Tracking project, visualize dependencies, housekeeping tasks.
- Visualize project tasks as nodes, task dependencies as lines between nodes, thus whole project is an Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG).
- Node(task) has customized attributes.
- Can add child node to node, ex: Add a new node B to node A, means Task A depends on Task B, child node inherits all customized attributes of parent node.
- Can link parent node to exist child node, ex: Link node A to node B, means Task A depends on Task B.
- Recursively tracing nodes(parent to children) and apply some aggregate/filter functions(children to parent) upon some atrribute.
- Visualize the above tracing process as animated-updating number/bar/(some chart) on the node.
- Housekeep the project by analyzing each node with some customized Housekeep Rules
- A project, a task, an item, a component, anything that could have dependencies on other nodes.
- A node can has child nodes, and depends on its child nodes.
- Defines a node's property.
- Attribute's value is held in node.
- Attribute's type and label defined in manual.
- Can be bound to a reducing method in manual.
- Attached to a node, used to define the node's attributes, reducing methods, and housekeeping rules.
- If a node doesn't have a manual, the manual of its ascendants which has the shortest path to this node, will apply.
- A group of functions that can be bind to an attribute and used to reduce the attribute's values of child nodes to that of parent node.
- Customized rules to check if a node is in a "health" status.
- If not, mark the node as "unhealthy" and report to user.
- Defined in manual.