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131 lines (108 loc) · 4.59 KB


  1. 由于安装node-sass易报错,在全局安装容易 npm install -g node-sass --sass-binary-site=
  2. 执行npm install

by xuqinggang


一:problem 1. Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'webpack/hot/dev-server' in /Users/baidu/project/person-project @ multi main

ERROR in multi main Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'webpack-hot-middleware/client' in /Users/baidu/project/person-project @ multi main

resove: 粗心所致 webpack resolve配置中的extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx', '.es6'] 都丢了"." 号,导致无法解析到webpack-hot-middleware/client 模块

2.nodemon 监听了根目录下所有文件的改动了,导致客户端修改文件,服务也被重启

resolve: 进行配置 ignore directory (1) Create a json file named 'nodemon.json' in the root directory (2) { "ignore": ["/client/", "/client/**/", "/client///*"] }

Module build failed: Error: React Hot Loader: The Webpack loader is now exported separately. If you use Babel, we recommend that you remove "react-hot-loader" from the "loaders" section of your Webpack configuration altogether, and instead add "react-hot-loader/babel" to the "plugins" section of your .babelrc file. If you prefer not to use Babel, replace "react-hot-loader" or "react-hot" with "react-hot-loader/webpack" in the "loaders" section of your Webpack configuration.

resolve: Okay, so removing react-hot from the loaders in the Webpack config and then adding react-hot-loader/babel to the .babelrc plugins worked. Here's what those two files now look like for me:

webpack.config.js loaders: [ { test: /.jsx$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loaders: ["babel-loader"] },

.babelrc { "presets": ["react", "es2015"], "plugins": ["react-hot-loader/babel"] }

ERROR in ./client/component/App.jsx Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'style!css' in /Users/baidu/project/person-project/client/component @ ./client/component/App.jsx 11:0-20

reason: webpack.config.js文件中的loaders 配置 loaders: [ test: /.css$/, loaders: [style!css] ]

resolve: webpack.config.js 文件中 module: { loaders: [ { test: /.css$/, loaders: ['style', 'css'] // or loader: 'style!css' } ] }

5.webpackJsonp is not defined 是没有引入CommonsChunkPlugin生成了公共文件导致的 在页面引入生成的公共文件,并且要在其他文件之前引入 6.nodemon nodemon will watch the files in the directory in which nodemon was started 可以利用ignore进行忽略

优化: 1.webpack 生成公共文件

6.scss 文件中 import相对路径的其他文件时,会报错(提示找不到该文件) ex : Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot 解决办法: (1).利用resolve-url-loader { test : /.scss$/, loaders: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'resolve-url-loader', 'sass-loader?sourceMap'] } (2)不在scss文件 导入其他文件 而在js文件中进行import

Module parse failed: G:\web\project\git\person-project\src\app\styles\fonts\font awesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 Unexpected character ' 是webpack没有解析该文件的loader

8.(表述不清)enhanceButton组件,中的focusRipple组件 通过按tab键自动定焦,并产生ripple纹浪。但是设定style transform scale时会短暂停顿一下。 解决方法:利用重排. ( i.e. document.querySelectorAll('.button')[0].onclick = function() { const div = document.createElement('div'); div.className = "test" div.innerHTML = "123";

function addStyle(el) {
  //console.log(el.offsetWidth); = "scale(0.5)";

在注释的情况下,div元素会直接显示出缩小一倍后的状态,没有那种从大缩到一半的动作 但若是去掉注释,加上el.offsetWidth或者其他可以导致重排的动作,则会出现那种状态 (transtion-delay 对这种不好使) )

WARNING in ./src/app/components/shared/internal/EnHanceButton.js There is another module with an equal name when case is ignored. //当忽略大小写的时候 This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other case-semantic. Rename module if multiple modules are expected or use equal casing if one module is expected.

原因:在某处导入 enhanceButton模块的时候,有两处或多处地方导入该模块时,模块名字大小写不一致, 10. node-sass安装报错 执行: npm install -g node-sass --sass-binary-site=