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Custom object detector

Custom object detectors are lightweight object detection models that have been pre-trained on MS COCO object detection dataset. It is assumed that one will use these pre-trained models as starting points in order to train specific object detection models (e.g. 'cat' and 'dog' detection). NOTE There was no goal to train top-scoring lightweight 80 class (MS COCO classes) detectors here, but rather provide pre-trained checkpoints for further fine-tuning on a target dataset.

Model Name Complexity (GFLOPs) Size (Mp) AP @ [IoU=0.50:0.95] (%) Links GPU_NUM
mobilenet_v2-2s_ssd-256x256 0.86 1.99 11.3 snapshot, model template 3
mobilenet_v2-2s_ssd-384x384 1.92 1.99 13.3 snapshot, model template 3
mobilenet_v2-2s_ssd-512x512 3.42 1.99 12.7 snapshot, model template 3

Average Precision (AP) is defined as an area under the precision/recall curve.

Training pipeline

1. Change a directory in your terminal to object_detection.

cd models/object_detection

If You have not created virtual environment yet:


Activate virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

2. Select a model template file and instantiate it in some directory.

export MODEL_TEMPLATE=`realpath ./model_templates/custom-object-detection/mobilenet_v2-2s_ssd-256x256/template.yaml`
export WORK_DIR=/tmp/my_model
python ../../tools/ ${MODEL_TEMPLATE} ${WORK_DIR}

3. Collect dataset

You can train a model on existing toy dataset training_extensions/data/airport. Obviously such dataset is not sufficient for training good enough model.

4. Prepare annotation

The existing toy dataset has annotation in the Common Objects in Context (COCO) format so it is enough to get started.

export OBJ_DET_DIR=`pwd`
export TRAIN_ANN_FILE="${OBJ_DET_DIR}/../../data/airport/annotation_example_train.json"
export TRAIN_IMG_ROOT="${OBJ_DET_DIR}/../../data/airport/train"
export VAL_ANN_FILE="${OBJ_DET_DIR}/../../data/airport/annotation_example_val.json"
export VAL_IMG_ROOT="${OBJ_DET_DIR}/../../data/airport/val"

5. Change current directory to directory where the model template has been instantiated.

cd ${WORK_DIR}

6. Training

Since custom detection model templates rather than ready-to-use models (though technically one can use them as they are) are provided it is needed to define classes.

export CLASSES="vehicle,person,non-vehicle"

7. Training

To start training from pre-trained weights use --load-weights pararmeter.

python \
   --load-weights ${WORK_DIR}/snapshot.pth \
   --train-ann-files ${TRAIN_ANN_FILE} \
   --train-data-roots ${TRAIN_IMG_ROOT} \
   --val-ann-files ${VAL_ANN_FILE} \
   --val-data-roots ${VAL_IMG_ROOT} \
   --save-checkpoints-to ${WORK_DIR}/outputs \
   --classes ${CLASSES}

Also you can use parameters such as --epochs, --batch-size, --gpu-num, --base-learning-rate, otherwise default values will be loaded from ${MODEL_TEMPLATE}.

8. Evaluation

Evaluation procedure allows us to get quality metrics values and complexity numbers such as number of parameters and FLOPs.

To compute MS-COCO metrics and save computed values to ${WORK_DIR}/metrics.yaml run:

python \
   --load-weights ${WORK_DIR}/outputs/latest.pth \
   --test-ann-files ${VAL_ANN_FILE} \
   --test-data-roots ${VAL_IMG_ROOT} \
   --save-metrics-to ${WORK_DIR}/metrics.yaml \
   --classes ${CLASSES}

You can also save images with predicted bounding boxes using --save-output-to parameter.

python \
   --load-weights ${WORK_DIR}/outputs/latest.pth \
   --test-ann-files ${VAL_ANN_FILE} \
   --test-data-roots ${VAL_IMG_ROOT} \
   --save-metrics-to ${WORK_DIR}/metrics.yaml \
   --save-output-to ${WORK_DIR}/output_images \
   --classes ${CLASSES}

9. Export PyTorch* model to the OpenVINO™ format

To convert PyTorch* model to the OpenVINO™ IR format run the script:

python \
   --load-weights ${WORK_DIR}/outputs/latest.pth \
   --save-model-to ${WORK_DIR}/export

This produces model model.xml and weights model.bin in single-precision floating-point format (FP32). The obtained model expects normalized image in planar BGR format.

For SSD networks an alternative OpenVINO™ representation is saved automatically to ${WORK_DIR}/export/alt_ssd_export folder. SSD model exported in such way will produce a bit different results (non-significant in most cases), but it also might be faster than the default one. As a rule SSD models in Open Model Zoo are exported using this option.

10. Validation of IR

Instead of passing snapshot.pth you need to pass path to model.bin.

python \
   --load-weights ${WORK_DIR}/export/model.bin \
   --test-ann-files ${VAL_ANN_FILE} \
   --test-data-roots ${VAL_IMG_ROOT} \
   --save-metrics-to ${WORK_DIR}/metrics.yaml \
   --classes ${CLASSES}