The Workout scheduler is meant to help people start a healthy way of living by making them workout,
and make the process of starting as easy as possible. With a user interface that is simple to use
and understand and an easy way to add new workouts will enable users of all different levels of fitness to be able to use this site
The Aim of our project was to provide an opensource personalised Workout Schedular site for Workingout at home as per the users preference.
For Guest Users:
As a Guest the user can get access to simple workouts already scheduled to try it out initially.
This is provided in Workout Tab on the Homepage of the site.
There will be gifs shown for each set of exercises which help them to quickly learn and adapt.
But if the user wishes to schedule his own workouts with specifiec interval of time
then he/she can signup to the site and after logging in he/she create his own workout plans
so once plan is done you can just go and start with your workouts.
this workout plan created will be available for guest users who have came for first time.
For Signedup Users:
Along with the ability to sequence these exercises with time,
Compared to guest user where there are only 8 exercises with workout illustrations,
This Signed up user can access 21 exercises with workout illustrations
to help him quickly learn and adapt himself for those workouts also can create personalised sessions and start training himself.
The sequences of all motions are based on HIIT (high intensity interval based training) that emphasizes on intensity.
The workouts can’t be paused, if the stop button is pressed the timer will start from the start.
And you can also play-pause your desired music during workout sessions which is provided above the timer.
I have used Xampp Server for this project where i'll be using Apache and SQL servers.
I have made use of HTML5 , CSS3 , JavaScript for front end of the site to build elements of the site.
Also made use of PhP for establishing connection with the localhost Database Server
which inturn uses SQL for performing operations.
- Step 01: Download the Following repository and place it in your Xampp-server/htdocs/ folder
- Step 02: Then Launch your Xampp Server and go to PhpmyAdmin then create a Database called "workoutdb".
- Step 03: A workoutdb.sql file is placed inside this repository use it to import the database on your local host.
- Step 04: Once Database is imported then you can just type localhost/Workout
on your browser it launches the homepage of the site. then you are good to use the site on your local server.