674', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('sara74', 'https://dummyimage.com/866x996', 'Daniel Brown', 'brian97@calhoun.net', '1949-04-21', '(191)361-9399', '9985 Harris Stravenue, Johnfurt, TN 85108', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('stephen10', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/938/204', 'Katie Anderson', 'suarezmike@gmail.com', '1973-09-02', '+1-498-084-1241', '4935 Grace Walk, Williamview, AR 12598', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('ccalderon', 'https://dummyimage.com/7x683', 'Deborah Figueroa', 'rodriguezsierra@hotmail.com', '2005-05-13', '(805)982-6204', '3315 Dickson Summit, East Michelle, HI 54541', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('whitesandra', 'https://placekitten.com/843/508', 'Michael Reyes', 'dwalker@torres-pope.com', '1959-01-08', '3654145868', '42940 Candace Key, Samuelhaven, MS 76075', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('jonathanfletcher', 'https://placekitten.com/3/403', 'Travis Mccall', 'cortezkevin@yahoo.com', '1989-03-26', '(564)823-6629x94680', '9957 Ramos Forest, Leonburgh, CO 37697', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('clarence34', 'https://dummyimage.com/460x407', 'David Alvarez', 'operry@lee.com', '1953-11-22', '+1-016-328-7083x1727', '9868 Merritt Summit Suite 743, Katiehaven, SC 31859', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('scott43', 'https://placekitten.com/556/687', 'Angela Hernandez', 'jasminebrown@yahoo.com', '1966-05-15', '+1-760-366-9096', '6688 Tracy Groves Suite 706, Elizabethfurt, GA 61762', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('tinaferguson', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/806/55', 'Brandy Murray', 'nicholas37@rogers-hobbs.com', '1995-01-10', '(417)080-5310x03309', '1937 Wang Expressway, Port Loriport, OR 03866', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('barbara66', 'https://dummyimage.com/406x155', 'Raymond Jefferson', 'reedross@jones-holland.com', '2001-08-31', '(716)572-6284x98776', '3147 Karen Port Suite 507, Hunterborough, KS 45109', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('nicole48', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/20/391', 'Jason Peters', 'fbrewer@mcguire-davis.com', '1971-05-16', '001-349-578-8568x557', '13518 James Streets Suite 498, Tinaborough, IN 47802', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('kevinerickson', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/259/561', 'Kristen Terry', 'agarcia@mitchell.com', '1961-01-12', '116.719.0229x4131', '993 Hayes Mills Suite 964, New Susanville, IL 82488', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('josephmiller', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/491/355', 'Jason Norris', 'antonio44@hotmail.com', '2002-05-07', '134.936.1832x421', '947 Taylor Hollow Suite 488, Kimton, NE 96777', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('cassandra01', 'https://placekitten.com/468/42', 'Pamela Thompson', 'howard96@hotmail.com', '1999-04-06', '175.655.1256x7468', '4516 Diane Plains, Gutierrezborough, MN 82110', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('wgarrett', 'https://placekitten.com/105/416', 'Tanya Kim', 'johnsoncrystal@gmail.com', '1992-02-25', '(480)861-3171', '4846 Baird Gardens, Arnoldfurt, PA 67117', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('michellehill', 'https://placekitten.com/849/696', 'Diane Evans', 'seanwashington@yahoo.com', '1981-05-29', '001-867-533-9636x05766', 'Unit 2702 Box 8951, DPO AA 13570', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('jsmith', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/839/316', 'Wayne Morgan', 'christianmelissa@hotmail.com', '1969-09-17', '780-913-4316x11724', 'PSC 0504, Box 5562, APO AE 70122', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('yknight', 'https://dummyimage.com/368x348', 'Seth Harvey', 'jdurham@murray.info', '1961-03-24', '+1-074-821-7594x64743', 'Unit 7136 Box 9594, DPO AP 39197', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('spencedominique', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/562/16', 'Natasha Wall', 'catherinegomez@hotmail.com', '1956-10-15', '+1-421-047-0952x145', '28588 Rivas Glens, Coffeyport, MA 15596', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('jmccarty', 'https://placekitten.com/462/813', 'James Baker', 'vrichardson@baker.com', '1951-03-23', '+1-370-985-9317x46120', 'USNV Ferrell, FPO AE 13240', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('paigetaylor', 'https://placeimg.com/929/759/any', 'Molly Mcclure', 'rgilbert@vaughn.info', '1974-02-10', '515.850.6431', 'USCGC Davis, FPO AE 84610', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('williamsmatthew', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/257/420', 'Kristen Willis', 'kim90@garrison-thomas.com', '1980-08-12', '210-205-3950x240', '117 Strickland Passage Apt. 783, Lake Kristahaven, NH 84824', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('browntimothy', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/822/873', 'Theodore Jones Jr.', 'martinezclaudia@kelley.net', '1963-12-02', '896.118.3673x657', '6545 Gloria Mountains, North Marieland, CT 98095', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('lisa80', 'https://placeimg.com/675/250/any', 'Maurice Christensen', 'caroline51@romero.com', '1967-09-05', '+1-514-936-8998', '24455 Howard Divide Suite 120, Lake Alyssafurt, NH 45182', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('mitchellgriffith', 'https://dummyimage.com/173x107', 'Luke Craig', 'fstanley@hotmail.com', '1973-12-07', '(438)156-1497x84036', 'Unit 0034 Box 3244, DPO AA 16227', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('jimenezryan', 'https://dummyimage.com/264x778', 'Sandra Drake', 'chensley@smith-morse.com', '1983-01-12', '(966)416-0529x75161', '164 Walker Tunnel Apt. 181, Port Michael, SD 19859', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('curtisscott', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/355/313', 'Raymond Snyder', 'michelle52@yahoo.com', '1948-07-01', '744.905.8147x7005', '199 Ford Plaza, South Reginashire, ID 42644', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('dmason', 'https://placekitten.com/922/211', 'Mrs. Maria Williams', 'nwarren@gmail.com', '1968-08-12', '(466)590-5151x864', '1925 Ponce Square, Andersonland, OH 49873', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('lisa81', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/867/741', 'Christopher Lewis', 'jeremytaylor@gmail.com', '1963-12-24', '888-059-2962', '706 Rhodes Freeway, Bishopmouth, ND 31849', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('tammy73', 'https://placeimg.com/753/902/any', 'Paula Shaw', 'lisasolis@gmail.com', '2003-04-05', '075-818-1412x478', '37506 Randy Landing Apt. 615, North Lucas, VT 85692', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('lacey20', 'https://dummyimage.com/587x967', 'Julie Gilbert', 'scottmary@bentley.com', '1960-01-09', '103-697-1179x8089', '6095 Ashley Ferry, New Theresaland, ND 66997', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('myerstheodore', 'https://placekitten.com/792/764', 'Heather Jones', 'ingramjill@anderson-bell.com', '1999-03-18', '+1-277-221-7043x0305', 'USCGC Hays, FPO AP 62550', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('benjamin34', 'https://placekitten.com/731/97', 'Robert Kim', 'ykline@yahoo.com', '1956-07-25', '758.416.1692x8451', '7962 Bell Canyon Suite 964, North Emilyfurt, NY 98791', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('stephaniethomas', 'https://dummyimage.com/897x71', 'Richard Diaz', 'jacobserika@yahoo.com', '1969-03-02', '192.856.5431x027', '4739 Benson Overpass, North Derek, NV 23131', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('zosborn', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/654/711', 'Donna Evans', 'laurahicks@galloway.com', '1997-08-20', '058.957.8291x1467', '125 Shannon Springs Suite 289, Port Tammy, NY 07764', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('holmeskevin', 'https://dummyimage.com/331x660', 'Todd Jacobson', 'james84@weber.net', '1950-03-18', '299.229.9590x01094', '078 May Hollow Suite 364, Joneston, NV 54977', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('vmarshall', 'https://placekitten.com/294/640', 'Shannon Hester', 'zachary15@owens.info', '1960-09-21', '(104)696-3259', '78774 Johnson Lock, Levyborough, MI 06878', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('campbellcarla', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/963/585', 'Jessica Khan', 'zdiaz@gmail.com', '1982-08-29', '+1-358-416-8784', '16558 Fischer Flat, Porterton, DC 94032', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('linda87', 'https://placekitten.com/305/286', 'Emily Long', 'william88@yahoo.com', '1992-01-30', '001-470-551-6940', '993 Brandy Extension Suite 230, East Andrewmouth, FL 54628', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('roberthampton', 'https://dummyimage.com/965x127', 'Kristina Bolton', 'ledwards@yahoo.com', '2005-12-02', '+1-585-497-3348', '3757 Castro Underpass Suite 419, Huangfurt, MI 19699', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('bobby15', 'https://placeimg.com/905/525/any', 'Ronald Nelson', 'danielyang@gmail.com', '1960-05-08', '8330165712', '7734 Mitchell Circle, Lake Audreyside, VA 05389', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('robertmonroe', 'https://placeimg.com/74/813/any', 'Paul Brennan', 'smithashley@gmail.com', '1966-08-26', '788-728-7431x5274', '549 Gregory Walks, Wilcoxhaven, CO 53039', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('lopezdonald', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/662/508', 'David Molina', 'brandi90@yahoo.com', '1988-05-02', '(301)742-6841x459', '2795 Miles Mountains, Port John, PA 11231', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('xrice', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/159/229', 'Stephanie Harris', 'markmeyer@frazier.org', '1977-02-11', '870-728-6790', '064 Julie Prairie Apt. 065, New Virginialand, AZ 38130', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('iwhite', 'https://placeimg.com/860/766/any', 'Thomas Bennett', 'desireebailey@haney.net', '1952-07-08', '001-300-478-6863x3752', '69033 Craig Bypass, Harperton, WA 06299', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('igonzales', 'https://dummyimage.com/444x115', 'Donna Cabrera', 'joel28@gmail.com', '1971-12-30', '408-926-8705x6856', '2873 Kevin Station Apt. 708, Faulknerside, DC 51411', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('jonathanrivera', 'https://placekitten.com/161/921', 'Nathaniel Lee', 'mnunez@gmail.com', '2003-04-20', '398-373-5403', 'USS Burgess, FPO AA 32298', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('randyallen', 'https://placeimg.com/658/579/any', 'Matthew Parker', 'zowens@hotmail.com', '1975-10-20', '001-535-560-9320x48996', '3693 Pierce Spur, Jonathanfort, SD 97441', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('umurray', 'https://dummyimage.com/721x346', 'Katherine Stark', 'combscharles@williams.com', '1948-06-23', '001-203-875-0997x700', '08484 Wayne Square Suite 211, East James, KS 46958', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('laura15', 'https://dummyimage.com/831x940', 'Courtney Sutton DVM', 'sullivannicholas@brown-smith.com', '1949-06-24', '659.180.3397x4014', 'PSC 9025, Box 0392, APO AP 52706', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('evansanne', 'https://placeimg.com/796/679/any', 'Brenda Hinton', 'brian63@peterson.org', '1970-11-06', '001-504-773-5866x29619', '114 Norman Tunnel, Lake Peter, CT 12496', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('hahnsean', 'https://dummyimage.com/552x209', 'Jeffrey Hawkins', 'johnsonmichael@gmail.com', '1984-06-21', '+1-560-466-1839x826', '4721 Ryan Manor Suite 715, Sherylfort, RI 26131', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('trodriguez', 'https://placekitten.com/13/810', 'Jamie Atkins', 'ryan92@yahoo.com', '1965-09-03', '+1-375-265-4793x564', '1939 Erin Plaza Apt. 737, Marieland, WY 54128', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('ttaylor', 'https://dummyimage.com/495x517', 'Rachel Jones', 'sferguson@yahoo.com', '1980-11-05', '5891135290', '6101 Walker Summit Apt. 756, Bartonshire, NY 20259', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('whitney71', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/605/851', 'Todd Thomas', 'stanley38@yahoo.com', '1967-07-22', '177.514.0105x1238', '8673 Soto Ferry, Fosterborough, OR 56803', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('nsmith', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/421/570', 'Rebecca Herrera', 'james14@hotmail.com', '2002-07-21', '859.696.9155x7924', 'PSC 9125, Box 1341, APO AE 49430', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('williambarnes', 'https://placeimg.com/282/785/any', 'Mark Steele', 'tracytaylor@wilkinson-harvey.com', '1944-07-03', '236.887.6767x7219', '0438 Jackson Mount, Dunnville, DE 35613', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('amber07', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/447/870', 'Martha Wright', 'fbaker@grimes-wilson.com', '1958-02-18', '001-959-629-2330x9584', '4494 Derek Terrace, Sellersview, SD 17132', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('johndawson', 'https://placeimg.com/506/804/any', 'Mark Burton', 'yjones@gmail.com', '1971-04-07', '457.759.0175x18636', '5458 Ashlee Oval Suite 001, Smithburgh, NH 00589', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('sharris', 'https://dummyimage.com/270x618', 'Sherri Davis', 'christopher20@yahoo.com', '1986-06-04', '361-103-7129x3870', '62713 Davis Valley Apt. 155, Derrickberg, TX 19225', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('morenoalan', 'https://placekitten.com/336/901', 'Lori Hernandez', 'fheath@gmail.com', '1953-05-19', '001-196-565-2341x38999', '438 Julie Hill, Port Rachaelbury, MS 15278', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('victorwheeler', 'https://placekitten.com/24/739', 'Scott Carroll', 'kathrynbest@gmail.com', '1944-12-26', '001-104-300-6848', '618 Joshua Inlet Apt. 832, Peterland, UT 57843', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('brianmiller', 'https://placeimg.com/889/237/any', 'Amy Wade', 'smithderrick@martin.net', '1979-01-18', '001-425-241-0564x8149', '8507 Michael Glens Apt. 913, North Micheletown, AZ 62336', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('patrick22', 'https://dummyimage.com/72x858', 'Jason Cortez', 'duncandavid@hotmail.com', '2005-03-24', '2380617445', '53494 Steven Ramp Suite 383, North Sarah, IN 71482', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('cynthia05', 'https://placekitten.com/2/770', 'Joseph Allen', 'kaufmandouglas@yahoo.com', '1950-03-08', '3865719182', '99062 Kelly Vista Suite 655, Nelsonland, DC 77139', NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO users (nickname, user_image_url, name, email, birthdate, phone, address, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('moorefrank', 'https://placeimg.com/954/643/any', 'Hunter Townsend', 'steven11@gmail.com', '1998-10-22', '+1-490-352-1356x80442', '8831 Garcia Underpass Apt. 100, East James, MN 90453', NOW(), NOW()); 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-INSERT INTO user_hashtags (user_id, hash_tags) VALUES (67, 'VIBRANCE'); -INSERT INTO user_hashtags (user_id, hash_tags) VALUES (68, 'MYSTERY'); -INSERT INTO user_hashtags (user_id, hash_tags) VALUES (69, 'MYSTERY'); -INSERT INTO user_hashtags (user_id, hash_tags) VALUES (70, 'CONTEMPLATION'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (1, 'aguilarjonathan', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/153/44', 'STUDENT', 202, 462, 'Material third look because him. Current this moment piece soon some.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (2, 'craigsandoval', 'https://dummyimage.com/545x114', 'BUSINESS', 589, 433, 'Argue own after long.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (3, 'fconner', 'https://placekitten.com/649/356', 'BUSINESS', 228, 340, 'Her safe family concern. We we hot. Allow own TV whose determine not view. Former back get floor.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (4, 'nicolesnyder', 'https://placeimg.com/775/719/any', 'STUDENT', 103, 424, 'Threat church big day couple recent reveal role. Produce father benefit hotel near.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (5, 'cwood', 'https://placeimg.com/91/539/any', 'STUDENT', 476, 134, 'Nor character recent benefit property. Including series dinner article hit mission whole.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (6, 'maryscott', 'https://placeimg.com/137/178/any', 'BUSINESS', 569, 203, 'Task mind true actually red onto. Both change note old who beyond. None big experience movie.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (7, 'comptonjeremy', 'https://placekitten.com/615/907', 'BUSINESS', 275, 373, 'Truth relate ever. Measure play buy air head order concern. Only glass clear thus see read expect.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (8, 'walkercharlene', 'https://placeimg.com/625/563/any', 'BUSINESS', 916, 192, 'Change she tonight south sort. Identify floor cause agent market fast trade identify.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (9, 'william28', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/370/601', 'BUSINESS', 482, 65, 'Several consumer quite friend become great season. Inside thought he one less.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (10, 'tthomas', 'https://placeimg.com/369/165/any', 'BUSINESS', 340, 323, 'Play above event seven collection share. Size sister can its investment investment local.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (11, 'katherine83', 'https://dummyimage.com/36x8', 'BUSINESS', 231, 355, 'Can himself open cold statement. Way lay minute model its. Garden top grow could.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (12, 'wheelerbrandon', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/221/40', 'STUDENT', 706, 59, 'Current enjoy mission cut region far always many. Read lose doctor actually become.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (13, 'phelpsmichael', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/640/872', 'BUSINESS', 97, 435, 'System professional color.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (14, 'dalepruitt', 'https://dummyimage.com/988x897', 'BUSINESS', 625, 194, 'Learn soon large task. Firm wonder seat adult idea along near.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (15, 'jennifer11', 'https://placekitten.com/454/4', 'STUDENT', 363, 424, 'Miss reduce animal clearly cell response return. Effect cultural building system.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (16, 'tamarasmith', 'https://placeimg.com/99/886/any', 'STUDENT', 946, 260, 'Successful natural finish say network. Cut person fact generation public. Mean reason follow break.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (17, 'james80', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/734/926', 'BUSINESS', 630, 444, 'Some newspaper offer direction.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (18, 'campbellsara', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/781/809', 'STUDENT', 485, 80, 'Everybody growth quickly former lose knowledge. Main board population bank exactly.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (19, 'michaelwalker', 'https://placeimg.com/595/274/any', 'STUDENT', 513, 261, 'Hair action draw who word range. Cell city not not the certainly rule.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (20, 'mary49', 'https://placeimg.com/356/771/any', 'BUSINESS', 374, 300, 'Describe paper likely loss. Store over some star consider.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (21, 'davisdonna', 'https://placeimg.com/2/883/any', 'BUSINESS', 379, 447, 'Investment voice lot shoulder go source traditional.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (22, 'gwendolynstewart', 'https://dummyimage.com/741x218', 'BUSINESS', 436, 333, 'Hundred full nearly recent religious claim who. Source statement likely.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (23, 'kimberly56', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/830/410', 'BUSINESS', 754, 360, 'Near risk next on. White everybody paper create upon offer.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (24, 'heather69', 'https://placekitten.com/990/498', 'BUSINESS', 984, 397, 'Finish despite off consumer second us couple. Dog drug enter director strong.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (25, 'stephenmartinez', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/942/646', 'BUSINESS', 12, 345, 'Ok foot party employee nature down. When gas contain interest industry sell half.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (26, 'kristen44', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/97/815', 'STUDENT', 707, 83, 'Sport live picture last free. Growth newspaper special general in go.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (27, 'catherine64', 'https://placeimg.com/911/743/any', 'STUDENT', 423, 85, 'By doctor edge. Decision however believe view.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (28, 'imcdonald', 'https://dummyimage.com/557x911', 'BUSINESS', 992, 485, 'Expert movement reach man sense federal. Something others someone nature country think.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (29, 'blopez', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/311/101', 'STUDENT', 190, 497, 'Especially resource road do character. Describe inside size marriage he recent all.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (30, 'paulproctor', 'https://dummyimage.com/506x68', 'BUSINESS', 471, 376, 'Program decade home which view city rock. Minute education police cup thought tell design.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (31, 'kelli32', 'https://placekitten.com/1023/187', 'BUSINESS', 953, 496, 'Whether best rise mother country. Prevent now way next newspaper second short.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (32, 'nicholaspierce', 'https://placeimg.com/520/737/any', 'BUSINESS', 458, 491, 'Risk work other. Career three according worker Democrat fire sign. Try memory number occur behind.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (33, 'michael66', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/246/464', 'BUSINESS', 649, 398, 'Deep national seek nature performance yeah reason. Heavy town money.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (34, 'carternicole', 'https://placeimg.com/791/473/any', 'STUDENT', 520, 500, 'Machine others because current whom night. Always two figure.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (35, 'robertberry', 'https://placekitten.com/873/639', 'BUSINESS', 459, 277, 'Present ok range dark catch. Travel involve training show prevent north citizen.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (36, 'kimberlyrodriguez', 'https://placekitten.com/378/53', 'BUSINESS', 620, 290, 'Term majority foot leader east if. Part station result.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (37, 'leescott', 'https://placeimg.com/623/585/any', 'STUDENT', 170, 216, 'Bed food possible represent clearly run before. Plant be religious risk window partner civil.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (38, 'ifoley', 'https://dummyimage.com/11x1010', 'BUSINESS', 222, 301, 'Participant first moment yet government can. Market role marriage space this discussion fact.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (39, 'alexharris', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/576/521', 'STUDENT', 315, 153, 'Strong federal right firm. Affect officer forward trouble somebody at chance. Fund heart move.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (40, 'aliciathompson', 'https://dummyimage.com/766x76', 'BUSINESS', 935, 47, 'Agent lot matter couple type run model. Century the state visit quality car. Least require mission.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (41, 'garciakatie', 'https://placekitten.com/639/46', 'BUSINESS', 654, 456, 'Customer expert mother significant provide evening. Event address performance method.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (42, 'mwhite', 'https://placekitten.com/913/728', 'BUSINESS', 340, 418, 'Bad type share nothing behavior sort recognize. Lay range report let.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (43, 'ssingleton', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/713/260', 'BUSINESS', 415, 418, 'News audience few leave opportunity draw. Nature wind himself future sport.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (44, 'shermandonna', 'https://placeimg.com/927/596/any', 'BUSINESS', 630, 295, 'Day theory feel some quickly. Response trip wrong old particularly member. System artist too whose.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (45, 'jennifer66', 'https://dummyimage.com/891x432', 'BUSINESS', 486, 71, 'His under style child young prove care. Possible century those price.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (46, 'lanemelanie', 'https://placeimg.com/484/551/any', 'STUDENT', 948, 279, 'Almost also low happy oil which. Center rule worker worker. Let back three because line.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (47, 'jessica94', 'https://dummyimage.com/125x969', 'STUDENT', 586, 26, 'Agree machine camera baby six edge past every. Add born company option character.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (48, 'brian41', 'https://placeimg.com/107/343/any', 'STUDENT', 408, 243, 'Second sell mouth here relationship listen certain. Activity until large question which raise.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (49, 'matthew41', 'https://placeimg.com/522/801/any', 'BUSINESS', 791, 345, 'Side mind question year finish action across attack. Best billion land detail exist cover.'); -INSERT INTO artist_info (user_id, nickname, artist_image_url, artist_type, total_followers, total_likes, about) VALUES (50, 'nicholasgallagher', 'https://dummyimage.com/378x227', 'STUDENT', 259, 150, 'Police two everybody interview. Either sit everyone artist home you. Western enough key man up.'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (2, 'B585174328', '1972-09-04', 'Mary Evans'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (3, 'B615717320', '1983-02-21', 'Zachary Allen'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (6, 'B293102707', '2012-01-30', 'Michael Anderson'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (7, 'B204179291', '1977-03-27', 'Kurt Gilbert'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (8, 'B136565198', '1979-05-07', 'Vincent Lewis'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (9, 'B092511426', '1981-06-08', 'Kristen Gonzales'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (10, 'B902196207', '1975-06-30', 'Christopher Davis'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (11, 'B946723248', '2000-08-26', 'Todd Bishop'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (13, 'B819588373', '1988-10-23', 'Brian Hernandez'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (14, 'B772200543', '1999-07-31', 'Luis Wu'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (17, 'B136363179', '2002-12-19', 'Jeffrey Robinson'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (20, 'B625349292', '2009-05-05', 'Sarah Miller'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (21, 'B873977406', '2020-02-05', 'Danielle Hamilton'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (22, 'B392906007', '2019-11-30', 'Amanda Schmidt'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (23, 'B717731806', '1984-11-01', 'Edward Holland'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (24, 'B107427990', '2000-12-14', 'Charles Warner'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (25, 'B257016580', '1990-03-08', 'Derrick Shah'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (28, 'B335548640', '1974-04-25', 'Jesse Mason'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (30, 'B162411241', '2017-06-09', 'Chris Harris'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (31, 'B046827567', '2020-03-14', 'Dorothy Brown'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (32, 'B385695579', '2015-04-24', 'Sarah Wallace'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (33, 'B492424375', '1989-08-10', 'Amber Gomez'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (35, 'B231059274', '1995-02-27', 'Justin Johnson'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (36, 'B552578284', '1978-04-08', 'Jennifer Porter'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (38, 'B929751702', '2016-02-20', 'Elizabeth Morales'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (40, 'B187186375', '2011-01-17', 'Terri Kerr'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (41, 'B562656504', '1993-06-22', 'William Sawyer'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (42, 'B137674266', '1979-07-01', 'Linda Thomas'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (43, 'B478519610', '1997-11-12', 'Denise Thompson'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (44, 'B792326487', '1972-11-15', 'Elizabeth Richards'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (45, 'B787300244', '2013-08-04', 'Kaitlyn Valdez'); -INSERT INTO business_artist (artist_info_id, business_number, open_date, head_name) VALUES (49, 'B183219285', '1991-07-09', 'Melinda Turner'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (1, 'aaronfinley@martinez-nichols.com', 'Maldonado-Morales', 'Chemical engineer'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (4, 'sparksdawn@yahoo.com', 'Hanna, Cain and Levy', 'Administrator, sports'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (5, 'brian06@lewis.net', 'Bentley-Berg', 'Software engineer'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (12, 'jennifersalazar@burton.com', 'Smith-Young', 'Commercial/residential surveyor'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (15, 'garciabrian@hotmail.com', 'Moore Inc', 'Radio producer'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (16, 'jacobsonjennifer@riley.com', 'Maxwell LLC', 'Estate agent'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (18, 'paultaylor@hotmail.com', 'Chen LLC', 'Engineer, electrical'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (19, 'antoniocarroll@yahoo.com', 'Rodriguez Group', 'Proofreader'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (26, 'olivermatthew@robertson.com', 'Rodriguez LLC', 'Psychologist, occupational'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (27, 'michael81@fletcher.com', 'Wilson, Mendoza and Crosby', 'Telecommunications researcher'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (29, 'rmckinney@lam.com', 'Mcclain Group', 'Chartered loss adjuster'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (34, 'christinemartin@hotmail.com', 'White-Thompson', 'Designer, exhibition/display'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (37, 'jreilly@cordova.net', 'Holland-Phillips', 'Horticultural consultant'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (39, 'uhoward@franklin.org', 'Walker, Walls and Ramirez', 'Advice worker'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (46, 'swhite@hotmail.com', 'Johnson LLC', 'Research officer, government'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (47, 'bianca96@burton-alvarez.com', 'Hunt-Johnston', 'Futures trader'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (48, 'thomassteven@taylor.biz', 'Barr, Kelly and Roberts', 'Senior tax professional/tax inspector'); -INSERT INTO student_artist (artist_info_id, school_email, school_name, major) VALUES (50, 'fergusonmichael@gmail.com', 'Taylor LLC', 'Microbiologist'); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (4, 43); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (21, 27); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (34, 4); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (15, 1); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (61, 42); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (37, 46); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (52, 11); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (6, 19); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (16, 20); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (38, 33); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (53, 37); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (22, 6); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (61, 45); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (28, 13); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (2, 47); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (67, 48); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (34, 6); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (16, 22); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (17, 14); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (13, 14); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (28, 6); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (1, 27); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (21, 46); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (4, 15); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (2, 9); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (47, 10); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (69, 47); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (41, 38); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (31, 5); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (13, 8); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (56, 22); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (11, 26); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (52, 24); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (47, 9); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (45, 33); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (3, 40); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (10, 27); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (41, 48); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (3, 28); -INSERT INTO social (follower_id, following_id) VALUES (22, 17); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('start', 'PIECE', '110x51', 365112, 'Soldier message arrive. Training analysis feeling act.', 'New Ashley', 'https://dummyimage.com/202x28', 4, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('senior', 'ORIENTAL', '187x197', 2956470, 'Commercial senior above rise under. Surface listen recently continue pull blue strong.', 'Gloriamouth', 'https://placekitten.com/462/834', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('top', 'PIECE', '92x124', 1707232, 'Task thus sort voice happen. Your man black. Mission put budget house reason within.', 'Katelynfurt', 'https://placeimg.com/729/974/any', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('memory', 'PIECE', '75x92', 1263418, 'Challenge lawyer business majority discuss. Ahead scene store marriage. Will him quickly.', 'South Nicoleville', 'https://placekitten.com/785/921', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('tonight', 'PIECE', '96x115', 1589034, 'Degree enter father of source person when. Behind front attack song little decide somebody prepare.', 'Adamsside', 'https://dummyimage.com/888x122', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('his', 'ORIENTAL', '174x160', 548137, 'Drive second she such. Five store ask data include statement. Either over image box.', 'Donnaburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/86/995', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('around', 'PICTURE', '92x50', 1329071, 'Own test too imagine guy price. However style successful door.', 'Kingshire', 'https://placekitten.com/114/1004', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('scene', 'PICTURE', '141x72', 2939009, 'Nation little east everyone six certain. Resource start again whom paper success production.', 'New Michellemouth', 'https://placeimg.com/795/16/any', 50, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('within', 'ORIENTAL', '59x157', 1021687, 'Bed state dog decision three. Place these short image almost term.', 'Lake Kevin', 'https://dummyimage.com/168x226', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('enjoy', 'ORIENTAL', '107x74', 1865525, 'Second high issue deal democratic. Risk country Congress society agreement.', 'Mcdanielfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/866/524', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('beyond', 'ORIENTAL', '74x142', 2515451, 'There car fish most center bring. Without material wind. Security unit executive theory party.', 'Wilsonfort', 'https://placekitten.com/83/904', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('security', 'PICTURE', '76x118', 2686840, 'Should quality thought ago race. Hour opportunity week student.', 'East Michelle', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/579/661', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('six', 'ORIENTAL', '62x114', 1685772, 'Weight high human concern whole tend become. Clear single expect sell pressure.', 'Mcclurefort', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/549/866', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('something', 'PIECE', '176x81', 1160613, 'Range feel eat into. Answer baby and blue interesting behind produce.', 'Lake Tinaview', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/217/888', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('accept', 'PIECE', '92x123', 2867577, 'Decide possible power. Success teach Mrs beat show challenge.', 'Benjaminfurt', 'https://dummyimage.com/995x999', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('send', 'PIECE', '150x119', 2809606, 'Year size show show news. Table them page bit. Unit just lead.', 'Gillfort', 'https://placekitten.com/203/315', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('good', 'PIECE', '94x61', 2839962, 'Summer keep indeed shoulder. Strong list expert commercial entire.', 'North Matthewfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/336/888', 37, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('increase', 'ORIENTAL', '112x133', 1486023, 'Total around place require.', 'Roweport', 'https://placekitten.com/172/75', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('in', 'PICTURE', '70x90', 364912, 'Yeah exist behavior necessary miss serious civil. Three music else.', 'South Matthewbury', 'https://placekitten.com/478/717', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('feel', 'PICTURE', '188x130', 664010, 'Check he yard field magazine social central.', 'Hughesfurt', 'https://placeimg.com/694/93/any', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('simply', 'ORIENTAL', '185x142', 931909, 'Tend religious occur someone. Night buy nice court peace.', 'Johnsonhaven', 'https://placekitten.com/649/782', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('benefit', 'ORIENTAL', '53x51', 691636, 'My experience consumer shoulder. Fill imagine college pass.', 'Johnsonbury', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/38/551', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('employee', 'PIECE', '184x132', 2378837, 'Fight image base player. Situation central music collection early. Which new among spend which per.', 'Brandonside', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/143/615', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('indicate', 'PICTURE', '148x134', 315824, 'Rise your there decision. Whatever five radio garden end sell laugh.', 'South Angela', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/1001/804', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('store', 'PIECE', '85x171', 1855558, 'All story public public good spend still. Hit stuff speech worker by have.', 'North James', 'https://placekitten.com/811/227', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('outside', 'PIECE', '155x176', 176801, 'Third ability interview pull practice take follow. Ever quite level guess service this.', 'Lake Jeremiahchester', 'https://dummyimage.com/152x511', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('community', 'PIECE', '76x112', 2686726, 'Those simply challenge final garden hard account only. Arm medical strong teach.', 'East Timothy', 'https://dummyimage.com/678x769', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('instead', 'PIECE', '103x85', 2975620, 'Guy available air. Central key place tree.', 'South Diana', 'https://dummyimage.com/227x693', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('focus', 'PIECE', '155x179', 1100874, 'Cultural forget few spring raise ever. Your your sell science treatment across federal state.', 'South Shannon', 'https://dummyimage.com/61x767', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('participant', 'PIECE', '199x90', 2695792, 'Wall act special strong fund. International sell several real federal only.', 'Christopherville', 'https://placeimg.com/363/65/any', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('agreement', 'ORIENTAL', '162x127', 475699, 'Attorney white exist do process. Lawyer happy action force.', 'Jacobsbury', 'https://placeimg.com/673/1005/any', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('maintain', 'PICTURE', '171x75', 1910618, 'Say explain thing. Get successful society hospital statement sure indeed. Tonight run leader treat.', 'West Charlesville', 'https://placeimg.com/667/839/any', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('community', 'PIECE', '171x121', 2925520, 'Media left available reason see. Gas human create also economy remember.', 'Davidfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/344/158', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('research', 'PICTURE', '174x68', 377353, 'Key concern research throughout. Democratic recent student specific political respond to.', 'Lake Gary', 'https://placekitten.com/851/220', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('future', 'PICTURE', '77x54', 2798007, 'Me relate actually again serve. Final scene serious people. Case material dark heart.', 'Lonnieton', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/849/590', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('drop', 'PICTURE', '51x122', 2383618, 'Medical international level clearly culture. Computer eat experience large player even.', 'West Oscar', 'https://placekitten.com/626/928', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('how', 'PIECE', '60x57', 670318, 'Huge only too million country institution. Education few whose probably him final.', 'Jacobberg', 'https://dummyimage.com/405x996', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('morning', 'PICTURE', '156x137', 1334518, 'Note defense cut seek speak court work. Key tree body player bag beat.', 'North Jasontown', 'https://placeimg.com/769/544/any', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('material', 'ORIENTAL', '86x155', 1899152, 'Later rather thank method produce about. Admit growth animal space for know.', 'Port Sheryl', 'https://placeimg.com/183/216/any', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('senior', 'PICTURE', '192x88', 551419, 'Upon force himself exactly.', 'Valdezside', 'https://dummyimage.com/894x477', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('event', 'PICTURE', '164x180', 263931, 'Because become scientist visit seat. Of camera finish herself. -Artist movie suggest woman floor.', 'Wayneville', 'https://dummyimage.com/560x979', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('miss', 'ORIENTAL', '163x123', 1249468, 'Arrive special check respond summer various. Red apply tend condition maintain.', 'Port Sarahport', 'https://dummyimage.com/937x335', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('letter', 'PIECE', '131x197', 1032807, 'Practice order wide phone identify alone drive. Few other common seat simply yard provide.', 'Port Brittanyfurt', 'https://placekitten.com/991/888', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('owner', 'ORIENTAL', '159x111', 2734680, 'Foot research television Mr. Spend after new movie speech major.', 'Tammyburgh', 'https://dummyimage.com/866x0', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('first', 'ORIENTAL', '147x186', 1637785, 'Toward fall move cause make fine treat.', 'New James', 'https://placekitten.com/551/394', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('organization', 'PIECE', '106x183', 1066843, 'Money then open southern. More red tend necessary.', 'Shawview', 'https://placekitten.com/876/468', 10, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('prove', 'PICTURE', '165x92', 892649, 'Image fine bed bag role. Close arm sea never.', 'Parkstad', 'https://placeimg.com/500/86/any', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('concern', 'PICTURE', '107x63', 1305451, 'Where work budget major many race camera. Maybe type successful home body blue.', 'Russelltown', 'https://placekitten.com/889/983', 38, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('father', 'PIECE', '65x91', 2545878, 'Set easy check memory. Exactly boy enjoy red project. Cup relationship special red maybe Congress.', 'Pattyburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/83/1', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('recent', 'PICTURE', '84x133', 898311, 'Candidate sea build only. Cover knowledge better walk people.', 'East Carolberg', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/593/93', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('study', 'PICTURE', '130x51', 751979, 'Manager mouth message avoid just meeting. Single husband even contain civil design recent.', 'New Darren', 'https://placekitten.com/711/755', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('because', 'ORIENTAL', '120x134', 2250169, 'Reveal impact particularly foot arm. Station despite whole. Eight administration price test.', 'Andrewburgh', 'https://dummyimage.com/363x807', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('available', 'PIECE', '174x98', 2461433, 'Interview lawyer population I. Case seek activity between himself body add.', 'Port Tammyville', 'https://dummyimage.com/693x174', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('chair', 'ORIENTAL', '125x102', 1921968, 'Man yard different what. Ground past brother type turn. Page concern most.', 'Briggsville', 'https://dummyimage.com/875x570', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('believe', 'PIECE', '175x50', 574213, 'Consider his floor interest. Own PM catch want TV himself. Market move mouth start his ok instead.', 'Sanchezbury', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/114/282', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('safe', 'PIECE', '145x123', 108326, 'Run receive interesting approach black ok. Study that air half bad baby notice.', 'North Randy', 'https://placekitten.com/867/930', 23, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('wide', 'ORIENTAL', '121x77', 1764308, 'Establish bit guy single friend. Executive must assume others series. Could cut upon drive be.', 'New Lindseyberg', 'https://placeimg.com/48/782/any', 50, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('peace', 'ORIENTAL', '125x195', 374934, 'Claim radio bad personal well.', 'Williamsfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/489/427', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('claim', 'ORIENTAL', '193x176', 1191767, 'Vote will major guy. Husband tax true can happen. Weight health radio media enjoy then radio per.', 'Rodriguezburgh', 'https://placeimg.com/221/812/any', 22, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('decision', 'PICTURE', '179x157', 2864122, 'Establish player base attorney if fear.', 'New Kristaborough', 'https://placekitten.com/159/296', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('red', 'ORIENTAL', '139x51', 197337, 'Character learn challenge. Box wide image minute about late. Plant police official already.', 'Banksmouth', 'https://placekitten.com/847/840', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('he', 'ORIENTAL', '61x153', 1370154, 'Peace myself win. Him score candidate law place group dream.', 'North Stephenville', 'https://placekitten.com/219/290', 48, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('everybody', 'ORIENTAL', '181x150', 174402, 'Back suddenly tree debate. Make against available where.', 'North Theresastad', 'https://dummyimage.com/991x10', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('nearly', 'PIECE', '51x172', 1373253, 'Cover ahead age memory. Describe half together ahead.', 'Grahamfurt', 'https://dummyimage.com/395x512', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('decade', 'PICTURE', '158x81', 2919570, 'Bill soldier onto close day reveal. Third interest section staff performance parent.', 'Johnborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/761x761', 11, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('state', 'PIECE', '96x115', 2004255, 'Fish floor culture sort material wrong. Budget laugh over option door again. Popular task write.', 'Snyderville', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/765/210', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('door', 'PIECE', '125x162', 2801624, 'Catch year technology. -Color course total hard total. Various test employee. Book water avoid.', 'West Angelicabury', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/421/159', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('miss', 'PIECE', '102x75', 1270092, 'Actually democratic stand could bit. Sport seven method finish want.', 'Walterville', 'https://placeimg.com/492/33/any', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('culture', 'PICTURE', '84x114', 1864614, 'Live most goal. Until base issue character.', 'North Barbarabury', 'https://placekitten.com/134/206', 34, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('draw', 'PIECE', '170x107', 361180, 'Laugh same wrong either main hair. Still feeling free.', 'Archerhaven', 'https://placekitten.com/358/543', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('view', 'ORIENTAL', '125x58', 1458979, 'Main ask far law design. But major above good street anyone case these.', 'Lindaberg', 'https://dummyimage.com/408x512', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('keep', 'PICTURE', '184x51', 2381970, 'Sense past few drug. Health per tonight there apply suddenly call. Leg several military.', 'Port Kellyfort', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/678/124', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('sit', 'PIECE', '60x122', 1151272, 'Identify work star success national. Race teacher pay it player continue stand price.', 'West Stephenshire', 'https://placekitten.com/797/22', 22, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('along', 'PICTURE', '178x51', 2119048, 'Service wonder speak run door tonight. Rock himself wind two. Partner boy suggest authority.', 'West Kimshire', 'https://dummyimage.com/147x697', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('rest', 'PICTURE', '72x153', 2797513, 'Daughter stage form serious. Dog authority way toward. -Wonder wear our partner ball necessary.', 'Flemingtown', 'https://placeimg.com/987/106/any', 19, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('space', 'PIECE', '119x146', 549543, 'Analysis glass pretty each factor. Huge price prevent baby voice day relate spend.', 'Ramirezborough', 'https://placekitten.com/280/472', 11, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('site', 'PICTURE', '135x92', 466175, 'Conference she everybody than camera piece. That pretty discussion pressure.', 'West Daniel', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/908/231', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('economic', 'ORIENTAL', '155x93', 635134, 'Now stop race author interview executive. Force small friend.', 'North Susanbury', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/856/248', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('policy', 'ORIENTAL', '166x200', 1093370, 'Military modern meet up expect himself serious. -Sport same writer. Issue everything they fire girl.', 'New Mary', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/345/56', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('vote', 'ORIENTAL', '102x100', 2341908, 'Season develop avoid church. Everybody piece mention since religious fire. Item usually some.', 'Davidland', 'https://placeimg.com/438/6/any', 36, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('audience', 'ORIENTAL', '92x138', 2892136, 'Wide foot production break let five. Girl huge campaign think.', 'West Sethbury', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/341/422', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('yourself', 'ORIENTAL', '144x180', 2114599, 'Really Mrs former article light. At player third general. -Ever star test once figure.', 'Baxtermouth', 'https://dummyimage.com/159x106', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('much', 'ORIENTAL', '51x85', 790915, 'Majority smile rate newspaper itself give. Term talk side. Rock degree nice young vote him.', 'Sandersview', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/561/117', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('travel', 'PIECE', '123x192', 2196681, 'Common and part read. Common section study about event go.', 'West Mary', 'https://placekitten.com/391/271', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('argue', 'ORIENTAL', '175x77', 922431, 'Notice year its position radio eye garden. Necessary sea especially message decision design end.', 'East Robertmouth', 'https://dummyimage.com/689x205', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('white', 'PICTURE', '101x58', 457260, 'International especially officer or clearly coach. Though whole wall cup win.', 'East Nicole', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/617/629', 11, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('crime', 'PIECE', '167x152', 1102842, 'Job right child new simply. Local general likely.', 'Santiagoshire', 'https://dummyimage.com/55x454', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('special', 'PICTURE', '81x173', 2624296, 'Gun may ability out huge back. Catch could deep itself fund.', 'West Ginaville', 'https://dummyimage.com/828x25', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('from', 'PIECE', '61x134', 2110579, 'Medical rather activity president prove institution approach. Else plant page sort late health.', 'North Mirandamouth', 'https://placekitten.com/751/102', 23, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('entire', 'PIECE', '132x177', 200413, 'Will ready each stay strong run. Notice American force although participant rich speech.', 'Sanfordborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/534x620', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('rule', 'PIECE', '106x80', 1868914, 'Of Democrat very ever read control.', 'Jessicamouth', 'https://placeimg.com/861/673/any', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('maybe', 'ORIENTAL', '126x174', 2202045, 'Gas floor state. Left sea decision recently. Eight allow system whose place no.', 'South Catherine', 'https://placeimg.com/252/198/any', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('discover', 'PIECE', '136x70', 1071918, 'Number condition city since. Nearly goal design too everything side.', 'Jenkinstown', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/459/283', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('place', 'PICTURE', '127x52', 2979550, 'Watch foot economic notice line before. Age over smile hope memory cover. Leader rich dream line.', 'Monicaburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/501/946', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('account', 'PIECE', '193x106', 1561318, 'Term yet television audience indicate employee.', 'Katherineshire', 'https://placekitten.com/228/346', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('itself', 'PICTURE', '165x91', 2761209, 'Tree somebody decide best. Leader remember sell serious. Far know skin record nothing organization.', 'Ericberg', 'https://placeimg.com/300/598/any', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('even', 'PICTURE', '196x198', 251303, 'Surface on chance. Else return seat.', 'East Edward', 'https://placekitten.com/244/403', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('moment', 'PICTURE', '82x130', 478974, 'Note easy eight school ready practice each. Concern without entire everyone sea safe true.', 'South Christopherborough', 'https://placeimg.com/204/440/any', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('first', 'PIECE', '143x133', 323136, 'Ok technology born. Since crime south pass lead a. Over manage computer medical method week.', 'Martinland', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/884/623', 22, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('wish', 'ORIENTAL', '99x187', 1622474, 'Federal customer because early of several end most. Ready cell show that recognize.', 'Allenchester', 'https://placeimg.com/65/669/any', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('fear', 'PIECE', '78x193', 252371, 'Fund month realize star it again offer. Perhaps hope across.', 'Port Davidstad', 'https://placekitten.com/141/670', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('without', 'PICTURE', '175x108', 2583675, 'Cut clear yard do turn. Agree there want but way agent.', 'North Shelia', 'https://placeimg.com/733/648/any', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('cut', 'PIECE', '115x181', 217864, 'Son growth effort born. Administration herself information which beyond growth finally.', 'East Aprilberg', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/962/79', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('pick', 'ORIENTAL', '198x164', 482339, 'He increase church common view. Score special consider these.', 'South Brandon', 'https://dummyimage.com/772x347', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('black', 'PICTURE', '88x140', 715705, 'Today begin write both little work.', 'New David', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/292/461', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('six', 'PICTURE', '71x191', 2902434, 'Executive past economic economy role feeling. Property mind officer third service capital instead.', 'New Timothystad', 'https://placeimg.com/384/830/any', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('difficult', 'PIECE', '102x60', 502566, 'Nearly fast their film. Network vote whom will consumer star.', 'New Sheri', 'https://placekitten.com/868/414', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('appear', 'PICTURE', '66x158', 1964103, 'Hope miss instead live focus. A edge new find type. Order at sense cell lose civil will with.', 'South Douglas', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/564/670', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('public', 'PIECE', '112x198', 512126, 'Find bill pick likely produce federal by. Lawyer audience without treat game evening write high.', 'Copelandchester', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/863/116', 24, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('treatment', 'PIECE', '195x115', 954624, 'Toward policy forget project economy. Bar big south drug manager opportunity.', 'New Codybury', 'https://placeimg.com/738/863/any', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('serious', 'ORIENTAL', '115x80', 916168, 'Positive key leave tell also human.', 'Mullinsburgh', 'https://placekitten.com/1023/182', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('he', 'PIECE', '177x195', 1230362, 'Republican trip production system. Respond mouth however TV.', 'East Nancy', 'https://dummyimage.com/901x442', 12, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('actually', 'ORIENTAL', '155x70', 555402, 'Who tax low keep news. Court control million hundred offer total hit.', 'North Tina', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/974/642', 23, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('surface', 'PIECE', '144x187', 2033638, 'Require make region. Worry Democrat laugh Mrs.', 'Crossborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/509x367', 11, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('all', 'ORIENTAL', '107x101', 350630, 'Forward behind idea red. Source high listen suggest consumer find. Religious these matter continue.', 'East Dana', 'https://dummyimage.com/1020x372', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('hair', 'ORIENTAL', '69x170', 1429321, 'Outside off through relationship. Medical sport knowledge performance.', 'Bowersville', 'https://dummyimage.com/134x692', 48, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('history', 'PIECE', '142x168', 986707, 'Whether make some among around. Specific travel remain stuff better mind professional.', 'New Marieborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/182x628', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('put', 'ORIENTAL', '127x191', 2558505, 'Move another field. Goal Mrs statement range its. Model condition he recognize treat better wear.', 'Traceyfurt', 'https://placeimg.com/467/761/any', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('another', 'PIECE', '175x147', 2226722, 'Out perform election two. Report top finally wait president trial important.', 'Lake Heatherton', 'https://dummyimage.com/919x263', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('avoid', 'ORIENTAL', '71x142', 2617083, 'City social at Mr. Want either race us.', 'Gilbertmouth', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/292/905', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('recognize', 'PIECE', '74x78', 1120294, 'Expert room white home. Think happy again south century.', 'Rachelside', 'https://placekitten.com/836/767', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('different', 'ORIENTAL', '99x166', 2833647, 'Like myself laugh toward. Include current front three process view it wall. Really history project.', 'Lake Coltonland', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/175/43', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('wife', 'PIECE', '134x53', 1218840, 'System finish top data character defense.', 'Mooreside', 'https://dummyimage.com/961x575', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('build', 'PICTURE', '155x64', 2332095, 'Best always they list local short. Read stand us once consider thus wife water.', 'New Patriciachester', 'https://placekitten.com/346/747', 15, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('dark', 'PIECE', '62x50', 2735149, 'Word toward age five cold. Red enjoy you front evening. Process four all the unit action off.', 'Andreafort', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/576/546', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('white', 'ORIENTAL', '146x137', 2167289, 'South tree technology time. Specific south blood. Computer assume occur down.', 'Lake Dominicland', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/380/187', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('about', 'ORIENTAL', '66x106', 188436, 'Reflect away cost focus. Class play or own media.', 'New Katelynchester', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/163/913', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('size', 'PIECE', '142x141', 1916627, 'Open trouble guess race question assume. Road five group specific have.', 'Barnestown', 'https://placeimg.com/285/648/any', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('truth', 'ORIENTAL', '89x77', 2477855, 'North list adult have early war. Travel total plant top live.', 'West Williamville', 'https://placekitten.com/786/303', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('beat', 'PICTURE', '151x184', 2082194, 'Leg too water road at hope cover. Republican hair sing listen development. Force station lot.', 'New Lauren', 'https://placeimg.com/578/508/any', 28, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('land', 'PICTURE', '65x139', 1205321, 'End century agent prepare several.', 'West Stephanie', 'https://placekitten.com/253/107', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('old', 'PICTURE', '146x96', 2761422, 'Bill clear research begin. Win full include seem manage nation.', 'New Luis', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/793/810', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('Mrs', 'PIECE', '62x98', 1064331, 'Describe Congress free. Water home force worker own close man.', 'Charleschester', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/45/609', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('way', 'PIECE', '117x72', 1858769, 'Center lead usually work trip. Try season radio air.', 'Lake Bryanview', 'https://dummyimage.com/576x981', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('suffer', 'PICTURE', '64x197', 816585, 'Provide white could. Special yet analysis none tax next reflect.', 'Thompsonfurt', 'https://placekitten.com/762/957', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('speak', 'ORIENTAL', '78x129', 1147472, 'Sport seem manager my. Which beat education case under population.', 'West Sarahburgh', 'https://placeimg.com/464/685/any', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('but', 'PIECE', '104x92', 1992254, 'Drop image stay my benefit. Age all building control simply.', 'Reidshire', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/85/1006', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('money', 'PIECE', '163x161', 1034091, 'One recently make total fall. -Face former body. Why baby lot eat.', 'South Thomasview', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/893/864', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('attention', 'PIECE', '72x130', 1615532, 'There professor listen medical during. Building class now professor.', 'Port Timothy', 'https://placeimg.com/437/386/any', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('mean', 'PICTURE', '151x168', 133397, 'Between hold plant must sound. Project tax certainly set. Message would not east send style gun.', 'South Christina', 'https://dummyimage.com/832x322', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('place', 'ORIENTAL', '195x74', 1303547, 'Thought special heart hot. Usually learn game effort author. Whom spend worker about.', 'Davidburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/251/740', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('analysis', 'PICTURE', '72x74', 2425788, 'Blue movement camera benefit sea. Daughter through note act front person.', 'Harristown', 'https://placekitten.com/328/186', 38, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('table', 'PIECE', '121x82', 305016, 'Republican kind school his past herself. Share day pull job themselves garden again.', 'Michaeltown', 'https://placeimg.com/1005/893/any', 18, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('where', 'ORIENTAL', '144x50', 1062023, 'Join give especially treatment. Long collection table population out. Suffer without hair set bed.', 'South Larry', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/136/474', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('pressure', 'PIECE', '93x168', 334585, 'Pressure six west walk compare nature walk.', 'East Amanda', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/382/503', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('gas', 'PIECE', '107x89', 2883068, 'Message again mean arm career. Light suffer drop.', 'North Carol', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/752/611', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('PM', 'PICTURE', '109x103', 972951, 'Good cover two coach. Certainly represent especially agency. Piece he large free party.', 'Prestonton', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/90/620', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('cell', 'PICTURE', '81x170', 1176731, 'Notice individual stay charge natural effort. A at teach enter lot.', 'Crystalmouth', 'https://dummyimage.com/318x571', 12, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('draw', 'PIECE', '142x106', 1200290, 'Low foreign meeting material right identify.', 'Moorefort', 'https://placekitten.com/62/683', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('by', 'PIECE', '84x103', 1542631, 'Main young until how degree. Support expert particular close city force.', 'Erikastad', 'https://dummyimage.com/179x82', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('walk', 'PICTURE', '185x93', 2140364, 'Beyond you bank always a two. Today station make environment.', 'Howardhaven', 'https://placeimg.com/627/601/any', 14, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('kid', 'ORIENTAL', '116x200', 2395985, 'Program decision leave reflect already. Onto brother blue large.', 'South Diana', 'https://placeimg.com/745/320/any', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('dark', 'PICTURE', '194x195', 322213, 'Indeed main write challenge this. Mention manager everyone dark Congress. -Place represent song.', 'Williamsmouth', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/36/834', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('matter', 'PICTURE', '141x139', 1798472, 'When sort event. Vote administration than run short small shoulder. Market oil move.', 'Emilychester', 'https://dummyimage.com/331x873', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('shoulder', 'ORIENTAL', '98x155', 2490170, 'Best use finally my nature attention. Their table about dream.', 'Drakeside', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/512/37', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('at', 'ORIENTAL', '97x92', 2815190, 'Garden miss ready create. Goal future home series billion mention speech defense.', 'Andrestad', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/693/851', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('forward', 'PICTURE', '62x81', 719839, 'Staff yourself exactly sure wonder. Hair marriage school imagine ago expect continue.', 'New Lauren', 'https://placekitten.com/474/100', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('foreign', 'ORIENTAL', '83x171', 1561494, 'Accept mission event some simply could. Draw involve party home stay fall carry.', 'New Aaronborough', 'https://placeimg.com/226/28/any', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('both', 'ORIENTAL', '125x142', 1987463, 'Edge item city. Security modern data book. Cell evidence international add size.', 'North Joseph', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/759/521', 16, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('expert', 'PIECE', '60x107', 1264273, 'Four dinner whatever administration baby north case. Term day include you authority race.', 'North Thomas', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/567/342', 34, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('with', 'PIECE', '117x55', 1604568, 'Scene run cultural decide car. Article last peace all rise right happen.', 'Perezburgh', 'https://placeimg.com/545/675/any', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('coach', 'ORIENTAL', '148x52', 2398028, 'Almost activity agree. Television rich base. Serious space one bar.', 'Erikside', 'https://placekitten.com/302/976', 34, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('military', 'PICTURE', '176x90', 2929424, 'Character station eye perform. Fire light medical. Ago out able end early generation game.', 'Kristintown', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/378/257', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('ask', 'PICTURE', '181x165', 1550177, 'Up tend education. Buy new more above personal else tax.', 'Montgomeryport', 'https://placeimg.com/349/629/any', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('finish', 'ORIENTAL', '157x159', 1870981, 'Drug information response. Reveal suddenly issue bit whether edge.', 'Lake Christopherfurt', 'https://placekitten.com/630/842', 24, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('travel', 'ORIENTAL', '199x137', 1023402, 'Office spring measure truth sign room happy. Recently million store every rise care particular.', 'South Jessicaberg', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/209/184', 46, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('seek', 'PICTURE', '66x106', 448721, 'Action continue star. Only free increase. Campaign others under each help line reflect.', 'Danielport', 'https://placeimg.com/462/473/any', 38, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('next', 'PICTURE', '52x59', 387982, 'Hospital this because that agree child. Authority wait defense well should effect future.', 'New Jason', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/540/594', 4, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('business', 'PICTURE', '112x92', 1163863, 'To above month language create. Down television tree say more.', 'Braunshire', 'https://placeimg.com/339/825/any', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('speak', 'ORIENTAL', '101x57', 1259876, 'Stuff southern development sister. Identify nice visit imagine record wrong.', 'New Dillon', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/35/583', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('watch', 'PIECE', '181x171', 886014, 'Address loss international public rate. Short southern finish front.', 'South Karen', 'https://placeimg.com/2/13/any', 19, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('plan', 'PIECE', '69x186', 1192504, 'Artist area street shake mean avoid. Sport friend wide take answer. Heart argue possible bag.', 'Livingstonton', 'https://placekitten.com/329/136', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('agency', 'PICTURE', '116x194', 2942728, 'Owner a both seek. Stay woman fish life national.', 'South Joshuaton', 'https://dummyimage.com/484x925', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('rest', 'PIECE', '102x77', 850946, 'Huge move until toward. Project color cost add claim begin man.', 'South Kristenshire', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/877/824', 15, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('long', 'PICTURE', '100x137', 791799, 'I visit door if. Team administration share heavy. Base subject Congress pick.', 'New Brittanyview', 'https://placekitten.com/481/880', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('step', 'PIECE', '103x133', 2286609, 'Place run instead hair term skin success. Concern can when treat whose.', 'Timothyhaven', 'https://dummyimage.com/417x871', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('rest', 'PIECE', '139x83', 1798915, 'Field surface modern him only. Century white real view institution together small.', 'Lake Dennisland', 'https://dummyimage.com/258x409', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('unit', 'PIECE', '68x114', 2936869, 'Figure begin help account bed each energy civil.', 'New Christopher', 'https://dummyimage.com/928x783', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('show', 'PIECE', '183x93', 1245872, 'Apply than responsibility whether population compare. Reach cup skin rock understand pretty whom.', 'North Jessica', 'https://placekitten.com/669/154', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('eat', 'ORIENTAL', '146x91', 2379319, 'Spring talk off body. Get the west the. Together test age chance officer single role.', 'Ortizberg', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/109/235', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('business', 'PIECE', '200x154', 2524409, 'Idea can Congress building return land. Product understand service usually cup performance.', 'East Kathyport', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/360/205', 18, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('feel', 'ORIENTAL', '54x173', 2510409, 'Raise personal cell front across professor word.', 'Davidshire', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/1016/34', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('drop', 'PIECE', '180x127', 2697395, 'Center course very near. Happen film under deep agree walk thousand. Agent wrong us institution.', 'East Jacquelineport', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/66/511', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('capital', 'PIECE', '55x132', 2812104, 'Guy toward what north shoulder later institution skin.', 'Kathrynland', 'https://placeimg.com/1001/331/any', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('name', 'PICTURE', '138x84', 679279, 'Actually best risk hand blue or than.', 'Evansfurt', 'https://dummyimage.com/358x233', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('ago', 'PICTURE', '107x185', 660981, 'Itself give teacher put land region other.', 'Lake Melissa', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/38/65', 44, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('exactly', 'PICTURE', '52x88', 1444910, 'Star none record religious. Off fire property remain first. Amount particular maybe space.', 'East Todd', 'https://placeimg.com/100/993/any', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('own', 'PICTURE', '142x114', 2665470, 'Do company focus consumer say. Prove organization old treatment yet land address.', 'South Brianburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/56/531', 28, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('to', 'PICTURE', '129x130', 1411802, 'Thus fight catch serious later they. Miss scene do work win health. Much article agent.', 'Craigshire', 'https://placeimg.com/553/338/any', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('opportunity', 'PICTURE', '174x83', 1565356, 'Check full history. Wonder green set stay. Every national a whose whether single.', 'Johnsonland', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/182/614', 50, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('difficult', 'PIECE', '110x133', 2310805, 'To yes eat product would policy clear star. Resource blue degree rest thus.', 'Debraborough', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/592/560', 14, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('store', 'PIECE', '192x183', 2305930, 'Bag even might yet skin. Performance try phone water national pattern.', 'North Megan', 'https://dummyimage.com/978x739', 16, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('same', 'PICTURE', '97x184', 1265165, 'Goal audience bad. Dinner other sell new. Debate fire improve remember call method.', 'Lutzview', 'https://placeimg.com/890/883/any', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('item', 'PIECE', '189x63', 760687, 'Smile energy add so financial interest.', 'Jackieton', 'https://placekitten.com/222/812', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('PM', 'PICTURE', '124x108', 1399754, 'Land yes impact enjoy clearly.', 'West David', 'https://placekitten.com/476/664', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('high', 'PICTURE', '140x171', 2518797, 'All war effort. Expect level science thank suddenly baby.', 'Lake Kelly', 'https://dummyimage.com/340x1002', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('allow', 'PICTURE', '58x121', 1629642, 'Much rate standard today government actually myself. Parent hit east among.', 'Willieland', 'https://dummyimage.com/870x707', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('family', 'ORIENTAL', '80x54', 1284237, 'True western energy into stay. Standard these read little people.', 'West Victoriamouth', 'https://placeimg.com/985/272/any', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('book', 'PICTURE', '142x163', 1738432, 'Race effect discussion special technology worry music. Report company car data news difficult.', 'Lake Belindaborough', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/343/298', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('another', 'ORIENTAL', '148x133', 1367279, 'Continue compare able. Reality history its boy. -Subject others test try quality resource business.', 'Loganside', 'https://placekitten.com/283/399', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('for', 'PICTURE', '140x142', 1353275, 'Available toward hotel he. Remember region through wall.', 'South Robert', 'https://dummyimage.com/414x602', 24, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('huge', 'ORIENTAL', '185x79', 2390550, 'Notice to age organization. Against beautiful it reduce. Lawyer white miss next their herself.', 'South Tommyport', 'https://placeimg.com/184/282/any', 36, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('fine', 'ORIENTAL', '50x141', 2620665, 'Get family main strong five single call. Center suddenly happen store report adult same.', 'North Toddhaven', 'https://placekitten.com/374/329', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('series', 'ORIENTAL', '51x191', 1670306, 'Wonder prevent fire into. Season dinner stage. Apply notice current allow audience involve.', 'Port Meredith', 'https://placekitten.com/705/269', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('family', 'PICTURE', '108x119', 1654889, 'Whose fish direction TV something. Why fear trip music former apply staff until. Hour large friend.', 'East Coryland', 'https://placeimg.com/205/947/any', 38, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('beyond', 'ORIENTAL', '125x128', 2286782, 'Less nearly us remain. Purpose popular tree project stop answer work explain.', 'New Michael', 'https://placekitten.com/498/765', 37, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('choice', 'PIECE', '142x130', 2429995, 'Hold almost imagine main wait actually. -Number wall training natural available hit.', 'Markborough', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/329/712', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('baby', 'ORIENTAL', '120x142', 1958486, 'Stuff another each PM where new.', 'Collinsfurt', 'https://dummyimage.com/95x472', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('kind', 'ORIENTAL', '129x158', 2124407, 'Those center have. Cost eight work three reason call traditional.', 'Lake Lauraburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/138/722', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('nearly', 'PICTURE', '190x140', 173243, 'Movement space page democratic natural heart wall. Training look common meeting forward think term.', 'North Johnathan', 'https://placeimg.com/568/570/any', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('family', 'PIECE', '107x177', 2155000, 'Under team security at. Officer report red pull save same.', 'Lake Nancy', 'https://dummyimage.com/499x763', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('analysis', 'PICTURE', '199x198', 2041794, 'Behavior friend another effect culture radio station. Resource organization various key least huge.', 'West Johnside', 'https://placeimg.com/565/136/any', 24, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('including', 'PICTURE', '148x182', 590782, 'Nothing soon data budget. Add argue image those why individual wide.', 'Cassandraborough', 'https://placekitten.com/460/853', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('across', 'ORIENTAL', '51x106', 1980182, 'Heavy law can college care think brother far. Eight skill program try.', 'Bakerborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/693x490', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('service', 'PICTURE', '167x111', 2199971, 'Wind cost hand arm mother different end. We alone ready back relationship.', 'Hugheshaven', 'https://placeimg.com/782/130/any', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('detail', 'PIECE', '181x186', 2707473, 'Bad gas have movement. Of understand view.', 'Derrickstad', 'https://dummyimage.com/243x544', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('image', 'PIECE', '182x169', 2037272, 'Apply property enter name crime. Wait staff feeling first.', 'South Shelbystad', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/342/290', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('base', 'PIECE', '158x196', 2699038, 'Usually as until happen power probably. Already TV low.', 'Port Samanthafurt', 'https://dummyimage.com/177x1012', 16, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('when', 'PIECE', '132x116', 1480747, 'Business her generation remember million.', 'Lake Christina', 'https://placekitten.com/356/2', 24, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('himself', 'ORIENTAL', '68x129', 1713180, 'Although add by how government suddenly. Develop while question place consumer bed teacher.', 'Lake Lisa', 'https://placekitten.com/377/365', 11, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('interview', 'PICTURE', '196x136', 2401196, 'Consumer thousand year front he any. Drug today so long sometimes at.', 'Lake Charlesfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/357/821', 37, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('movie', 'PIECE', '86x173', 1392926, 'Director stock list half as room. And five notice son view process happy.', 'Laraberg', 'https://dummyimage.com/37x519', 5, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('learn', 'ORIENTAL', '161x188', 2003630, 'Author term many. Rock bed film wait.', 'Leonardtown', 'https://placeimg.com/942/694/any', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('range', 'PICTURE', '101x112', 312068, 'Good subject very wait rate too. Data owner picture him final. West public size.', 'Kylechester', 'https://placekitten.com/1016/821', 41, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('page', 'PIECE', '157x100', 2267114, 'Third not group notice. Development day reason order rest conference.', 'Karenport', 'https://placekitten.com/453/629', 30, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('stock', 'PIECE', '184x57', 1365771, 'Partner how up operation send. Street war election official expect.', 'Coryburgh', 'https://placeimg.com/212/16/any', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('carry', 'PICTURE', '68x155', 1208448, 'Boy long analysis force. Girl expert report include from song car.', 'East Phyllisstad', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/218/279', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('Democrat', 'PICTURE', '138x104', 2728758, 'Hold be development my he those. Three couple imagine usually scientist. Teach crime leader.', 'Jenniferberg', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/574/781', 31, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('claim', 'PICTURE', '52x182', 2673667, 'Just experience letter could also debate five. Direction soldier strong water.', 'East James', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/313/478', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('century', 'PIECE', '89x64', 228039, 'Form of blue daughter. -Against culture impact kid safe.', 'East Jessica', 'https://dummyimage.com/529x998', 15, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('easy', 'PIECE', '91x53', 2665680, 'Establish truth society another music.', 'Hendricksview', 'https://placeimg.com/947/208/any', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('quality', 'PICTURE', '151x131', 870026, 'Choose out sort once. History serve example effort medical science.', 'Lake Michael', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/851/102', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('look', 'PIECE', '114x54', 436248, 'Fact already picture different character billion will.', 'East Jody', 'https://dummyimage.com/3x400', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('figure', 'ORIENTAL', '73x162', 2514041, 'Kind toward adult maybe million. Out two activity let source action hear.', 'North Robert', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/817/715', 13, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('change', 'ORIENTAL', '200x150', 2700746, 'Site head fast production. Represent Mrs thank myself.', 'Ramoshaven', 'https://placekitten.com/983/500', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('near', 'PIECE', '142x72', 166467, 'Clear education describe win example.', 'Lake Aaron', 'https://dummyimage.com/11x712', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('small', 'ORIENTAL', '98x126', 2851289, 'From name country benefit focus another special. Each morning dog report very.', 'Nunezborough', 'https://placeimg.com/439/990/any', 45, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('we', 'ORIENTAL', '59x111', 2348482, 'From box piece my specific still I. Lawyer easy need whole board win.', 'New Thomastown', 'https://placeimg.com/831/987/any', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('image', 'ORIENTAL', '110x99', 936485, 'Institution pick have. Cold play various mission task spend easy avoid.', 'Lake Peter', 'https://placeimg.com/754/817/any', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('south', 'PICTURE', '89x145', 696253, 'Thank offer behind food daughter pattern or through. Gas difference evening itself.', 'Port Christina', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/866/623', 36, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('south', 'ORIENTAL', '127x156', 1098158, 'Although hundred need top adult name establish. Grow bit develop news much.', 'East Brandonstad', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/799/825', 15, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('person', 'PICTURE', '149x51', 1638273, 'Answer even fast wear. Capital other analysis low professor. Next upon stand hear feeling although.', 'East Sarah', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/603/900', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('evening', 'PIECE', '61x97', 276202, 'Pay new Republican fly foot. Once figure race get. Big break maybe majority past large.', 'Danielmouth', 'https://placekitten.com/243/729', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('scientist', 'ORIENTAL', '73x105', 1450130, 'Listen movement compare trial attention some lose.', 'New Anneville', 'https://placeimg.com/729/870/any', 1, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('cup', 'PIECE', '161x159', 428192, 'Thank market same kind her. Or however usually would.', 'North Brandonside', 'https://dummyimage.com/696x982', 38, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('participant', 'PICTURE', '115x84', 354789, 'Town strategy raise future believe be organization.', 'New Judy', 'https://dummyimage.com/105x366', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('away', 'PIECE', '184x190', 189735, 'International set civil yet word. Bar risk point decide.', 'Leslieside', 'https://dummyimage.com/870x866', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('do', 'ORIENTAL', '153x63', 2986392, 'Physical prevent season Mrs. Senior let see. Crime pull after season business drop.', 'Sarahhaven', 'https://placeimg.com/1016/421/any', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('sometimes', 'ORIENTAL', '91x190', 1767066, 'Amount health buy country nice. Career woman across. Main decade care tax.', 'New Glennhaven', 'https://placekitten.com/569/930', 50, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('try', 'PIECE', '110x170', 2562713, 'Data water opportunity. Top medical day like prepare grow mention.', 'Jameschester', 'https://dummyimage.com/47x381', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('individual', 'PICTURE', '167x116', 621266, 'Enough cold always energy pretty color. Thus particularly right green left.', 'Coryborough', 'https://placekitten.com/326/554', 37, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('statement', 'ORIENTAL', '50x146', 196433, 'Poor arrive lot pattern better plant certain. Name letter onto save listen.', 'West Patrick', 'https://placeimg.com/883/203/any', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('dinner', 'PIECE', '129x57', 1448199, 'Activity national large present argue upon single.', 'North Matthewfort', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/641/61', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('big', 'PICTURE', '181x73', 1033260, 'Carry western none activity sometimes. Past become sell alone later. Behavior daughter spend not.', 'East Mandyport', 'https://dummyimage.com/600x269', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('herself', 'PICTURE', '68x105', 1961830, 'Possible address garden Democrat. Establish bank west trial professor admit even score.', 'South Benjaminville', 'https://placekitten.com/217/226', 29, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('wonder', 'PICTURE', '143x126', 1431449, 'Rather sea term grow forget these seven. Article adult million.', 'North Johnnyfurt', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/5/47', 14, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('if', 'PIECE', '166x184', 865465, 'Charge dog rate cut lead story pull war. Risk science pay hold my run feel. Wall term natural lose.', 'North Alexandraland', 'https://placekitten.com/651/189', 37, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('rule', 'PICTURE', '92x144', 522399, 'May service while finally win country. Source professor attention data several.', 'West Nicole', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/32/285', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('risk', 'PICTURE', '141x128', 1661182, 'Find week develop yet admit far. People yeah nice cause.', 'New John', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/293/938', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('all', 'PIECE', '58x156', 1825954, 'Customer tough nothing wrong. Interview go by pressure enough mother hear marriage.', 'West Joelstad', 'https://placekitten.com/1022/419', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('million', 'ORIENTAL', '107x56', 825955, 'Dog next instead make important. Clear fish big quickly.', 'Dixonview', 'https://placeimg.com/600/969/any', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('themselves', 'ORIENTAL', '115x169', 249876, 'Official police gun already. South field not year.', 'North Matthew', 'https://placekitten.com/886/517', 19, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('common', 'ORIENTAL', '63x136', 324711, 'Offer common wide process everybody. Poor because buy provide partner. National bag chair eat tax.', 'East Lisastad', 'https://placekitten.com/636/401', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('beautiful', 'ORIENTAL', '60x129', 1881541, 'Tell budget husband financial season. Interest statement dream central require politics measure.', 'Pierceshire', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/101/164', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('surface', 'ORIENTAL', '76x129', 2692818, 'Voice decide try. Spend drive seek many between state seven.', 'Lake Davidborough', 'https://dummyimage.com/896x697', 2, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('green', 'PIECE', '105x50', 1416458, 'Throw quality these open. Edge make building cup fund dinner.', 'South Brendafurt', 'https://placeimg.com/783/721/any', 27, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('event', 'ORIENTAL', '129x95', 2435850, 'Over special sport first director challenge. Treatment help rest shake research writer.', 'South William', 'https://placekitten.com/869/250', 12, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('marriage', 'PIECE', '67x95', 2872347, 'Front season trial book national baby last. Forget better doctor head none media game.', 'Robertomouth', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/959/289', 43, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('help', 'ORIENTAL', '130x130', 830607, 'Big leave article matter business his. Senior lose yet sell loss.', 'Williamsshire', 'https://placekitten.com/353/680', 28, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('spend', 'PIECE', '97x171', 497296, 'Small reach want page certain customer.', 'Maxburgh', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/893/157', 32, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('effort', 'ORIENTAL', '60x193', 1892118, 'With open enter see only age. Media national feeling. -Security year send suffer against and.', 'Port Christian', 'https://dummyimage.com/760x612', 4, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('president', 'ORIENTAL', '106x104', 1240265, 'Else occur alone different together.', 'Lauraton', 'https://placekitten.com/462/829', 18, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('run', 'PICTURE', '54x120', 1905320, 'Create simply cover class sure hour clear interview. Speech ago nor.', 'Parkerstad', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/569/327', 39, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('what', 'PICTURE', '63x124', 212411, 'Consider simple environmental behavior data large.', 'North Adam', 'https://placekitten.com/324/550', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('two', 'PICTURE', '137x139', 1199616, 'Article coach black government discover. Great fish even rest cause old.', 'New Amyview', 'https://dummyimage.com/658x224', 7, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('simply', 'PICTURE', '156x89', 2302681, 'Sign low among manage him.', 'Jillhaven', 'https://placekitten.com/393/351', 15, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('scene', 'PIECE', '181x196', 266527, 'Sense mouth good. Collection third feel common in open. Thing position before watch society.', 'Mariaton', 'https://dummyimage.com/739x881', 35, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('crime', 'ORIENTAL', '96x89', 2845976, 'Structure positive affect discuss avoid say base. Early several much concern civil.', 'South Theresaberg', 'https://dummyimage.com/800x576', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('section', 'ORIENTAL', '124x141', 1593082, 'Voice resource home everybody. Break see least less probably.', 'North Nicole', 'https://placeimg.com/587/448/any', 26, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('foot', 'PICTURE', '55x71', 2130041, 'Back many despite generation sit. May home eight now young.', 'North Caitlinbury', 'https://placeimg.com/690/640/any', 49, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('site', 'PICTURE', '193x63', 2452604, 'Before risk doctor sister. Administration something ok detail move energy interview fight.', 'South Angela', 'https://placekitten.com/137/753', 21, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('us', 'PIECE', '191x133', 424082, 'Head military participant almost art laugh under. Officer body since final.', 'West Rachelbury', 'https://placekitten.com/507/909', 8, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('who', 'ORIENTAL', '83x117', 2427139, 'Number catch brother lay energy.', 'Port Mary', 'https://placeimg.com/164/327/any', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('call', 'ORIENTAL', '69x159', 2296334, 'Probably early approach chair the. Letter much increase maybe. Hit heavy political.', 'Port Destiny', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/190/672', 47, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('decision', 'PIECE', '134x176', 229612, 'Boy approach out. Include fear land answer. Message much military.', 'New William', 'https://placeimg.com/694/376/any', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('program', 'PICTURE', '185x68', 1717884, 'Away music institution or. Rest this his body.', 'Yeseniafort', 'https://dummyimage.com/12x166', 9, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('activity', 'PICTURE', '160x92', 1663491, 'Fear price hear imagine. One voice choose.', 'Johnmouth', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/272/631', 40, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('he', 'PICTURE', '164x66', 1910779, 'Security week control modern. Close improve people action.', 'Mckinneymouth', 'https://placeimg.com/383/762/any', 12, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('actually', 'PIECE', '105x71', 1306185, 'East modern any way. Time spend believe customer month.', 'Port Arthur', 'https://dummyimage.com/582x144', 16, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('first', 'ORIENTAL', '143x100', 708020, 'Daughter specific many. Top such like almost.', 'New Shelby', 'https://placeimg.com/69/757/any', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('none', 'PICTURE', '184x100', 692882, 'Be probably early. Large impact beyond.', 'Guerreromouth', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/828/198', 17, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('area', 'PICTURE', '180x156', 1884645, 'Rule special system financial suggest. Nearly a even issue know.', 'Christianstad', 'https://placekitten.com/785/394', 34, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('although', 'PIECE', '163x58', 2947651, 'Next government ability get. Rock space fly strong. Even song hotel hand own. Two another man list.', 'Davidview', 'https://dummyimage.com/37x509', 3, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('could', 'ORIENTAL', '112x100', 401807, 'Agency decade him shoulder short school always. He star never range everything will season.', 'New Rebeccaton', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/884/998', 42, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('mouth', 'ORIENTAL', '186x157', 534230, 'Truth time bag seek. Hospital available pay fund during. Instead society sound young car.', 'Sarahton', 'https://www.lorempixel.com/805/484', 16, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('individual', 'PIECE', '185x192', 727774, 'Career part fund read should least. Nothing receive happen tax off station.', 'West Justinside', 'https://placekitten.com/576/584', 25, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('down', 'PIECE', '54x138', 544955, 'Audience western race. Kid quickly play bed. Speak firm approach money occur health conference.', 'Lake Lisamouth', 'https://placeimg.com/111/653/any', 20, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('candidate', 'PICTURE', '93x70', 348539, 'Serve usually PM mother. Who view summer identify Democrat form. Network crime focus parent.', 'East Anthony', 'https://placeimg.com/737/885/any', 33, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('effort', 'PIECE', '148x171', 1621878, 'Sure century relationship recognize defense. Decision your if else.', 'Deniseton', 'https://dummyimage.com/279x488', 6, NOW(), NOW()); -INSERT INTO product (name, category, size, price, description, preferred_location, thumbnail_url, artist_info_id, created_date, modified_date) VALUES ('age', 'PICTURE', '147x73', 2919866, 'Similar it personal single. 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-INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (8, 42, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (54, 115, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (22, 52, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (11, 49, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (10, 119, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (58, 205, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (64, 92, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (22, 204, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (15, 255, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (38, 272, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (68, 48, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (30, 107, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (56, 257, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (28, 177, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (11, 274, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (37, 14, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (46, 145, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (51, 94, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (24, 34, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (24, 149, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (64, 252, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (63, 183, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (55, 129, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (23, 224, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (49, 89, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (51, 277, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (63, 107, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (18, 198, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (67, 116, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (65, 194, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (52, 239, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (40, 244, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (61, 11, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (66, 75, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (53, 294, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (35, 188, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (10, 96, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (12, 212, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (7, 124, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (45, 57, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (24, 153, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (5, 290, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (49, 56, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (22, 258, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (13, 219, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (20, 5, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (59, 287, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (57, 272, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (42, 54, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (42, 272, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (36, 98, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (7, 163, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (33, 199, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (33, 88, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (65, 231, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (21, 58, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (16, 115, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (41, 78, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (69, 62, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (46, 18, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (2, 103, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (29, 104, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (46, 36, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (6, 237, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (19, 272, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (9, 119, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (35, 264, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (64, 273, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (5, 174, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (64, 94, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (15, 153, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (49, 35, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (26, 153, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (60, 135, 'CANCEL'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (11, 96, 'ORDER'); -INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product_id, status) VALUES (70, 14, 'CANCEL');