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Copy pathmain.cpp
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#include <iostream>#include "Ksort/BubbleSort.h"#include "Ksort/QuickSort.h"#include "Ksort/InsertSort.h"//#include "Ksort/ShellSort.h"#include "Ksort/SelectionsSort.h"#include "Ksort/HeapSort.h"#include "Ksort/MergeSort.h"#include "BinaryTree/BinaryTree.h"#include "BinaryTree/BinaryTreeUtils.h"#include "BinaryTree/AVLTree/AVLTreeUtils.h"#include "BinaryTree/BRTree/BRtreeHelper.h"#include <ctime>#include <stdlib.h>vector<int> getRandom(int total){ // srand((int)time(NULL)); std::vector<int> input = *new std::vector<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { input.push_back(i); } vector<int> output = *new vector<int>(); int end = total; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { vector<int>::iterator iter = input.begin(); int num = rand()%end; iter = iter+num; cout<<"生成随机数"<< i +1<<":" <<*iter<<endl ; output.push_back(*iter); input.erase(iter); end--; } return output;}void BRtreeTest(){ int MMM = 10000 ; cout <<"红黑随机数测试"<<endl; vector<int> output = getRandom(MMM); BRtree yy = NULL ; for (int i = 0; i < MMM; ++i) { cout<<"插入数据"<< i +1<<":"<< output.at(i)<<endl ; insertBRTree(yy , output.at(i)); logInOrderAVL(yy); } vector<int> output1 = getRandom(MMM); for (int i = 0; i < MMM; ++i) { cout<<"删除"<< i +1<<":"<< output1.at(i)<<endl ; if( i ==16){ cout<<"debug"<<endl; } deleteBRTree(yy , output1.at(i)); logInOrderAVL(yy); cout<<endl; }}int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int ints[10] = {99, 456, 85, 216, 579, 464, 156, 416, 15, 86}; // int ints1[10]= {479, 99 ,86, 77, 156, 216, 416, 456, 464, 478 }; BubbleSort sort; sort.log(ints, 10); cout << "冒泡排序:" << endl; sort.sort(ints, 10); sort.log(ints, 10); QuickSort qSort; cout << "快速排序:" << endl; qSort.sort(ints, 10); qSort.log(ints, 10); InsertSort iSort; cout << "插入排序:" << endl; iSort.sort(ints, 10); iSort.log(ints, 10); // int ints4[10]= {99,456,85,216,579,464,156,416,15,86}; // ShellSort sSort; // cout<<"希尔排序:"<<endl; // sSort.sort(ints4, 10); // sSort.log(ints4, 10); SelectionSort sSort; cout << "选择排序:" << endl; sSort.sort(ints, 10); sSort.log(ints, 10); HeapSort hSort; cout << "堆 排序:" << endl; hSort.sort(ints, 10); hSort.log(ints, 10); //99 456 85 216 464 579 156 416 15 86 11 MergeSort mSort; cout << "归并排序:" << endl; mSort.sort(ints, 10); mSort.log(ints, 10); cout << "二叉树:" << endl; BinaryTree tree = buildTree(ints, 10); cout << "层次遍历:" << endl; logLevel(tree); cout << "前序遍历(递归):" << endl; _logPreOrder(tree); cout << endl; cout << "前序遍历:" << endl; logPreOrder(tree); cout << "中序遍历(递归):" << endl; _logInOrder(tree); cout << endl; cout << "中序遍历:" << endl; logInOrder(tree); cout << "后序遍历(递归):" << endl; _logPostorder(tree); cout << endl; cout << "后序遍历:" << endl; logPostorder(tree); delete tree; cout << "二叉树的查找:" << endl; cout << "数据源:" << endl; mSort.log(ints, 10); cout << "生成二叉查找树(递归):" << endl; BinaryTree tree1 = NULL; _creatTree(tree1, ints, 10); logLevel(tree1); delete tree1; cout << "生成二叉查找树:" << endl; BinaryTree tree2 = NULL; creatTree(tree2, ints, 10); logLevel(tree2); cout << "二叉查找树查找:" << endl; logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 9999)); logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 99)); logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 85)); logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 464)); logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 156)); logTreeNode(searchNode(tree2, 5555)); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -100); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -99); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -2); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, 12); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -1); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -101); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -102); logLevel(tree2); insertNode(tree2, -103); logLevel(tree2); cout << "二叉查找树删除:" << endl; deleteNode(tree2, 99); deleteNode(tree2, 15); deleteNode(tree2, 86); deleteNode(tree2, 579); deleteNode(tree2, 464); deleteNode(tree2, 456); deleteNode(tree2, 85); deleteNode(tree2, 156); deleteNode(tree2, 216); deleteNode(tree2, 416); deleteNode(tree2, 15); deleteNode(tree2, 85); deleteNode(tree2, 86); deleteNode(tree2, 99); deleteNode(tree2, 156); deleteNode(tree2, 216); deleteNode(tree2, 456); deleteNode(tree2, 464); deleteNode(tree2, 759); deleteNode(tree2, 579); logLevel(tree2); delete tree2; cout << "AVL 树:" << endl; AVLTree treeAVL=NULL; cout << "AVL 树的创建:" << endl; creatTreeAVL(treeAVL, ints, 10); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -100); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -99); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -2); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, 12); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -1); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -101); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -102); insertNodeAVL(treeAVL, -103); logLevel(treeAVL); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 15); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 85); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 86); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 99); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 156); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 216); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 456); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 464); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 759); deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, 579); int aa[10] = {-103, -102, -101, -100, -99, -2, -1, 12, 416, 456}; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { deleteNodeAVL(treeAVL, aa[i]); } delete treeAVL; cout<<"红黑二叉树:"<<endl; cout<<"红黑二叉树的创建:"<<endl; BRtree bRtree = NULL ; createBRTree(bRtree,ints,10); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; insertBRTree(bRtree,-20); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; insertBRTree(bRtree,-19); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; insertBRTree(bRtree,-19); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; insertBRTree(bRtree,-17); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; deleteBRTree(bRtree,-10); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; deleteBRTree(bRtree,99); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; deleteBRTree(bRtree,579); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; deleteBRTree(bRtree,216); logBRTree(bRtree); cout<<endl; delete bRtree; int brs[20]; for (int j = 1; j <=20; ++j) { brs[j-1] = j ; } BRtree bRtree1 =NULL ; createBRTree(bRtree1,brs,20); logBRTree(bRtree1); cout<<endl; deleteBRTree(bRtree1,20); logBRTree(bRtree1); cout<<endl; BRtreeTest(); return 0;}