In this project I use various neural network architectures to predict the language that a word is written in. I scrape the web using the Wikipedia package to find words in French, English and Spanish. I then use this data to train a fully connected neural network, a recurrent neural network and two types of convolutional neural networks, with 1D convolutions. I then compare the results to see which is best and use it to make predictions.
A few python packages are needed for this project. Here is the full list.
- numpy
- keras
- Wikipedia
- matplotlib
- flask
To just run the prediction, only keras is necessary.
Here is the list of files included and what they contain:
- generate_data: collection of functions to collect the words from wikipedia and convert them to arrays to use in NNs
- gather_data: define words to search and create the data using the functions in generate_data
- training: copy of the notebook used on Google Colab to train the networks
- analysis: using the trained networks to see which one is the best and compare their results
- predict: make predictions using the models by taking input from the command line
- app_v1 / app_v1_1: web app to use the model
- app_v2: API to access using URLs
- templates / static: html and css files for the web apps
I also include most of the content that I used:
- model_xxx: saved keras models (best of all epochs for each model)
- history_xxx: training history for each model
- accuracy: plot of the test accuracies for the models
The saved data is not included because the files are too big.
If someone wants only to use the files to predict words, simply type the following line in the command line:
python word -m model
where word is the word that you want to classify and model is either FF, RNN, CNN or CNNsep.
To use the API implemented using flask, just run one of the three files using the command
python app_v??.py
For versions 1 nd 1.1 just go to the link that appears using a web browser and navigate the site. For version 2 you can use a library like requests in python to access the API's data. The necessary inputs are the word to clasify and the model to use. For more detail see the blog post that I wrote:
To train a new model from scratch, start by changing the dictionary of words to search in the file gather_data. Then train the run the rest almost as is. There are a few places where the number of languages and the maximum number of characters are hard coded so it is necessary to look out for that.
The main result is that I am able to achieve an accuracy of 86.5% on the test data using the CNN. More details about the model and the results can be found in my blog post: