English |中文
Add anchor navigation bar to the right of the document page written in Vuepress 2.x
- 2.x.x -> Vuepress 2.x -> npm next -> master branch
- 0.x.x -> Vuepress 1.x -> npm latest -> legacy branch
- Simplify the structure of the left sidebar without losing the function of Title navigation within the page.
- Click anchor label page over scrolling.
- When the page scrolls, the corresponding anchor label follows the highlight.
- Non global component, which can be freely used in the page.
yarn add vuepress-plugin-right-anchor@next
# or
npm i vuepress-plugin-right-anchor@next -D
Add in .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
Add in .vuepress/styles/index.scss
.right-anchor {
--rightAnchorTextColor: var(--c-text);
--rightAnchorFontSize: 14px;
/* Btn */
--rightAnchorBtnTextColor: var(--rightAnchorTextColor);
--rightAnchorBtnBgColor: var(--c-bg);
/* Menu */
--rightAnchorMenuTextColor: var(--rightAnchorTextColor);
--rightAnchorMenuBgColor: var(--c-bg);
/* dark theme */
.dark .right-anchor {
--rightAnchorTextColor: var(--c-text);
--rightAnchorFontSize: 14px;
/* Btn */
--rightAnchorBtnTextColor: var(--rightAnchorTextColor);
--rightAnchorBtnBgColor: var(--c-bg);
/* Menu */
--rightAnchorMenuTextColor: var(--rightAnchorTextColor);
--rightAnchorMenuBgColor: var(--c-bg);
Add in .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
// ...
showDepth: 1,
ignore: [
// more...
expand: {
trigger: 'hover',
clickModeDefaultOpen: true
customClass: 'your-customClass',
Which level of title will be used in the right anchor display. The pointing meaning of the value is the same as themeconfig.sidebardepth.
- Type: null | number
- Default: null
Don't show right-anchor's pages.
- Type: array
- Default: []
About expand configuration of menu.
- Type: object
- trigger: string => The trigger mode of the open menu.
'hover' | 'click'
- clickModeDefaultOpen: boolean => Click mode is default open?
- trigger: string => The trigger mode of the open menu.
- Default:
{ trigger: 'hover', clickModeDefaultOpen: true }
Your customClass for right-anchor.
- Type: null | string
- Default: null
Set front-matter
by vuepress
recommended method in .md
showDepth: 1
trigger: hover
clickModeDefaultOpen: true
customClass: your-customClass