go-backoff implements linear, exponential and exponential with full jitter back off algorithms.
Instantiate and use a Backoff instance for the lifetime of a go routine. Call backoff.Backoff() to put the routine to sleep for the desired amount of time. Use backoff.Reset() to reset counters back to 0.
// Back off linearly, starting at 250ms, capping at 16 seconds
linear = backoff.NewLinear(250*time.Millisecond, 16*time.Second)
// Back off exponentially, starting at 5 seconds, capping at 320 seconds
exp = backoff.NewExponential(5*time.Second, 320*time.Second)
// Back off exponentially, starting at 1 minute, with no cap
expt = backoff.NewExponential(time.Minute, 0)
// Back off between 0 and exponentially, starting at 30 seconds, capping at 10 minutes
expj = backoff.NewExponentialFullJitter(30*time.Second, 10*time.Minute)
for {
err := tryDoThing()
if err != nil {
glog.Debugf("Backing off %d second(s)", exp.NextDuration/time.Second)
} else {
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ok github.com/diggs/go-backoff 6.319s