The Nested NER task aims to extract entities from text, and entities may overlap with each other. Previously, a lot of work used the three datasets ACE2004, ACE2005 and Genia to verify their model. Although for ACE2004 and ACE2005, almost all of previous work follow the document split as suggested in Joint Mention Extraction and Classification with Mention Hypergraphs, we find that the statistics between each paper are different, the main difference lies in the number of sentences. This divergence are mainly caused by using different sentence tokenizer. To facilitate future research in this direction, we suggest to use the following pre-processing procedures. And for Genia, since it is publicly available, we just add the data in this repo, if you use Genia, please do not forget to cite the origianl paper:GENIA corpus—a semantically annotated corpus for bio-textmining.
In order to make this pre-processing easier to follow, we did not use widely standford-corenlp to split sentences, but use the pythonic nltk package to do it.
The code is adapted from the
from oneie code.
The ACE2004 corpus can be downloaded from
The ACE2005 corpus can be downloaded from
Previous paper generally follow the document split from Joint Mention Extraction and Classification with Mention Hypergraphs. The document split are presented in
- splits
- ace2004
- dev.txt
- test.txt
- train.txt
- ace2005
- dev.txt
- test.txt
- train.txt
In this repo, we follow this split.
After download the ACE2004 and ACE2005 raw corpus, please unzip the corpus and place them into the data folder, the folder should look like
- data
- ace05 # This is the ACE2005
- data
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- docs
- dtd
- index.html
- ace_multilang_tr # This is the ACE2004
- data
- Arabic
- Chinese
- English
- docs
- dtd
- index.html
Simply run the following code
You should get similar output as follows (If you run this code for the first time, nltk may ask you to download a model, please follow the instruction to download it)
Converting the dataset to JSON format
#SGM files: 451
100%|██████████| 451/451 [00:05<00:00, 86.37it/s]
Converting the dataset to OneIE format
skip num: 0
Splitting the dataset into train/dev/test sets
After this, you can find the following files in outputs/ace2005 folder
- outputs
- ace20054
- dev.jsonlines
- test.jsonlines
- train.jsonlines
- english.jsonlines
- english.oneie.jsonlines
Simply run the following code
You should get similar output as follows (If you run this code for the first time, nltk may ask you to download a model, please follow the instruction to download it)
Converting the dataset to JSON format
#SGM files: 599
100%|██████████| 599/599 [00:11<00:00, 53.32it/s]
Converting the dataset to OneIE format
skip num: 0
Splitting the dataset into train/dev/test sets
After this, you can find the following files in outputs/ace2005 folder
- outputs
- ace2005
- dev.jsonlines
- test.jsonlines
- train.jsonlines
- english.jsonlines
- english.oneie.jsonlines
each line is a json object, it should look like the following (the start is inclusive and end is exclusive)
"doc_id": "CNN_IP_20030405.1600.00-3",
"sent_id": "CNN_IP_20030405.1600.00-3-0",
"sentence": " JULIET BREMNER, ITV NEWS (voice-over)",
"id": "CNN_IP_20030405.1600.00-3-E32-70",
"entity_type": "PER",
"mention_type": "NAM",
"entity_subtype": "Individual",
"start": 0,
"end": 2
"id": "CNN_IP_20030405.1600.00-3-E40-69",
"text": "ITV NEWS",
"entity_type": "ORG",
"mention_type": "NAM",
"entity_subtype": "Media",
"start": 3,
"end": 5
Simply run the following code (we include the raw data in the repo)
For Genia, we modify the pre-process script from Recognizing Overlapping Mentions with Mention Separators.
However, we find that one document
is duplicated in the original data (the bibliomisc is MEDLINE:97218353, and we found that the annotation is conflicting) ,
for this document we use its later version. Besides, the code from Lu and Roth 2015
will over-split the tokens (such as split IL-2-mediated
into IL - 2 - mediated
), we delete this part since the pre-trained tokenizers should be able to deal the
tokenization issue. Another issue of Lu's code is that they used string matching to get the entity annotation, which will
cause wrong entity spans, we fix this.
And, in order to facilitate future
document-level NER, we split by documents (previous work mainly split by sentences). Therefore, the sentences from train,dev,test are from different documents,
the ratio of documents in each split is 8:1:1 (We choose this ratio for two reasons, (1) to make the number of documents
in the dev and test comparable; (2) although Lu and Roth 2015 claimed the ratio
is 8.1:0.9:1 for train/dev/test, their code used 8:1:1).
You can use the following command to get the statistics for each dataset
python -f outputs/genia
The Statistics for ACE2004, ACE2005 and Genia are as follows
ACE2004 | ACE2005 | Genia | ||||||||
Train | Dev | Test | Train | Dev | Test | Train | Dev | Test | ||
Total Sent. | 6297 | 742 | 824 | 7178 | 960 | 1051 | 15038 | 1765 | 1732 | |
Sentence | Avg. Sent. Length | 23.36 | 24.26 | 24.03 | 20.87 | 20.57 | 18.65 | 26.49 | 25.77 | 27.06 |
Max Sent. Length | 120 | 98 | 113 | 139 | 99 | 88 | 174 | 136 | 123 | |
Total Ent. | 22231 | 2514 | 3036 | 25300 | 3321 | 3099 | 46203 | 4714 | 5119 | |
Entity | Avg. Ent. Length | 2.63 | 2.67 | 2.68 | 2.42 | 2.26 | 2.40 | 1.98 | 2.17 | 2.12 |
# Nested Ent. | 10176 | 1092 | 1422 | 10005 | 1214 | 1186 | 8309 | 850 | 1156 | |
Tokens | # Tokens. | 147128 | 17998 | 19798 | 149843 | 19745 | 19603 | 398330 | 45495 | 46873 |