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Personal Pronouns


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
I ani אני I am a student אני תלמיד ani talmid
You (m) ata אתה You are my friend (m) אתה חבר שלי ata chaver sheli
You (f) at את You are my friend (f) את חברה שלי at chavera sheli
He hu הוא He is a teacher הוא מורה hu moreh
She hi היא She is a doctor היא רופאה hi rof'ah


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
We anachnu אנחנו We are family אנחנו משפחה anachnu mishpacha
You (pl) (m) atem אתם You are friends (m) אתם חברים atem chaverim
You (pl) (f) aten אתן You are friends (f) אתן חברות aten chaverot
They (m) hem הם They are students (m) הם תלמידים hem talmidim
They (f) hen הן They are students (f) הן תלמידות hen talmidot

Possessive Pronouns


English Pronunciation (m) Hebrew (m) Pronunciation (f) Hebrew (f) Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
My sheli שלי sheli שלי This is my book זה הספר שלי ze ha-sefer sheli
Your (m) shelcha שלך shelach שלך Is this your pen? האם זה העט שלך? ha-im ze ha-et shelcha?
His shelo שלו His car is new המכונית שלו חדשה ha-mechonit shelo chadasha
Her shela שלה Her house is big הבית שלה גדול ha-bayit shela gadol


English Pronunciation (m) Hebrew (m) Pronunciation (f) Hebrew (f) Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
Our shelanu שלנו shelanu שלנו Our children are happy הילדים שלנו שמחים ha-yeladim shelanu smechim
Your (pl) (m) shelachem שלכם shelachen שלכן Your (pl) (m) teacher is nice המורה שלכם נחמד ha-moreh shelachem nechmad
Their (m) shelahem שלהם Their dog is cute הכלב שלהם חמוד ha-kelev shelahem chamud
Their (f) shelahen שלהן Their (f) books are new הספרים שלהן חדשים ha-sefarim shelahen chadashim

Demonstrative Pronouns


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
This (m) ze זה This is a book זה ספר ze sefer
This (f) zot זאת This is a house זאת בית zot bayit


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
These (m) ele אלה These are books אלה ספרים ele sefarim
These (f) ele אלה These are houses אלה בתים ele batim

Reflexive Pronouns


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
Myself atzmi עצמי I see myself in the mirror אני רואה את עצמי במראה ani roeh et atzmi ba-mar'ah
Yourself (m) atzmecha עצמך Take care of yourself (m) תדאג לעצמך tidag le-atzmecha
Yourself (f) atzmech עצמך Take care of yourself (f) תדאגי לעצמך tidagi le-atzmech
Himself atzmo עצמו He talks to himself הוא מדבר לעצמו hu medaber le-atzmo
Herself atzma עצמה She talks to herself היא מדברת לעצמה hi medaberet le-atzma


English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
Ourselves atzmenu עצמנו We help ourselves אנחנו עוזרים לעצמנו anachnu ozrim le-atzmenu
Yourselves (m) atzmechem עצמכם You should take care of yourselves (m) אתם צריכים לדאוג לעצמכם atem tzrichim lidog le-atzmechem
Yourselves (f) atzmechen עצמכן You should take care of yourselves (f) אתן צריכות לדאוג לעצמכן aten tzrichot lidog le-atzmechen
Themselves (m) atzmam עצמם They talk to themselves הם מדברים לעצמם hem medabrim le-atzmam
Themselves (f) atzman עצמן They talk to themselves הן מדברות לעצמן hen medabrot le-atzman

Indefinite Pronouns

English Pronunciation Hebrew Example (English) Example (Hebrew) Example Pronunciation
Someone mishehu מישהו Someone is at the door מישהו בדלת mishehu ba-delet
Something mashehu משהו Something is wrong משהו לא בסדר mashehu lo beseder
Anyone kol echad כל אחד Can anyone help me? מישהו יכול לעזור לי? kol echad yachol la'azor li?
Anything kol davar כל דבר I'll eat anything אני אוכל כל דבר ani ochel kol davar
Everyone hakol הכל Everyone is here כולם כאן hakol kan
Everything hakol הכל Everything is ready הכל מוכן hakol muchan

This markdown file covers the various types of pronouns in Hebrew, including personal, possessive, demonstrative, reflexive, and indefinite pronouns, along with example sentences and their pronunciations.