+Before you begin, it is important to understand various styles employed in this book. Please do not skip this section, because it contains important information that will aid you as you read the book.
+ +More code, less words
+Please examine the code examples in detail. The text should be viewed as secondary to the code itself. It is my opinion that a code example is worth a thousand words. Do not worry if youʼre initially confused by explanations. Examine the code. Tinker with it. Reread the code comments. Repeat this process until the concept being explained becomes clear. I hope you achieve a level of expertise such that well- documented code is all you need to grok a programming concept.
+ +Exhaustive code and repetition
+You will probably curse me for repeating myself and for being so comprehensive with my code examples. And while I might deserve it, I prefer to err on the side of being exact, verbose, and repetitive, rather than make false assumptions authors often make about their reader. Yes, both can be annoying, depending upon what knowledge you bring to the subject, but they can also serve a useful purpose for those who want to learn a subject in detail.
+ +Color-coding Conventions
+In the JavaScript code examples (example shown below), orange is used to highlight code directly relevant to the concept being discussed. Any additional code used to support the orange colored code will be green. The color gray in the code examples is reserved for JavaScript comments (example shown below).
+ +<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>