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Local Storage System (local-storage)

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目前支持的本地持久化数据卷类型: LVM, Disk, RAMDisk.

目前支持的本地磁盘类型: HDD, SSD, NVMe, RAMDisk.


Feature Status Release TP Date GA Date Description
non-HA LVM volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by LVM
non-HA Disk volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by a physical disk
non-HA RAM Disk volume Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 volume by a ram disk
CSI Driver Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 basic CSI driver for dynamic provision
pod/volume schedule Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 schedule pod to the node where the volume locates
disk health monitor Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 monitor disk and predict failure
non-HA LVM Volume expansion Completed v1.0 2020.Q3 2020.Q4 expand LVM volume capacity online
non-HA Disk volume expansion NotSupport expand Disk volume capacity
non-HA Disk volume snapshot NotSupoort snapshot of Disk volume
non-HA Disk volume snapshot restore NotSupport restore Disk volume from snapshot
non-HA Disk volume clone NotPlaned clone Disk volume
HA Volume Planed 2020.Q4 2021.Q1 Volume with HA
Replace Disk Planed 2022.Q1 2022.Q1 Replace Disk
Observability Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 Observability
non-HA LVM volume stripe writing support Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 non-HA LVM volume stripe writing support
non-HA LVM volume thin provision support Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 non-HA LVM volume thin provision support
non-HA LVM volume snapshot Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 snapshot of LVM volume
non-HA LVM volume snapshot restore Planed 2022.Q2 2022.Q2 restore LVM volume from snapshot
non-HA LVM volume clone Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 clone LVM volume
non-HA LVM volume mirror Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 mirror LVM volume
volume backup Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 backup volume to external S3
performance optimization Planed 2022.Q3 2022.Q3 performance optimization



  • 具备高可用功能的 数据库。例如: MySQL,OceanBase,MongoDB,等等
  • 具备高可用功能的 消息中间件。例如: Kafka,RabbitMQ,等等
  • 具备高可用功能的 键值存储系统。例如: Redis,等等
  • 软件定义的分布式存储系统。例如: MinIO,Ozone,等等
  • 其他具备高可用功能的应用





  • LocalStorage Version: 4.0+
  • Kubernetes Version: 1.18+
  • Node
    • 空闲磁盘
    • LVM (可选)

步骤 1: 选择和配置节点

部署local-storage之前,需要选择Kubernetes节点并且进行配置。这些节点会被加入local-storage系统。因此,这些节点要有空闲的磁盘。此外,还需要确定每个节点上的持久化数据卷类型,LVM, DISK 或者 RAM。配置为LVM/DISK的节点,还可以额外的配置RAM。这样,在该节点上,既可以创建LVM/DISK数据卷,也可以创建RAM数据卷。

# 1. List all the kubernetes nodes
$ kubectl get nodes
NAME              STATUS   ROLES             AGE   VERSION
localstorage-10-6-161-21   Ready    master,registry   10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-25   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-26   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6
localstorage-10-6-161-27   Ready    <none>            10d   v1.18.6

# 2. Add local-storage config for each selected node as an annotation, key is ""
$ kubectl annotate node localstorage-10-6-161-27'{"storage":{"volumeKind": "LVM", "ramdiskTotalCapacity": "1GB"}}'
node/localstorage-10-6-161-27 annotated

# 3. Add local-storage label for each selected node, key is ""
$ kubectl label node localstorage-10-6-161-27
node/localstorage-10-6-161-27 labeled

# *** Important notes ***
# can NOT change the order of step 2 and 3

步骤 2: 部署local-storage、CSI Sidecars、scheduler

# 0. checkout the code
$ git clone
$ cd local-storage

# 1. create a separate namespace for local-storage, e.g. local-storage-system
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/01_namespace.yaml

# 2. create a RBAC, limitrange in the namespace
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/02_rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/03_limitsrange.yaml

# 3. deploy local-storage CRDs
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds

# 4. deploy local-storage cluster
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/05_cluster.yaml

# 5. deploy CSI sidecars
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/06_csi_controller.yaml

# 6. deploy scheduler
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/07_scheduler.yaml

# 7. check status of the deployment
$ kubectl -n local-storage-system get pod -o wide
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP               NODE              NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
localstorage-local-storage-csi-controller-0             3/3     Running   15         13h     localstorage-10-6-161-27   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-4b6n8                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-27   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-dv7nd                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-26   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-vzdqh                        3/3     Running   0          18m      localstorage-10-6-161-25   <none>           <none>
localstorage-local-storage-scheduler-6585bb5897-9xj85   1/1     Running   0          15h   localstorage-10-6-161-25   <none>           <none>

步骤 3: 创建 StorageClass

# You should create a storageclass for each volume kind, i.e. LVM, DISK, RAM

# LVM volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) with expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-lvm.yaml
# Disk volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) without expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-disk.yaml
# RAMdisk volume storageclass (waitforfistconsumer mode) without expansion capability
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/storageclass-ram.yaml

# check for storageclass
$ kubectl get sc
local-storage-hdd-disk   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  21d
local-storage-hdd-lvm   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   21d
local-storage-hdd-ram   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  15d

步骤 4: 创建 PVC

# create a test PVC with LVM local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-lvm.yaml
# create a test PVC with Disk local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-disk.yaml
# create a test PVC with RAM local volume
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/pvc-ram.yaml

# check PVC status. It should be in Pending
$ kubectl get pvc
local-storage-pvc-lvm    Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-lvm    3s
local-storage-pvc-disk   Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-disk   3s
local-storage-pvc-ram    Pending                                      local-storage-hdd-ram    3s

步骤 5: 部署 Pod

# deploy a nginx application which uses the LVM local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-lvm.yaml
# deploy a nginx application which uses the Disk local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-disk.yaml
# deploy a nginx application which uses the RAMdisk local volume PVC
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/nginx-ram.yaml

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-local-storage-disk-fcc89fd9-5jrqb    1/1     Running   0          15d
nginx-local-storage-lvm-759d7d7489-9268f   1/1     Running   0          17d
nginx-local-storage-ram-64d67c975d-4bmt5   1/1     Running   0          15d

$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                     STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS             AGE
local-storage-pvc-disk   Bound    pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   100Gi      RWO            local-storage-hdd-disk   15d
local-storage-pvc-lvm    Bound    pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85   9Gi        RWO            local-storage-hdd-lvm    17d
local-storage-pvc-ram    Bound    pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5   50Mi       RWO            local-storage-hdd-ram    15d

步骤 6: 查看local-storage状态

# check status of local-storage nodes
$ kubectl get lsn # localstoragenode
localstorage-10-6-161-25   DISK         1073741824     default   default   Ready    14d
localstorage-10-6-161-26   LVM          0              default   default   Ready    14d
localstorage-10-6-161-27   LVM          0              default   default   Ready    14d

# check status of local volume and volume replica
$ kubectl get lv # localvolume
NAME                                       POOL                   KIND   REPLICANUMBER   REQUIRED     ACCESSIBILITY     DELETE   STATE   SYNCED   ALLOCATED      REPLICAS                                           PUBLISHED         AGE
pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   LocalStorage_PoolHDD   DISK   1               5368709120   localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     107374182400   [pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb-kzz6v]   localstorage-10-6-161-25   15d
pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5   LocalStorage_PoolRAM   RAM    1               52428800     localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     52428800       [pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5-cwqrm]   localstorage-10-6-161-25   15d
pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85   LocalStorage_PoolHDD   LVM    1               8589934592   localstorage-10-6-161-26   false    Ready   true     8594128896     [pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85-h6qrq]   localstorage-10-6-161-26   17d

$ kubectl get lvr # localvolumereplica
NAME                                             KIND   REQUIRED     NODE              DELETE   STATE   SYNCED   ALLOCATED      STORAGE    DEVICE                                                                   AGE
pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb-kzz6v   DISK   5368709120   localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     107374182400   /dev/sdf   /dev/LocalStorage_DiskPoolHDD/pvc-33f86c60-a80a-45aa-bbec-7a234fc9f5bb   15d
pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5-cwqrm   RAM    52428800     localstorage-10-6-161-25   false    Ready   true     52428800       ramdisk    /dev/LocalStorage_PoolRAM/pvc-490ce626-869b-491f-870a-da373704bed5       15d
pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85-h6qrq   LVM    8589934592   localstorage-10-6-161-26   false    Ready   true     8594128896                /dev/LocalStorage_PoolHDD/pvc-fbf3ffc3-66db-4dae-9032-bda3c61b8f85       17d

Step 7: 查看local-storage节点上的每块物理磁盘的具体信息(包括健康检查指标)

$ k get pd # physicaldisk
NAME                  NODE              SERIALNUMBER          MODELNAME             DEVICE     TYPE   PROTOCOL   HEALTH   CHECKTIME   ONLINE   AGE
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-25   localstorage-10-6-161-25-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                6s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-26   localstorage-10-6-161-26-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                5s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sda   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sda   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sda   scsi   SCSI                8s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdb   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdb   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdb   scsi   SCSI                8s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdc   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdc   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdc   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdd   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdd   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdd   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sde   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sde   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sde   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m
localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdf   localstorage-10-6-161-27   localstorage-10-6-161-27-sdf   VMware Virtual disk   /dev/sdf   scsi   SCSI                7s          true     31m

