Implementation of a crawler to fetch the latest mortgage rates from Swedish banks and store them, because all the existing comparison websites are always hopelessly out of date and thus ENTIRELY WORTHLESS! Also they don't take offered loan-to-value-ratio discounts into account.
- ✅ Build crawler skeleton with parallel crawlers and appropriate communication channels
- ✅ Implement dummy crawler
- ✅ Implement first real crawler
- 👷 Implement more crawlers
- 🕐 Add persistence layer
- 🕐 Build API to fetch persisted results
- 🕐 Decide on and terraform infrastructure (k8s vs cloud-native?)
- 🕐 Build CI pipeline
- 🕐 Ask someone to help me build a front-end?
# Build binaries (output: ./.build/.artifacts):
make build
# Build container images (image name "bolan"):
make image
# run web server in docker
docker run bolan
# run crawler in docker
docker run bolan --entrypoint /crawler]