- (breaking) Drop gradle 5 and 6 support
- Add android projects support (activates for android library and application plugins and use variants (debug, release) instead of source sets)
- Add androidVariants configuration option to use instead of sourceSets in android projects (to define which animalsniffer tasks would run with check task (together with build))
- Add debugAnimalsnifferSources task for debug purposes (shows registered source sets, tasks, plugins)
- Add ability to declare target (java) source sets with strings
(new method in extension: animalsniffer.sourceSets 'main', 'other')
- Update animalsniffer 1.23 -> 1.24
- Fix gradle 8.11 support (#100)
- Fix file report disabling
- Add AnimalSniffer task shortcut for simpler reports configuration
- Update animalsniffer 1.22 -> 1.23
- Plugin requires now JavaBasePlugin instead of JavaPlugin. Required for kotlin multiplatform 1.9.20 activating only base plugin with jvm().withJava() (#84)
NOTE: animalsniffer 1.23 reports problems on fields without line number (but with field name), Plugin output would contain line 1 (default for not defined line)
- Support animalsniffer messages for field violations (#25)
- Always put line number in file report, even if it wasn't declared (consistency with console reporting)
- Fix gradle deprecation warning (#67)
- Skip check task when no signatures configured or no files to check (to differentiate with success execution and easily spot configuration problems)
- Add custom task shortcuts: allow custom build signature and signature info tasks declaration without task package
- Add debug output for check and build tasks (to simplify configuration debugging)
- animalsniffer.debug = true for check tasks
- animalsnifferSignature.debug = true for signature build task
- Update animalsniffer 1.20 -> 1.22 (java 9 support)
- Fix configuration cache support for check tasks (#26)
- Type of sourcesDirs property of AnimalSniffer tasks changed, but it should not be a problem
- Fix formatting messages without source line number
- Remove duplicate animalsniffer messages without line number
- Fix gradle 7 deprecation warnings
- Update animalsniffer 1.18 -> 1.20 (asm 9; java 8 minimum)
- Fix inner/anonymous classes check order: enclosing class must be processed first to correctly apply ignoring annotation (#25)
- Fix source link recognition in IDEA console when multiple signatures used: changed "[Undefined reference (signature)]" to "[Undefined reference | signature]".
- Update animalsniffer 1.16 -> 1.18 (support java > 8)
- (breaking) Gradle 5 compatibility. Plugin now requires gradle 5.x due to gradle api changes (#12)
- Fix build cache support for relocated project (use relative paths for cache keys) (#10). Affects CI builds caching when project checked out into different directories
- Fix maven central and jcenter artifacts (missed dependency)
- Fix ant task errors propagation (errors was silently hidden)
- Fix support for classes with lambdas (retrolambda plugin compatibility) (#7)
- Fix warnings recognition for parallel builds (#3)
- Update animalsniffer 1.15 -> 1.16
- Remove error duplicates after method return type detection (introduced in 1.16)
For example, code line
Paths.get ( " / tmp " );
produce 2 errors: unknown return type (java.nio.file.Path), unknown method (java.nio.file.Path java.nio.file.Paths.get(String, String[])) (note, in 1.15 only second error was shown). To avoid such duplicates, plugin will remove first error (check that current error starts with previous error).
- (breaking) Fix Gradle 4 compatibility for build signature task (due to new gradle outputs resolution restriction):
- Now task use output directory instead of output files, so
can't be used (will return just output directory) Use newtask.outputFiles
method instead (it will also grant dependency on signature task, the same way as outputs do). - Separate output directory used for each task to avoid collisions:
For project signature (configured with animalsnifferSignature configuration), output directory would bebuild/animalsniffer/signature/
. For cache tasks, animalsniffer prefix cut off from task name:build/animalsniffer/cacheMain/
- Now task use output directory instead of output files, so
- Add build signature task and animalsnifferSignature configuration closure
- (breaking) Plugin must be applied after java (groovy) plugin, otherwise it will do nothing
- Add signature name to error message when multiple signatures used for check (for better context identification)
- Add caching mode (for check task): when enabled, extra task added for each source set to compose all provided signatures and jars
into new project-specific signature.
- Speed up subsequent animalsniffer check runs for large classpaths (because of no need to re-read all jars all the time and ability to use smaller signature for checks). Extremely helpful for gradle plugin projects.
- Merge multiple signatures into one (rare case, when 3rd party libraries provide signatures and they must be merged with jdk signature)
- Add cache configuration options
closure:- enabled - to enable cache tasks usage with check tasks (for advanced caching)
- exclude - to exclude not used packages from generated signature and speed up check task (by default, 'sun.*' and repackaged gradle dependencies packages are excluded)
- mergeSignatures - to enable signatures merge (no merge, by default because case is rare)
- Add
configuration options (to simplify small signatures usage):- excludeJars - to be able to exclude jars from check classpath (because library signatures should be used instead)
- signatures - to be able to directly specify signatures for check (e.g. from custom location or output from other task)
- Add SignatureInfoTask to analyze signature (to be able to reduce signature size and speed-up check)
- Prevent other tasks output interception (#3)
- Change console reporting format (to match gradle-quality-plugin format):
- Each error split to source and code lines followed by empty line
- IDE will be able to show link for class reference (clickable) when line number available
- Add ignored classes configuration: extra allowed classes not present in signature
- Gradle 3.0 compatibility
- Gradle 2.14 compatibility
- BREAKING: incompatible with old gradle versions (requires gradle >= 2.14). When used with older version raise compatibility error to avoid confusion.
- Update animalsniffer 1.14 -> 1.15 (fixes NPE bug)
- Initial release