There's now some middleware available on hackage to help with CORS:
The quick start for it, in a scaffolded yesod app, is:
stack install wai-cors
;- add
in PROJECTNAME.cabal; - add
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
; - add
as middleware inmakeApplication
For example:
makeApplication foundation = do
logWare <- makeLogWare foundation
-- Create the WAI application and apply middlewares
appPlain <- toWaiAppPlain foundation
return $ logWare $ defaultMiddlewaresNoLogging $ simpleCors appPlain
WOFF fonts may not be accessed from other domains by default. That means that your page at
may not access a font
. The solution is to add a CORS header to the WOFF font allowing it to be used from other domains.
A simple way of doing so is by rewriting all responses whose
in order to include the CORS header. You may do so using the following simple WAI middleware:
-- | Add a permissive CORS header to WOFF files. -- -- Written for wai-1.4.0 and http-types-0.8.0 but may work on -- many previous or next versions. addCORStoWOFF :: W.Middleware addCORStoWOFF app = fmap updateHeaders . app where updateHeaders (W.ResponseFile status headers fp mpart) = W.ResponseFile status (new headers) fp mpart updateHeaders (W.ResponseBuilder status headers builder) = W.ResponseBuilder status (new headers) builder updateHeaders (W.ResponseSource status headers src) = W.ResponseSource status (new headers) src new headers | woff = cors : headers | otherwise = headers where woff = lookup HT.hContentType headers == Just "application/font-woff" cors = ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")