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Mastodon-sciview Bridge (take2)

This is a reincarnation of an earlier project mastodon-sciview by xulman and RuoshanLan, currently in the hands of smlpt. It aims to display data from Mastodon also in sciview (and scenery).

The repository was started during the scenery and sciview hackathon in Dresden (Germany) in June 2023, but most of the code was contributed by xulman shortly afterward, and later converted to Kotlin by smlpt.

[example image here]

How to compile

This project is now a gradle build system project with the official current content on the master branch. It is a gradle project because scenery and sciview are gradle projects and thus it was the most natural choice when developing or contributing to this project.


Since this regime is intended for development of this project and potentially of adding relevant functions in the sciview, which shall be immediately accessible in this project, the gradle settings of this project is instructed to look for local sciview. Therefore, the following layout is expected:

ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2
$ tree -L 2
├── mastodon-sciview-take2
│   ├── build
│   ├── build.gradle.kts
│   ├── gradle
│   ├── gradlew
│   ├── gradlew.bat
│   ├── hs_err_pid9979.log
│   ├── settings.gradle.kts
│   └── src
└── sciview
    ├── build
    ├── build.gradle.kts
    ├── buildSrc
    ├── CITATION.cff
    ├── config
    ├── gradle
    ├── gradlew
    ├── gradlew.bat
    ├── LICENSE.txt
    ├── scripts
    ├── settings.gradle.kts
    ├── src

(Put simply, both this and sciview repositories are next to each other.)


This regime is intended for deployment of this project. The deployment procedure is the following:

  • To make sure the official scenery at v0.9.0 is used, remove local .m2/repository/graphics/scenery/scenery folder
  • To make sure your current local sciview is used, remove local .m2/repository/iview/sc/sciview/ folder, and then
  • Publish your local sciview to local maven .m2 folders as follows
ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2
$ cd sciview

ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2/sciview
$ ./gradlew clean jar publishToMavenLocal
  • Build and assemble a complete runnable setup of this repository as follows
ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2/sciview
$ cd ../mastodon-sciview-take2

ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2/mastodon-sciview-take2
$ ./gradlew clean jar copyDependencies
  • Start the project
ulman@localhost ~/devel/sciview_hack2/mastodon-sciview-take2
$ java -cp "build/libs/mastodon-sciview-bridge-0.9.jar:deps/*" plugins.scijava.StartMastodon_MainKt

or on Windows systems (where : is on Windows replaced with ;)

java -cp "build/libs/mastodon-sciview-bridge-0.9.jar;deps/*" plugins.scijava.StartMastodon_MainKt


Make sure exactly Java 11 is used.

Furthermore, the package versions must match. This repository is especially wanting sciview of a particular version, see below. Either use sciview of that version, or update the version tag in the gradle project files. The version of the currently used sciview can be found in the sciview/settings.gradle.kts, the entry gradle.rootProject.

Known functional versions are:

  • sciview: 0.2.0-beta-9-SNAPSHOT
  • scenery: 0.9.0