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Codable customized using property wrappers library for Swift. Replace the existing HandyJSON at project. 😀


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CocoaPods Compatible CocoaPods Compatible Platform

HollowCodable is a codable customization using property wrappers library for Swift.

  • Make Complex Codable Serializate a breeze with declarative annotations!

Issues with native JSON Codable

  1. It does not support the custom coding key of a certain attribute. Once you have this requirement, either implement all coding keys manually to modify the desired coding key, or you have to set Decoder when decode, which is extremely inconvenient.
  2. Some non-Codable attributes cannot be ignored. The coding key needs to be implemented manually.
  3. Decode does not support multiple coding keys mapping to the same property.
  4. The default values of the model cannot be used, and it is obviously unreasonable to throw missing data errors instead of using the default values in the definition when decode data is missing.
  5. The server deletes an outdated field of the model, and then the old version of the app will fall into an error, even without this field the old version of the client can still work normally, Ought to it's just invalid data display missing.
  6. There is no support for simple type conversions, such as converting 0/1 to false/true, "123" to Int 123, or vice versa, who can ensure that the server will not accidentally modify the field type and cause the app to fail?
  7. Do not support Any property, many times our home page model will have a lot of submodels, but each submodel data structure is not the same, then need to decoding into Any, and then according to the module to confirm the submodel.

ok, All of these issues can be resolved after you use HollowCodable, so you're welcome!

Try to keep the API consistent with HandyJSON to reduce replacement costs.

  • θΏ™θΎΉAPIε°½ι‡δΏζŒδΈŽHandyJSONδΈ€θ‡΄οΌŒε‡ε°‘ζ›Ώζ’ζˆζœ¬!!!😀


  • Immutable: Made immutable via property wrapper, It can be used with other Coding.
struct ImmutableTests: HollowCodable {
    var id: Int
    @Immutable @BoolCoding
    var bar: Bool?
  • IgnoredKey: Add this to an Optional Property to not included it when Encoding or Decoding.
struct IgnoredKeyTests: HollowCodable {
    var ignorKey: String? = "Condy" // Be equivalent to use `lazy`.
    lazy var ignorKey2: String? = "Coi"
  • DefaultBacked: Set different default values for common types.
    • When the missed key or the value is null, will set the default value.
    • This library has built-in many default values, such as Int, Bool, String, Map, Array...
    • If we want to set a different default value for the field.
struct DefaultValueTests: HollowCodable {
    var val: Int // If the field is not an optional, default is 0.
    var boo: Bool // If the field is not an optional, default is false.
    var string: String // If the field is not an optional, default is "".
    var list: [String: Any] // If the field is not an optional, default is [].
    var mapp: [String: Any] // If the field is not an optional, default is [:].


  • Base64Coding: For a Data property that should be serialized to a Base64 encoded String.
struct DataValueTests: HollowCodable {
    var base64Data: Data?
  • Base64DataTransform: Serialized to a base 64 Data encoded String.
struct DataValueTransformTests: HollowCodable {
    var base64Data: Data?
    static var codingKeys: [CodingKeyMapping] {
        return [
            CodingKeys.base64Data <-- "base64_data",
            CodingKeys.base64Data <-- Base64DataTransform(),
And you can customize your own data (de)serialization type with DataValue.


public enum YourData: DataConverter {
    public typealias Value = String
    public typealias FromValue = Data
    public typealias ToValue = String
    public static let hasValue: Value = ""
    public static func transformToValue(with value: FromValue) -> ToValue? {
        // data to string..
    public static func transformFromValue(with value: ToValue) -> FromValue? {
        // string to data..

struct CustomDataValueTests: HollowCodable {
    var data: Data?


  • ISO8601DateCoding: Decodes String or TimeInterval values as an ISO8601 date.
  • RFC2822DateCoding: Decodes String or TimeInterval values as an RFC 2822 date.
  • RFC3339DateCoding: Decodes String or TimeInterval values as an RFC 3339 date.
struct DateValueFormatTests: HollowCodable {
    var iso8601Date: Date? // Now decodes to ISO8601 date.
    var rfc2822Date: Date? // Now decodes RFC 2822 date.
    var rfc3339Date: Date? // Now decodes RFC 3339 date.
  • SecondsSince1970DateCoding: For a Date property that should be serialized to SecondsSince1970.
  • MillisecondsSince1970DateCoding: For a Date property that should be serialized to MillisecondsSince1970.
struct DateValueTimestampTests: HollowCodable {
    var timestamp: Date // Now encodes to SecondsSince1970
    var timestamp2: Date // Now encodes to MillisecondsSince1970

Supports (de)serialization using different formats, like:

struct DifferentDateFormatTests: HollowCodable {
    @DateCoding<Hollow.DateFormat.yyyy_mm_dd, Hollow.Timestamp.secondsSince1970>
    var time: Date? // Decoding use `yyyy-MM-dd`, Encoding use `seconds` timestamp.
  • DateFormatterTransform: Serialized to a custom Date encoded String.
  • ISO8601DateTransform: Serialized to a iso8601 time format Date encoded String.
  • CustomDateFormatTransform: Serialized to a custom Date encoded String.
  • RFC3339DateTransform: Serialized to a RFC 3339 time format Date encoded String.
  • RFC2822DateTransform: Serialized to a RFC 2822 time format Date encoded String.
  • TimestampDateTransform: Serialized to a timestamp Since1970 time Date encoded String/TimeInterval.
struct DateValueTransformTests: HollowCodable {
    var iso8601Date: Date? // Now decodes to ISO8601 date.
    var rfc2822Date: Date? // Now decodes RFC 2822 date.
    var rfc3339Date: Date? // Now decodes RFC 3339 date.
    var timestampDate: Date? // Now decodes seconds Since1970 date.
    static var codingKeys: [CodingKeyMapping] {
        return [
            CodingKeys.iso8601Date <-- ISO8601DateTransform(),
            CodingKeys.rfc2822Date <-- RFC2822DateTransform(),
            CodingKeys.rfc3339Date <-- RFC3339DateTransform(),
            CodingKeys.timestampDate <-- TimestampDateTransform(type: .seconds),
    or compatible HandyJSON use:
    static func mapping(mapper: HelpingMapper) {
        mapper <<< CodingKeys.iso8601Date <-- ISO8601DateTransform()
        mapper <<< CodingKeys.rfc2822Date <-- RFC2822DateTransform()
        mapper <<< CodingKeys.rfc3339Date <-- RFC3339DateTransform()
        mapper <<< CodingKeys.timestampDate <-- TimestampDateTransform()


  • HexColorCoding: For a Color property that should be serialized to a hex encoded String.
    • Support the hex string color with format #RGB、#RGBA、#RRGGBB、#RRGGBBAA.
  • RGBColorCoding: Decoding a red/green/blue to color.
  • RGBAColorCoding: Decoding a red/green/blue/alpha to color.
struct ColorTests: HollowCodable {
    var color: HollowColor?
    var background_color: HollowColor?


  • BoolCoding: Sometimes an API uses an Bool、Int or String for a booleans.
    • Uses <= 0 as false, and > 0 as true.
    • Uses lowercase "true"/"yes"/"y"/"t"/"1"/">0" as true,
    • Uses lowercase "false"/"no"/"f"/"n"/"0" as false.
  • FalseBoolCoding: If the field is not an optional type, default false value.
  • TrueBoolCoding: If the field is not an optional type, default true value.
struct BoolTests: HollowCodable {
    @Immutable @BoolCoding
    var bar: Bool?
    var boolAsInt: Bool? // Uses <= 0 as false, and > 0 as true.
    var boolAsString: Bool?
    var hasD: Bool
    var hasT: Bool


  • EnumCoding: To be convertable, An enum must conform to RawRepresentable protocol.
struct EnumTests: HollowCodable {
    var animal: AnimalType?
    var hasAnimal: AnimalType // When animal is nil, it is Dog. 

// Supports setting custom default values with `CaseDefaultProvider` protocol.
enum AnimalType: String, CaseDefaultProvider {
    case Cat = "cat"
    case Dog = "dog"
    case Bird = "bird"
    // You can set the default value, when animal is nil.
    static var defaultCase: AnimalType {


  • NSDecimalNumberCoding: Decoding the String,Double,Float,CGFloat,Int or Int64 to a NSDecimalNumber property.
struct DecimalNumberTests: HollowCodable {
    var amount: NSDecimalNumber?


  • LosslessStringCoding: Decodes Codable values into their respective preferred types.
  • AutoConvertedCoding: Automatic change of type, like int <-> string, bool <-> string.
struct StringToTests: HollowCodable {
    var doubleToString: String?
    var boolToString: String?
    var int: Int?
    var articleId: ArticleId?
    struct ArticleId: LosslessStringConvertible, Codable {
        var description: String
        init?(_ description: String) {
            self.description = description


  • DictionaryCoding: Support any value property wrapper with dictionary.
  • ArrayDictionaryCoding: Support any value dictory property wrapper with array.
  • ArrayCoding: Support any value property wrapper with array.
  • AnyXCoding: Support any value property wrapper with Any.
"mixDict": {
    "sub": {
        "amount": "52.9",
    "array": [{
        "val": 718,
    }, {
        "val": 911,
    "opt": null

struct AnyValueTests: HollowCodable {
    var mixDict: [String: Any]? // Nested support.
    var mixLiat: [[String: Any]]?
    var anyArray: [Any]?
    var x: Any? // Also nested support.


Supports decoding network api response data.
    "code": 200,
    "message": "test case.",
    "data": [{
        "id": 2,
        "title": "Harbeth Framework",
        "github": "",
        "amount": "23.6",
        "hex_color": "#FA6D5B",
        "type": "text1",
        "timestamp" : 590277534,
        "bar": 1,
        "hasDefBool": 2,
        "time": "2024-05-29 23:49:55",
        "iso8601": null,
        "anyString": 5,
        "background_color": {
            "red": 255,
            "green": 128,
            "blue": 128
        "dict": {
            "amount": "326.0"
        "mixDict": {
            "sub": {
                "amount": "52.9",
            "array": [{
                "val": 718,
            }, {
                "val": 911,
        "list": [{
           "fruit": "Apple",
           "dream": null
        }, {
            "fruit": "Banana",
            "dream": "Night"
    }, {
        "id": 7,
        "title": "Network Framework",
        "github": "",
        "amount": 120.3,
        "hex_color2": "#1AC756",
        "type": null,
        "timestamp" : 590288534,
        "bar": null,
        "hasDefBool": null,
        "time": "2024-05-29 20:23:46",
        "iso8601": "2023-05-23T09:43:38Z",
        "anyString": null,
        "background_color": null,
        "dict": null,
        "mixDict": null,
        "list": null
  • You can used like:
let datas = ApiResponse<[YourModel]>.deserialize(from: json)?.data
Convert between Model and JSON.
json = """
     "name": "Condy",
     "age": 18,
     "time": 590277534

struct YourModel: HollowCodable {
    var uid: Int?
    var age: Int // If the field is not an optional, is 0.
    var named: String? // Support multiple keys.
    var time: Date? // Like to HandyJSON mode `TransformType`.
    static var codingKeys: [CodingKeyMapping] {
        return [
            //CodingKeys.named <-- ["name", "named"],
            ReplaceKeys(location: CodingKeys.named, keys: "name", "named"),
            //CodingKeys.time <-- TimestampDateTransform(),
            TransformKeys(location: CodingKeys.time, tranformer: TimestampDateTransform()),

// JSON to Model.
let model = YourModel.deserialize(from: json)

// Model to JSON
let json = model.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true)

Available Property Wrappers

And support customization, you only need to implement the Transformer protocol.

It also supports the attribute wrapper that can set the default value, and you need to implement the DefaultValueProvider protocol.

Available Transforms

And support customization, you only need to implement the TransformType protocol.

⚠️ Note: At present, the converter only supports Data and Date, in order to be as compatible with HandyJSON as possible.


Booming is a base network library for Swift. Developed for Swift 5, it aims to make use of the latest language features. The framework's ultimate goal is to enable easy networking that makes it easy to write well-maintainable code.

This module is serialize and deserialize the data, Replace HandyJSON.

🎷 Example of use in conjunction with the network part:

func request(_ count: Int) -> Observable<[CodableModel]> {
        .request(callbackQueue: DispatchQueue(label: "request.codable"))
        .compactMap({ $ })
        .observe(on: MainScheduler.instance)
RxSwift deserialized extension.
public extension Observable where Element: Any {
    @discardableResult func deserialized<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> Observable<T> where T: HollowCodable {
        return { element -> T in
            return try T.deserialize(element: element)
    @discardableResult func deserialized<T>(_ type: [T].Type) -> Observable<[T]> where T: HollowCodable {
        return { element -> [T] in
            return try [T].deserialize(element: element)
    @discardableResult func deserialized<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> Observable<ApiResponse<T.DataType>> where T: HasResponsable, T.DataType: HollowCodable {
        return { element -> ApiResponse<T.DataType> in
            return try T.deserialize(element: element)
    @discardableResult func deserialized<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> Observable<ApiResponse<[T.DataType.Element]>> where T: HasResponsable, T.DataType: Collection, T.DataType.Element: HollowCodable {
        return { element -> ApiResponse<[T.DataType.Element]> in
            return try T.deserialize(element: element)


CocoaPods is a dependency manager. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

If you wang using Codable:

pod 'HollowCodable'


The general process is almost like this, the Demo is also written in great detail, you can check it out for yourself.🎷


Tip: If you find it helpful, please help me with a star. If you have any questions or needs, you can also issue.


About the author

Buy me a coffee or support me on GitHub.



Booming is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Codable customized using property wrappers library for Swift. Replace the existing HandyJSON at project. 😀








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